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Blood Needed -- A RH Negative


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There is a request for blood type A Rh for an expat patient currently awaiting surgery at St. Louis Hospital in BKK.   The surgery has been delayed because of insufficient blood.   Please feel free to donate at National Blood Services, Thai Red Cross mobile Stations or Regional Blood Services in Provinces.   Those interested in donating for this patient can reference  HN 60-22818, St. Louis Hospital.


 On behalf of the family, we thank you for your cooperation.  


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This is an all too common problem in Thailand (and other parts of Asia)with certain blood types.  Suggest that Thai Visa with the help of volunteers somehow develop and control a "blood bank" not meaning to physically draw and store blood but coordinate the location of banks of "O" negative (the universal donor) as well as the other rare types.  I know that this is unreasonable request or suggestion but this is too common a life or death problem that should have a better solution than what currently exisits.

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59 minutes ago, VegasExpat said:

This is an all too common problem in Thailand (and other parts of Asia)with certain blood types.  Suggest that Thai Visa with the help of volunteers somehow develop and control a "blood bank" not meaning to physically draw and store blood but coordinate the location of banks of "O" negative (the universal donor) as well as the other rare types.  I know that this is unreasonable request or suggestion but this is too common a life or death problem that should have a better solution than what currently exisits.

Problem is A neg is a rare blood type here nothing can be done about that. Cant magicup something thats not there. I suspect most on here know where and when the blood service of Thailand operate in there area. As i said more than willing to take my blood (where as in UK at my age they turn you away.) Logistics are my 1 pint of blood once proceed what do they do spend however much it would cost to fly it or car it to a certain hospital that has a patient that needs it? Now a better way would be to do just that and recharge the patient requiring it who would then get there insurance to pay. If of course there was any insurance. Which is why i am for a compulsory insurance for all visitors and expats. A very basic one which would cover basic treatment which if you require blood to would come under thst insurance. 

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8 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

I have just learned that the hospital has enough donors for them to do his needed surgery and it is now scheduled for tomorrow.

Thanking everybody for their help.

Not meaning to split hairs but I think he was getting the knife today. Can only wish him the best.


A few other points, I am told that "neg" blood is virtually unheard of in Thailand, anything neg is very rare. The Thai Red Cross will not accept new donors over 60 or any over70. Alist of donors particularly in the rarer groups was created years ago but nevet heard of it being used.

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2 hours ago, rott said:

Not meaning to split hairs but I think he was getting the knife today. Can only wish him the best.


A few other points, I am told that "neg" blood is virtually unheard of in Thailand, anything neg is very rare. The Thai Red Cross will not accept new donors over 60 or any over70. Alist of donors particularly in the rarer groups was created years ago but nevet heard of it being used.

Im over 60 and the red cross did accept me as a new donor. 

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