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After criticism, White House says Trump condemns KKK, neo-Nazis


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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:
6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

.. this is about mothereffing NAZIS marching shamelessly in an American city in 2017 and then legitimately feeling that THE PRESIDENT has their back!!



wow…pure and dangerous speculation.

Fact: they are Nazis, objectively and self-identified as Nazis by their slogans and flags.

fact: they were marching shamelessly

fact: it was an American city

fact: it is 1017

fact: on their own website, daily stormer they said the president "didn't attack us. Really really good. God bless him"

fact: Trump did not condemn them. They agreed he did not condemn them. They praised him for not condemning them.


What's dangerous is willfully ignoring the creeping fascism coming  from the very top of the administration.

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Everyone crying foul but when the Muslims start marching demanding Sharia Law be implemented what should the President do then? Support freedom of religion/speech or condemn it?  Bottom line is talk is talk and it's protected under the Constitution.  Running people over with cars is not.  However when the KKK breaks the law or the liberal protestors rip down a confederate statue in Durham, you enforce it.  I would no more need my President to condemn speech then I would need him to declare morning when the sun comes up every day.  It's overstating the obvious.

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5 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Fact: they are Nazis, objectively and self-identified as Nazis by their slogans and flags.

fact: they were marching shamelessly

fact: it was an American city

fact: it is 1017

fact: on their own website, daily stormer they said the president "didn't attack us. Really really good. God bless him"

fact: Trump did not condemn them. They agreed he did not condemn them. They praised him for not condemning them.


What's dangerous is willfully ignoring the creeping fascism coming  from the very top of the administration.

I condemn you.  Do you give a crap? I didn't think so.  Your petals are wilting lily.

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10 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Well, I believe he writes his own Tweets, unless you are naive enough to think he gets someone else to come up with all the drivel and lies they contain. And we were talking about a single line here, not a full speech. Obviously someone else wrote this though, as he isn't capable of such loquaciousness. Which was the point of my original post in the first place.

Touché! Those tweets he sends from the toilet at 4 AM are pure retard and straight from his head!

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Just now, Thakkar said:

Are  *you* The President?  

Bottom line is your lack of objectivity precludes you from thinking clearly.  If he says nothing, you hate him, if condemns the KKK, it's not strong enough, if he nukes the KKK, he should have done it sooner.  No one wants to hear your one sided crap just because you would have preferred a career criminal who sold the State Department to the highest bidders get the job.  Sour grapes.  Get over it.

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8 minutes ago, csabo said:

Everyone crying foul but when the Muslims start marching demanding Sharia Law be implemented what should the President do then? Support freedom of religion/speech or condemn it?  Bottom line is talk is talk and it's protected under the Constitution.  Running people over with cars is not.  However when the KKK breaks the law or the liberal protestors rip down a confederate statue in Durham, you enforce it.  I would no more need my President to condemn speech then I would need him to declare morning when the sun comes up every day.  It's overstating the obvious.

So you are of the Neville Chamberlain school... good to know.

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5 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

What's dangerous is willfully ignoring the creeping fascism coming  from the very top of the administration.


Are you kidding?


As an example look at the microcosm of the TV Neo-Nazi apologist brigade in lock step here.


With many guest appearances from the otherwise occupied and stalwart "muzzie" bashers.

No "Muzzie" thread going on so, this is too inviting for them not to crawl into.

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1 minute ago, mikebike said:

So you are of the Neville Chamberlain school... good to know.

I support free speech so that makes me "of the Neville Chamberlain school"?  Your logic is mesmerizing truly.  Do you even know what you are talking about?  Wait is this John McCain?  Is your tumor acting up?

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2 minutes ago, csabo said:

Bottom line is your lack of objectivity precludes you from thinking clearly.  If he says nothing, you hate him, if condemns the KKK, it's not strong enough, if he nukes the KKK, he should have done it sooner.  No one wants to hear your one sided crap just because you would have preferred a career criminal who sold the State Department to the highest bidders get the job.  Sour grapes.  Get over it.

Clear thinking requires immediate, unambiguous condemnation of bigoted white Supremacist Nazis.

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Just now, csabo said:

I support free speech so that makes me "of the Neville Chamberlain school"?  Your logic is mesmerizing truly.  Do you even know what you are talking about?  Wait is this John McCain?  Is your tumor acting up?

I'll let Thakkar answer:

Just now, Thakkar said:

Clear thinking requires immediate, unambiguous condemnation of bigoted white Supremacist Nazis.


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3 minutes ago, iReason said:
19 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

What's dangerous is willfully ignoring the creeping fascism coming  from the very top of the administration.


Are you kidding?

Ok, creepy, not creeping. ?

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54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Enough with the baseball bats. Just a distraction. The Nazis were there to promote the most vile racist message imaginable.

The counter protesters were there to oppose them. There is no moral equivalence. Nazis are always the bad guys except to other Nazis.


We're in a very dark time indeed when the president needs to be pressured to condemn Nazis. Obviously reluctantly.




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23 minutes ago, csabo said:

I would no more need my President to condemn speech then I would need him to declare morning when the sun comes up every day.


Not condemning vile behavior is tacitly the same as supporting it.  Evil men take their queues from the words that good men don't speak.

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1 hour ago, Propellerhead said:

They were itching for a fight and are proud they inflicted casualties.





Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Just need to listen to the Nazi at the very end. Anybody supporting or attempting to defend this scum should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

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33 minutes ago, attrayant said:




Plucked eyebrows?  Now there's an interesting choice of makeup to go along with your army-man costume.

Haha! Real Einsatzgruppen (task forces) these boys!!

Edited by Grouse
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56 minutes ago, csabo said:

Everyone crying foul but when the Muslims start marching demanding Sharia Law be implemented what should the President do then? Support freedom of religion/speech or condemn it?  Bottom line is talk is talk and it's protected under the Constitution.  Running people over with cars is not.  However when the KKK breaks the law or the liberal protestors rip down a confederate statue in Durham, you enforce it.  I would no more need my President to condemn speech then I would need him to declare morning when the sun comes up every day.  It's overstating the obvious.

Trump makes a point of naming and condemning MUSLIM ( wrong of course because it should be Islamist ) terrorists yet doesn't do likewise with Nazi terrorists. Why do you think that is ?

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53 minutes ago, csabo said:

Bottom line is your lack of objectivity precludes you from thinking clearly.  If he says nothing, you hate him, if condemns the KKK, it's not strong enough, if he nukes the KKK, he should have done it sooner.  No one wants to hear your one sided crap just because you would have preferred a career criminal who sold the State Department to the highest bidders get the job.  Sour grapes.  Get over it.

Staggering hypocrisy , you need to look in the mirror more often.

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Truth is the statue IS historical revisionism. Robert E Lee never stepped foot in Charlottesville. Around the Civil War most people in that part of Virginia, were enslaved African Americans. The statues were put there in the 1920's to celebrate Jim Crow and terrorize blacks. No need for it to be in the center of a public square in 2017.




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