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Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Trump Jr., Russian lawyer meeting - sources


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27 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Continuing to very much resemble the Watergate scandal and the path that led to Nixon's resignation.


Then and now, the allegations of wrongdoing started with folks at the edges, and then as pursued, began to reach progressively more and more senior people in the White House, and then the attempted coverups and obstruction of justice, and finally reaching directly to the President himself.


Let's just hope, he ultimately gets what he deserves.



Nixon could carry a speech, though. What would Donald's resignation speech be like?

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14 minutes ago, Morch said:


Nixon could carry a speech, though. What would Donald's resignation speech be like?

"It was witch hunt!  It was fake news!  And I didn't have an inappropriate relationship with that man Putin, although I did let him p*ss all over me!"

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16 minutes ago, Morch said:


Nixon could carry a speech, though. What would Donald's resignation speech be like?

Donald Trump resignation speech? I'm glad you asked. As it happens, and, as is usual with this WH, a draft has been leaked:


This speech is gonna get the biggest ratings ever. You are welcome, TV stations. This is the best resignation in the history of resignations. Everybody says so. 


America doesn't deserve me. I'm finally getting outta this dump of a Whitehouse. Did you see the potty? No gold plating, none at all, how am I supposed to have a decent constitutional, huh? I've been backed up for days. Thank god for my weekend getaways to Mar-a-Lago.


Where was I? Oh, yeah, hamburgers, no wait, electoral college win, yeah, biggest ever. They said it couldn't be done, but you shoulda seen what did at my Mar-a-Lago gold plated potty—it was a doozie.


In conclusion, #MAGA!!!

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Mueller’s Grand Jury Means the Trump-Russia Probe Has Kicked Into High Gear


"This means that for the next 18 months, give or take, the star team that the former FBI director has assembled will be testing several theories of criminality that have emerged in connection with the ever-growing Russia probe."


"As it stands, Mueller’s mandate is broad: He’s authorized to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,”

as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”


"And he may drop the gauntlet of a federal prosecution whenever he deems it “necessary and appropriate.”


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The Original Russia Connection:

Felix Sater has cut deals with the FBI, Russian oligarchs, and Donald Trump. He’s also quite a talker.


"Long before Donald Trump Jr. sat down to talk about kompromat with a group of Kremlin-connected Russians, Sater squired him and Ivanka around on their first business trip to Moscow."


"And long before their father struck up a bizarrely chummy relationship with Vladimir Putin, Sater was the one who introduced the future president to a byzantine world of oligarchs and mysterious money."


"Most recently, in February, the Times reported that Sater had attempted to broker a pro-Russian peace deal in Ukraine, handing a proposal to Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, to pass to Michael Flynn, who was then still the national-security adviser."




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14 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

But he's lying to you!  Why do you believe it?  He's not changing anything.  Except making his family richer...along with his rich friends.

I think Donald is just trying to emulate his hero Vlad.


Do you remember on here somewhere the snippet about how Putin got so incredibly rich. He jailed some top oligarch, all the other Oligarchs went to Putin and said 'how do we avoid pissing you off and going to jail and still getting in to where all the money is', Putin replied - '50%'. Now Trump maybe trying a slightly different technique but results could be the same. He is dishing out all the top jobs to the incredibly rich! Look at the latest Ambassador to the UK, the billionaire owner of a sports team. I wonder what all these billionaires are going to do for Trump. Remember it was Trump that said in one of his pre election rally's that he always made it so that people were in his pocket, and he would always call back the favour.

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GOP strategist Steve Schmidt On MSNBC with Nicole Wallace yesterday:

We worked on two presidential campaigns at high levels and there weren't any Russians around. I don't think there were Russians round the Obama campaign or the Kerry campaign either. This campaign had Russians all over the place!


Wallace added  that it was even weirder that everyone on the Trump campaign couldn't remember meeting any of these Russians.

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


GOP strategist Steve Schmidt On MSNBC with Nicole Wallace yesterday:

We worked on two presidential campaigns at high levels and there weren't any Russians around. I don't think there were Russians round the Obama campaign or the Kerry campaign either. This campaign had Russians all over the place!


Wallace added  that it was even weirder that everyone on the Trump campaign couldn't remember meeting any of these Russians.


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11 hours ago, Thakkar said:

John Cleese (@JohnCleese)

4/8/2017, 7:45 PM

Delighted but surprised that President Trump's personal lawyers have announced they will co-operate fully with Witch-Hunter General Mueller

Lawyers are required to lie, loud and often, as part of their job description.  Yet, Trump's lawyers take lying to new lows.  It's so obvious to all, except Trumpsters who either don't care, or take pride in their hero lying every day.   Now Trump and all WH staff are on 3 week vacations, perhaps to hone up on their lying skills.  

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White House as crime scene: how Robert Mueller is closing in on Trump:  On Russia, the president can feel the net closing


"The legal net around Donald Trump’s beleaguered presidency tightened dramatically this week with news that a grand jury has been established a few hundred yards from the White House, to pursue evidence of collusion with the Kremlin."


"The convening of a separate grand jury in Washington suggests the Mueller team – working in a suite of offices a few blocks’ walk from where the 20-odd jurors sit – is going to be making extensive use of it."


"It will not be hospitable terrain for the president, Trump won only 4% of the vote in the District of Columbia."



Donnie, all those people you've insulted, disrespected and LIED to are going to roast you and serve you up for breakfast.

And rightfully so.

It's only just beginning.


This foul, inept, pathetic excuse of a human will go down as the most disgraced president in American history.

And his colluding brethren will be eradicated as well.


Then, America will be great once again.

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6 minutes ago, iReason said:

White House as crime scene: how Robert Mueller is closing in on Trump:  On Russia, the president can feel the net closing


"The legal net around Donald Trump’s beleaguered presidency tightened dramatically this week with news that a grand jury has been established a few hundred yards from the White House, to pursue evidence of collusion with the Kremlin."


"The convening of a separate grand jury in Washington suggests the Mueller team – working in a suite of offices a few blocks’ walk from where the 20-odd jurors sit – is going to be making extensive use of it."


"It will not be hospitable terrain for the president, Trump won only 4% of the vote in the District of Columbia."



Donnie, all those people you've insulted, disrespected and LIED to are going to roast you and serve you up for breakfast.

And rightfully so.

It's only just beginning.


This foul, inept, pathetic excuse of a human will go down as the most disgraced president in American history.

And his colluding brethren will be eradicated as well.


Then, America will be great once again.

Pace yourself, buddy.

Many are eager to see the man face justice.

But the wheels of justice grind slowly, as they should.

There's many a slip twist cup and lip. Mueller seems slow and methodical, so little chance of a slip, but you never know. Nixon escaped true justice for a pretty sever crime while Clinton got impeached for lying about an extramarital tryst. And Bush,  Cheney and Rumsfeld, the war criminals are sitting pretty on the sculls of hundreds of thousands.


Almost makes me want to believe that there are consequences in an afterlife.


Don't screw up, Mueller.







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9 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Nixon escaped true justice for a pretty sever crime while Clinton got impeached for lying about an extramarital tryst.

And Bush,  Cheney and Rumsfeld, the war criminals are sitting pretty on the sculls of hundreds of thousands.


The cretin Nixon was run out of office. In disgrace.

40 of his government officials were indicted or jailed.

And for nowhere near the magnitude and multitude of allegations that the inept one and his crew are facing.


Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were never investigated.

Consequently, that sentiment is irrelevant. Moot.


And Bill?

A blow job.


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Exclusive: FBI tracked 'fake news' believed to be from Russia on Election Day


"In the months leading up to Election Day, Twitter and Facebook were the feeding grounds for viral "news" stories floating conspiracies and hoaxes, many aimed at spreading negative false claims about Hillary Clinton."


"On Election Day, dozens of agents and analysts huddled at a command center arrayed with large monitoring screens at the FBI headquarters in Washington watching for security threats, according to multiple sources."


"That included analysts monitoring cyber threats, after months of mounting Russian intrusions targeting every part of the US political system, from political parties to policy think-tanks to state election systems."




I wonder if the head of the digital campaign operation was aware of these nefarious occurrences.  I would assume he would be alarmed and report this to the F.B.I.


Naa, I guess not...


Report: Investigators turn to Kushner's digital campaign operation

"Investigators are looking into whether the Trump campaign's digital operations, led by son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, helped direct the Russians to use their advanced cyber voter targeting technology to attack Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton throughout voting jurisdictions in key states last year, McClatchy DC reported Wednesday."


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26 minutes ago, iReason said:

Exclusive: FBI tracked 'fake news' believed to be from Russia on Election Day


"In the months leading up to Election Day, Twitter and Facebook were the feeding grounds for viral "news" stories floating conspiracies and hoaxes, many aimed at spreading negative false claims about Hillary Clinton."


"On Election Day, dozens of agents and analysts huddled at a command center arrayed with large monitoring screens at the FBI headquarters in Washington watching for security threats, according to multiple sources."


"That included analysts monitoring cyber threats, after months of mounting Russian intrusions targeting every part of the US political system, from political parties to policy think-tanks to state election systems."




I wonder if the head of the digital campaign operation was aware of these nefarious occurrences.

I would assume he would be alarmed and report this to the F.B.I.


Naa, I guess not...


Report: Investigators turn to Kushner's digital campaign operation

"Investigators are looking into whether the Trump campaign's digital operations, led by son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner,

helped direct the Russians to use their advanced cyber voter targeting technology to attack Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton throughout voting jurisdictions in key states last year, McClatchy DC reported Wednesday."



This NYT piece is a must read. In connection to above, here's an interesting tidbit:


They have also asked about the White Canvas Group, a data-mining company that was reportedly paid $200,000 by the Trump campaign for unspecified services. The Flynn Intel Group shared office space with the White Canvas Group, which was founded by a former Special Operations officer who was a friend of Mr. Flynn’s.


( https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/04/us/politics/robert-mueller-michael-flynn-turkey.html?_r=0 )


Now, that looks like a fruitful direction for a collusion investigation.


And then there's this:


Former national security adviser Michael Flynn in April told friends that he remains in contact with President Trump despite the ongoing investigation into Flynn's contact with Russia, according to a new report.


( http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/334053-flynn-says-trump-told-him-to-stay-strong-report )

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On 8/4/2017 at 9:57 AM, craigt3365 said:

this is an excellent article if you want to understand the current grand jury and if there were any laws broken.  Not enough is known now, but it doesn't look good for the Junior.




Unfortunately 45 can pardon whomever he wants. I suspect there could be numerous pardons issued. Hope him and his regime move to Russia or Hades.

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1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

Unfortunately 45 can pardon whomever he wants. I suspect there could be numerous pardons issued. Hope him and his regime move to Russia or Hades.

He can indeed issue pardons - but only for Federal crimes. Much of the activity in question, both in the campaign and in the Trump Organization, took place in or is strongly linked to New York, which has a multitude of statutes which would be relevant. The state Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, is already all over some of the Trump transgressions, and I can well imagine he is salivating at the thought of even more investigations and prosecutions if Trump pulls the pardons trigger for the Federal cases.


And if that happens, it will not be a Club Fed for serving time - it will be Attica, Auburn, etc.

Edited by WaywardWind
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On 8/4/2017 at 9:57 AM, craigt3365 said:

this is an excellent article if you want to understand the current grand jury and if there were any laws broken.  Not enough is known now, but it doesn't look good for the Junior.




president's son in jail; bit on the odd side

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Looks like yet another fish in Mueller's net:


John Schindler (@20committee)
#NSA friends tell me they have Hannity in OPERATIONAL calls with known RIS agents. Team Mueller has it all. He is going down. SAD!
Schindler worked counter intelligence at NSA
If true, that would be deliciously delicious. I hate Hannity, the little weasel who defended water boarding, said it wasn't torture, offered to go through it himself for charity, then chickened out.
Here is his changing stance on Trump/Russia:
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11 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Looks like yet another fish in Mueller's net:


John Schindler (@20committee)
#NSA friends tell me they have Hannity in OPERATIONAL calls with known RIS agents. Team Mueller has it all. He is going down. SAD!
Schindler worked counter intelligence at NSA
If true, that would be deliciously delicious. I hate Hannity, the little weasel who defended water boarding, said it wasn't torture, offered to go through it himself for charity, then chickened out.
Here is his changing stance on Trump/Russia:

I can's stand this SOB either along with a few other "spin defenders." Not sure which one I despise most. 

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2 hours ago, dutchisaan said:
20 hours ago, ballpoint said:

I'm sure that knowing the warder has a picture of your father on his wall would make things easier.

You mean, that picture the warden use as dartboard?

Trump's photo has a dual purpose:

As a dartboard for his detractors


As jackoff material for his acolytes 


Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 



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