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Gut banding/sleeving


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Yes I know the too fat forum, but looking at surgical rather than diet.   Could look at picture of chocolate bar and put 2kg on,my metabolism is completely shot through, been like this for a while,weight never comes off,gym,too damned hard, takes 20 mins to get HR up over 140 by then I'm knackered,swimming an utter waste of time,but I do it just for exercise,now going nuclear and looking at gut reduction. A relatively cheap and simple surgery and hopefully successful one , anybody been in same boat/had it done?

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1 hour ago, simon43 said:

Teddog, can you please give a very brief summary of your typical food and drink consumption in a day?

  • Never have drunk or ate much in a day, brekkie?cup coffee couple rounds of toast, afternoon whatever special at the restaurant, maybe 2 bottles of beer, that's it, but weight has mushroomed lately, starve it off  OK, weight comes down quickly, but life's for living and hate permanent starvation.  Idea of banding sounds OK .  People around me eat/drink much more but wafer thin, it is metabolism ,I'm sure of that, but kick starting it would be nice, but drastic measures called for now  ,was up to 2 kilometers a half hour swimming up until a year or so ago, but old age creeping up on me now, calm it down now
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1 hour ago, tonray said:

It's really about diet, you do not have to exercise like a maniac.


Absolutely.  Exercise is useless for weight loss.  You have to run for ages to burn off a single cupcake or bottle of beer.


Undoubtedly, your calorie intake is greater than your calorie expenditure.  That's why you've put on weight (assuming no other medical condition such as oedema).  You need to eat less, and more healthily.


Yes, your metabolism plays a part, but it's pointless trying to excuse yourself because your metabolism is more efficient.


All a gastric band is going to do is force you to eat less.  If you can do that through will power, you'll save yourself a fair bit of money, plus you'll have the option for an occasional binge, which you won't have if you get a band.  (Or if you do, the band will burst.)

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