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No alcohol tonight


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My friendly bar owner told me today that he is not selling alcohol tonight.


Different policemen have given him two opposing messages, one that he cannot sell it and one that he can. So he is erring on the side of caution, staying open but only selling sodas, fruit juices and Mocktails.


A happy birthday to you all!

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Saw this on a Hua hin FB page yesterday:neus:

Hi everyone. In respect to the King's Birthday we will be closed tomorrow Friday in adherence to the Alcohol ban. Apologies, but we received notice and must respect Thai Law. Cheers and hope to see all you great people again soon. Should anything change we will let you know ASAP.

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True there has been no announcement on a national level regarding alcohol sales tonight. Instead it has been left to local officials to impose their own whims. A not unusual practice in this country.


When the CM hospitality industry met with the local " those who must be obeyed" last year an attempt was made to draw comparison with Phuket and Pattaya where bar closing at midnight was not so rigidly applied. The response was "CM is different and we do not care what other places are doing"!


And remember when the King died the CM Street markets were immediately banned for a period of weeks when no such bans were applied elsewhere. Only after mass protests by traders who would lose their ability to make a living did the local big shots revise the decision.


This town is in the grip of those who wish to see "ordinary people" treated like children and subjected to rigorous control. Remember this is a red shirt city and not trusted by the be-ribboned rulers in Bkk. Every opportunity to stamp authority is taken, and the law enforcers react accordingly. Mixed messages such as given out regarding tonight only increase the tension on bar owners and magnify the feeling of power among those who call the shots.


And at the end of the day if you ignore the directive you pay the price if  the enforcers visit you during the evening. 

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No-Bar, Rush Bar and Oxide are definitely open tonight, they answered my FB query.  That covers Santitham, Nimmanhamin, and, I think, Chang Phuak (No-Bar is at the Chang Phuak road and superhighway intersection).  I'll wager the places along the river are open as well.  Are there any reports of closings that are not in the old city?

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1 hour ago, XGM said:

Had lunch at Mad Dog a few hours ago, they said they won't sell alcohol today.

Had dinner at Mad Dog today, enjoyed my usual glass of red wine with my pizza. TIT 

word didnt get out?

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Got a Beer in my fav Curry house today on ordering No 2 told sorry no beer today, King Birthday.

Driving back as we passed well known bar south of TP Gate, he was selling beer so no idea on the score.



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17 hours ago, heybruce said:

But, as noted above, police may lean on bars to close. 

Or lean on bars to slip them some dosh in order to stay open.


Most petty thieves are simply opportunists. Then there are the opportunists in uniform.

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