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Trump condemns 'hate' after protest violence in Virginia


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51 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Which bunch of activists chanted about killing Cops? Could some of you smart fellas help me out.


At the ethno-state advocating, White Supremacist, KKK, anti-semitic neo-Nazi rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia?


No one. None.


Unless some smart fella can help me out with evidence of that.


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Neo-Nazi and Ethno-State Advocate, Christopher "Crybaby" Cantwell's profile:




"On his show and in mordant essays published on his website Christophercantwell.com, this 36-year-old self-proclaimed fascist – whose style borrows from such mainstream shock jocks as Howard Stern and Opie and Anthony — argues for an Anglo ethno state free of African-Americans, Jews and non-white immigrants, save, perhaps, for the occasional exception."


"Cantwell has called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, and, in previous years, for the assassination of ordinary law enforcement officers and other government workers."


“My goal here is to normalize racism,”  he explained to Hatewatch in one of two interviews for this profile.”




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2 hours ago, iReason said:

Neo-Nazi and Ethno-State Advocate, Christopher "Crybaby" Cantwell's profile:




"On his show and in mordant essays published on his website Christophercantwell.com, this 36-year-old self-proclaimed fascist – whose style borrows from such mainstream shock jocks as Howard Stern and Opie and Anthony — argues for an Anglo ethno state free of African-Americans, Jews and non-white immigrants, save, perhaps, for the occasional exception."


"Cantwell has called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, and, in previous years, for the assassination of ordinary law enforcement officers and other government workers."


“My goal here is to normalize racism,”  he explained to Hatewatch in one of two interviews for this profile.”





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Lawmakers force Trump to formally condemn white supremacists


"A day after the Senate easily passed legislation condemning last month's violent white supremacithe House passed it on a voice vote Tuesday evening."


"The House version was introduced last week by Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.), a conservative freshman who represents Charlottesville, and Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.); It has the backing of Virginia's entire delegation of seven Republicans and four Democrats."


"The resolution also urges Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate any acts of violence or domestic terrorism perpetrated by white supremacists."




S. J. RES. 

"Condemning the violence and domestic terrorist attack that took place during events between August 11 and August 12, 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, recognizing the first responders who lost their lives while moni- toring the events, offering deepest condolences to the families and friends of those individuals who were killed and deepest sympathies and support to those individuals who were injured in the attack, expressing support for the Charlottesville community, rejecting White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups, and urging the President and the President’s Cabinet to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups."


"Whereas, on the night of Friday, August 11, 2017, a day before a White nationalist demonstration was scheduled to occur in Charlottesville, Virginia, hundreds of torch-bearing White nationalists, White supremacists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis chanted racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-immigrant slogans and violently engaged with counter-demonstrators on and around the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville; "


"Whereas the extremist demonstration turned violent, culminating in the death of peaceful counter-demonstrator Heather Heyer and injuries to 19 other individuals after a neo-Nazi sympathizer allegedly drove a vehicle into a crowd, an act that resulted in a charge of second degree murder, 3 counts of malicious wounding, and 1 count of hit and run; "




Certified Domestic Terrorists and Extremist Hate Groups.

Hear hear!



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Very thought provoking article in The Atlantic this month.


It ask the question if Trump was elected by a working class angry about globalisation and lack of a piece of the "pie" why did only white working class people (in fact a majority in all white demographics ) support him so overwhelming and not the brown and black working class?





 The focus on one subsector of Trump voters—the white working class—is puzzling, given the breadth of his white coalition. Indeed, there is a kind of theater at work in which Trump’s presidency is pawned off as a product of the white working class as opposed to a product of an entire whiteness that includes the very authors doing the pawning. 


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Very thought provoking article in The Atlantic this month.


It ask the question if Trump was elected by a working class angry about globalisation and lack of a piece of the "pie" why did only white working class people (in fact a majority in all white demographics ) support him so overwhelming and not the brown and black working class?









 The focus on one subsector of Trump voters—the white working class—is puzzling, given the breadth of his white coalition. Indeed, there is a kind of theater at work in which Trump’s presidency is pawned off as a product of the white working class as opposed to a product of an entire whiteness that includes the very authors doing the pawning. 






Good piece. Unfortunately Trump supporters ( and others ) will never read it.


Hits the nail on the head on so many points, including:


“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes,” charged the celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, “is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now.”


I've recognized this ( and been guilty of it) for years. Their loathing of Hollywood elites and liberals is palatable. The Tom Hardy character in Revenant, being played by an English man only adds insult to injury.




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Daily Stormer binned by yet another registrar, due to business risks


"easyDNS has refused to host the site, which has already been binned by GoDaddy after activists pointed out the site had a long history of publishing hate speech and took its rhetoric to new lows with exceptionally vulgar remarks about Heather Heyer, the woman killed when a man Police have identified as James Alex Fields drove his car into a crowd of anti-racism protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia."


"Once GoDaddy binned the site it went registrar-shopping, only for Google and a registrar called Namecheap to also refuse service."


"Content delivery network (CDN) provider Cloudflare provided its services to the site until the Stormer said it only did so because it sympathised with the Stormer's politics, at that point Cloudflare decided to part ways with the site."




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"Andrew Anglin is the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, which aptly takes its name from the gutter Nazi propaganda sheet known as Der Stürmer."


“Jews, Blacks and lesbians will be leaving America if Trump gets elected—and he’s happy about it, this alone is enough reason to put your entire heart and soul into supporting this man.”


“The day is coming when we’re going to tear down the hoax Holocaust memorial in Berlin and replace it

with a statue of Hitler 1,000 feet tall.”




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23 minutes ago, iReason said:



"Andrew Anglin is the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, which aptly takes its name from the gutter Nazi propaganda sheet known as Der Stürmer."


“Jews, Blacks and lesbians will be leaving America if Trump gets elected—and he’s happy about it, this alone is enough reason to put your entire heart and soul into supporting this man.”


“The day is coming when we’re going to tear down the hoax Holocaust memorial in Berlin and replace it

with a statue of Hitler 1,000 feet tall.”






this " MAKA" base line  ...  



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Johnny Cash Label Sends Cease-and-Desist to White Nationalist Radio Show

"A white supremacist website will stop using Johnny Cash's cover of Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down" as the theme of its weekly radio broadcasts after Universal Music and American Recordings sent a cease-and-desist letter to the hate-based organization."


"Stormfront Radio, the weekly radio show for the white supremacist site Stormfront, stopped using Cash's version of the Petty tune in early September after receiving legal action from the labels, NPR reports."


"In the cease-and-desist letter, obtained by NPR, Universal Music accused Stormfront Radio of "unlawfully exploiting" the song; since Cash's "I Won't Back Down" is the show's theme music, it features in hundreds of archived and downloadable episodes of Stormfront Radio."






Copyright infringement.

The occupier of the White House illegally used many songs from a wide variety of artists in the same manner throughout his campaign.



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There is no such thing as a good Trump voter


As s if any further evidence was needed, the last few weeks have provided ample proof to arrive at a single conclusion: There is no such thing as a good Trump voter. This may be a hard pill to swallow for those with loved ones who voted for Trump. “But she’s such a sweet grandma,” you might think, or, “My father spends his spare time rescuing kittens from trees.”


In the best-case scenario, Trump support is the result of extraordinary gullibility, massive ignorance of how the world works and disenchantment with the system. But we know by now that none of those excuses get to the heart of the matter. Trying to rationalize the Trump voter is what good people do. And good people do not vote for Trump.



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There is no such thing as a good Trump voter
As s if any further evidence was needed, the last few weeks have provided ample proof to arrive at a single conclusion: There is no such thing as a good Trump voter. This may be a hard pill to swallow for those with loved ones who voted for Trump. “But she’s such a sweet grandma,” you might think, or, “My father spends his spare time rescuing kittens from trees.”
In the best-case scenario, Trump support is the result of extraordinary gullibility, massive ignorance of how the world works and disenchantment with the system. But we know by now that none of those excuses get to the heart of the matter. Trying to rationalize the Trump voter is what good people do. And good people do not vote for Trump.

Nailed it.

"The county I grew up in, like so many others, pulled the lever for Trump because the people who live there are generally sexist, racist, homophobic and resentful of any minority group who has even dipped a toe into the pool of equality."

Trump supporters are a complete write-off. Treat them as such.

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