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A Family member two year old boy was feeling a bit unwell, just started attended playschool and must have pick something up . Not to serious, slight fiver and common cold symptoms .

   Mother took him to a Gov hospital and they put him on a drip and kept him in for the night

I'm pretty certain that it was just a minor ailment that would have passed within a few days, but how can you disagree with Doctors, especially when kids are involved ?  

   I took my own Son to a private clinic, when he was feeling unwell .

They diagnosed him as having Bronchitis and a few other ailments and prescribed him anti-biotics  for the bronchitis

   Went back five days later and the Doctors prescribed another five day anti biotic course

Ten days on anti biotics !!!!!

I thought that five days is all thats ever required

I looked on-line and found out that Bronchitis cannot even be treated with anti biotics

I came to the conclusion that Doctors prescribe as much medicine as possible, regardless of whether its necessary

    What is one supposed to do ?

Constantly question Doctors and ask them what they are doing ?

  When my Sons mum was pregnant , we were at a private hospital in the kids section and there were sick kids coughing everywhere , sitting next to pregnant Mothers

   Pregnant Mothers catching ailments can cause problems with the pregnancy

I was going to explain to them that pregnant mothers and sick kids should be kept separate

    What can you do though ?

If your kid is sick, you just have to trust Doctors



Kids are always picking up something.


We usually dose them with one or all of these. Sometimes takes a week or more but they have always got over it. (so far)





Bronchitis can be bacterial or vital, if bacterial a prolonged course of antibiotics s usually needed.


Although it depends on the drug used and the condition, most antibiotic treatment entails a 7-10 day course, 5 would be incomplete/too short in most instances (and could contribute to antibiotic resistance).


That said, Thai doctors do tend to overuse antibiotics and drip.

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