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Visa up date to Australia

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I just up dating for people  interested in taken they thai partner to Australia.

It took just on 8 months from the day of  lodgment to the day we  received the partner visa to Australia.

We were both very happy to have the visa  approved  , lots of paper work and some headaches but it is well worth it , if anyone is looking to do one .

My partner is very happy living in Australia now , she gets free  medicare card and  she gets schooling witch is part of the visa cost ( of the $6,800 cost of her visa, $2,500 go's to her English lesson in Australia , she gets 510 hours to do in 5 years ) .

She can get more schooling after she gets her full time visa.( as she is on a  temporary visa for 2 years) .

Witch I think is so good that the Australia government want new  migrants to lean English.

Plus she can work make her own money, buy home if need be and live free of the stupid  immigration laws which apply to us  foreigners in Thailand  .

She now can help her family out in thailand with sending money home and after time hop she can buy her self a home in thailand.

Before some of you all start having a go at me , I did take her to and from Australia in 2 years to make sure she would be happy living in Australia and yes she did live in the cold months in Melbourne.

We will now travel home to thailand when we feel like it ,  to see family and friends.

I do like thailand and thai people but thailand is not for me to live full time , but I can understand why lots of  foreigners live in thailand full time .

So if anyone It thinking of doing it go for it ,  but do it your self not pay some  agent stupid money to do it for you .


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Don't forget about the second stage of the visa, you have only been granted a temporary Partner visa so far. (unless 
Long term relationship).


Make sure you read the requirements for the second stage and start keeping and collecting evidence. 

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