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Joe Arpaio, 'America's toughest sheriff', found guilty of violating judge's order


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Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of violating judge's order


Joe Arpaio, the controversial former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, has been found guilty of criminal contempt - a federal offence.


He was found to have violated a judge's 2001 order that he cease detaining migrants who are not suspected of having committed a state crime.


Judge Susan Bolton determined that by detaining those living in the US illegally, Mr Arpaio was acting as a de facto wing of the federal government.


Full story:  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40780659

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-08-01
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The odds are probably pretty good, but he isn't going to be sentenced until October and I believe he is appealing.   I don't know if a pardon is applicable while a case is under appeal.  


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1 minute ago, Scott said:

The odds are probably pretty good, but he isn't going to be sentenced until October and I believe he is appealing.   I don't know if a pardon is applicable while a case is under appeal.  


The Constitution gives the President the authority to preemptively pardon someone even before they come to trial.  George H.W. Bush did it for Casper Weinberger and a few others as well, I think.

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The Constitution gives the President the authority to preemptively pardon someone even before they come to trial.  George H.W. Bush did it for Casper Weinberger and a few others as well, I think.

Thanks.   I wasn't sure.  I know Nixon was pardoned before any legal proceedings.  

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He's being sentenced for disobeying a judge who told him to not enforce immigration laws.

Think about that for awhile.  :sleep:


FYI, he's charged with misdemeanor contempt-of-court.  

Edited by connda
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1 hour ago, connda said:

He's being sentenced for disobeying a judge who told him to not enforce immigration laws.

Think about that for awhile.  :sleep:


FYI, he's charged with misdemeanor contempt-of-court.  

Joe Arpio has numerous charges and his enforcement of immigration laws used racial profiling and involved the illegal detention of people who were in the country legally, including people who had a visa, a passport and for no other reason that they were Hispanic.


He detained and stopped people for no other reason than that they didn't look American.   I have a relative married to a Tunisian.   He has been a US citizen for over 45 years.   He has been detained.   She has been stopped while taking her children to school in the morning because the Sheriff's deputy wanted to know if they were US citizens.   Try proving that the 3 kids in the car are yours and that they are citizens.   


All this was happening in a backdrop of major crimes being swept under the rug and not investigated, including sexual assaults.   


He was unceremoniously dumped for a new sheriff who promised to solve crimes and do away with past abuses, of which there are many.   

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42 minutes ago, TheFishman1 said:

I talked to him once he a kinda hard guy but Zi think in his mind he tried to do the right thing

Do the right thing how?  Stopping people because of the way they look?


Think about that for a moment, and imagine the outrage here in Thailand if the cops started to question every foreigner they come across, and demand that they produce documents demonstrating that they are here legally. It happens infrequently now which makes it big news when it does, but with nowhere near the frequency and intensity that Arpaio's cops exhibited.

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4 hours ago, connda said:

He's being sentenced for disobeying a judge who told him to not enforce immigration laws.

FYI, he's charged with misdemeanor contempt-of-court.  


"He's being sentenced for disobeying a judge who told him to not enforce immigration laws."


You are attempting to spread disinformation.


From the OP :

"Joe Arpaio, the controversial former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, has been found guilty of criminal contempt - a federal offence."

"He was found to have violated a judge's 2001 order that he cease detaining migrants who are not suspected of having committed a state crime."



"FYI, he's charged with misdemeanor contempt-of-court."

Nope. Again.

From Arizona news:


Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of criminal contempt of court


"Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s own words were the linchpin in the case against him, his quotes cited more than 20 times in a federal judge's ruling that found him guilty of criminal contempt of court."


"In a verdict filed Monday morning, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton said evidence demonstrated Arpaio’s “flagrant disregard” for another federal judge’s order that halted his signature immigration round-ups."


"The sentencing phase will begin Oct. 5. Arpaio, 85, faces up to six months in confinement, a sentence equivalent to that of a misdemeanor."



(*My emphasis added.)



The former state Sherriff was illegally attempting to act as his own arm of the federal government.

Simple as that.

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3 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

I talked to him once he a kinda hard guy but Zi think in his mind he tried to do the right thing


"In his own mind" Pol Pot thought he was doing the "right thing",

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7 hours ago, Credo said:

Even though he's a little long in the tooth, I have a feeling he will be very popular in his former jail, in the pink underwear he made the prisoners wear.   

That would make my day !!!

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14 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Simple! If you don't like Joe don't go to Arizona.

The "legal" citizen of Arizona love him, or they would not have kept him as sheriff for so long.


Arizona had enough of him when he was clearly exposed as a "birther" crusader/nutter.


On the heels of electoral defeat, Sheriff Joe Arpaio attempts to revive debate over Obama's birth certificate


"Mike Zullo looked tired."

"For five years, he has done the legwork in Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s attempt to prove that President Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent."


"Even as most celebrities and politicians — including President-elect Donald Trump — have abandoned the thoroughly debunked idea that Obama was born somewhere other than the U.S., Arpaio has only dug in harder, with Zullo at his side."


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15 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's a shame the way the lock up criminals in Arizona.

No, the problem was the number of people who were NOT criminals that were detained.   It was also a problem that a large number of serious crimes were not investigated, including a large number of sex crimes, because he was busy on a personal crusade.   

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The Border Patrol has checkpoints 25 miles from the border, and stops and detains people 24/7/365. Joe is a jackass, maybe it is the Bostonian in him, but the Tent jCity did serve as a deterrent, and the bad meth problem could have been worse.  Phoenix is on the brink of becoming an international city, while Albuquerque is becoming a place of chronic poverty, high crime, and intergenerational welfare.  The discovery of the ancient canals by a Confederate soldier is how Phoenix started, but other areas of the State have much nicer climate.

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21 hours ago, Scott said:

The odds are probably pretty good, but he isn't going to be sentenced until October and I believe he is appealing.   I don't know if a pardon is applicable while a case is under appeal.  


Yes they are I think. In fact remember Ford pardoning Nixon for everything known and unknown before he was even charged with anything

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On 8/1/2017 at 8:24 AM, Scott said:

The odds are probably pretty good, but he isn't going to be sentenced until October and I believe he is appealing.   I don't know if a pardon is applicable while a case is under appeal.  


Another point I have to disagree with you about: Arpaio is definitely not appealing.

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Justices are simply politicians in black robes.  Susan Bolton was appointed by Bill Clinton so of course she ruled to throw Joe Arpaio in jail.


If he doesn't die of old age first, Joe will win in an appeal with a conservative judge.

Years ago I saw Joe being interviewed by Katie Couric.  She accused him of reinstating the chain gangs in Arizona.


Joe vehemently denied the charge, pointing out that there were never any chain gangs in Arizona until he became sheriff.  He did not reinstate them; he started them.


Joe was indeed tough on criminals -- some criminals.  Glenn Campbell got popped for a DUI and was said to have served time in Joe's tent city, but a New Times investigation suggested he served his time at a more comfortable air conditioned private cell in Mesa in exchange for the rousing concert at the tent city in honor of Joe.  A similar thing happened to one of the Drinkwaters (influential family in the PHX area).  One them got popped also for DUI, served her sentence at the Mesa facility and lo and behold her father just happened to donate $10,000 to Joe's campaign fund after she was released.


Edited by mesquite
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