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Find these brazen bikini blaggers - Krabi police hunt foreign women thieves


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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

He clearly stated 'they look like'...  thus, its quite obvious that in Xonax's opinion, he thinks they look as if they 'could' originate from Eastern Europe, possibly Russia... Its not a conclusion its an opinion on a web-forum on which many opinions are expressed... and sometimes shot down by someone being critical and offering nothing of benefit whatsoever to the discussion / topic. 


Back on Topic - I think they look as if they could be from the UK.


I'd hazard a guess and suggest that far more has been stollen by locals, but that wouldn't make a decent enough Facebook rant or reach the news.


It's a shame this is happening as some here in Thailand love nothing more than to revel in some xenophobic criticism,


Fortunately the majority of Thai's are smart enough to judge us each based on our own individual merit, I hope this doesn't change and we become tarred by the same brush as these thieving miscreants.


There IS quite a bit of xenophobia, and I suspect it is largely instigated by "the powers", with such slogans as "good guys in, bad guys out".
I do not think anybody disagrees about "bad guys out", but the implications are that foreigners are a huge problem and ignores the plethora of gang violence at the academies, REALLY sucky driving, rampant corruption, etc.

Every time I go into a 7/11 or Tesco Express I am dogged by employees who find a sudden need to straighten the shelves in whatever part of the store I am shopping in, or peering over the top from the next aisle over.
It is not because of my Tom Cruise good looks, I suspect.
Somebody has put the wind up their kilts about farangs shoplifting. As in this article obviously there are some, but is it really endemic?

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3 hours ago, Lupatria said:

After the raid of a Bangkok restaurant selling cobras by 20 cops, they will need 50 of them Sherlock's to solve this case while those who stole millions live untouched in their hood.

In other words you just see it as okey, when foreigners come to Thailand and steal, behaving badly. You probably would have another opinion if there had been Thais doing the same.

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4 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

As you said they "could"

but they could also  be from the following countries :whistling: :Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, and last United Kingdom (too yes)

but to be honest, I am not sure 100%, I have still 2/3 others in mind but less likely:crazy:

Can't see them being from Liechtenstein.... statistically very improbable

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

He clearly stated 'they look like'...  thus, its quite obvious that in Xonax's opinion, he thinks they look as if they 'could' originate from Eastern Europe, possibly Russia... Its not a conclusion its an opinion on a web-forum on which many opinions are expressed... and sometimes shot down by someone being critical and offering nothing of benefit whatsoever to the discussion / topic. 


Back on Topic - I think they look as if they could be from the UK.


I'd hazard a guess and suggest that far more has been stollen by locals, but that wouldn't make a decent enough Facebook rant or reach the news.


It's a shame this is happening as some here in Thailand love nothing more than to revel in some xenophobic criticism,


Fortunately the majority of Thai's are smart enough to judge us each based on our own individual merit, I hope this doesn't change and we become tarred by the same brush as these thieving miscreants.


UK i don't think so, they're not fat enough!

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5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Fortunately the majority of Thai's are smart enough to judge us each based on our own individual merit, I hope this doesn't change and we become tarred by the same brush as these thieving miscreants.


You are so wrong. All farang are the same for most Thai.

I like Chinese more, because even rude as they are, they cannot be confused with us...



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Sorry to be asking an obvious question, but what's the point of covering their faces with a pink rectangle in the still shot when: 

  1. You are basically asking for assistance to identify them, and
  2. The pic is accompanied by a video clearly showing their faces
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They look somewhere around early teens, just naughty little girls who could be from anywhere but they ended up on the news last night, pure xenophobia...

seriously, do Thai people not know how to distinguish age, they're children, I had/have 4 daughters myself, it shows in the way they're carrying themselves, no confidence?

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Catch 'em, book 'em - this is not acceptable.

Please, however, observe, that this should apply to everybody, irrespective of race, religion or the colour of sun glasses. 

Maybe this could serve as a hint as far as the grand son of the Red Bull empire is concerned; no CCTV footage but plenty of policemen witnessed, how that piece of s"*ç%t knocked down one of their own and dragged him along under his Ferrari until he was dead - go figure! 

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15 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

There IS quite a bit of xenophobia, and I suspect it is largely instigated by "the powers", with such slogans as "good guys in, bad guys out".
I do not think anybody disagrees about "bad guys out", but the implications are that foreigners are a huge problem and ignores the plethora of gang violence at the academies, REALLY sucky driving, rampant corruption, etc.

Every time I go into a 7/11 or Tesco Express I am dogged by employees who find a sudden need to straighten the shelves in whatever part of the store I am shopping in, or peering over the top from the next aisle over.
It is not because of my Tom Cruise good looks, I suspect.
Somebody has put the wind up their kilts about farangs shoplifting. As in this article obviously there are some, but is it really endemic?

555555 when I enter my local Tesco Lotus or 7/11 all the staff run the other way.

Actually to be honest I have found staff at all the stores to be helpful & polite. As helpful as they can when I don't speak Thai, but usually they do understand or find someone that does understand

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15 hours ago, Senior Player said:

And for another interesting statistic, according to the same US led research, more than one in ten of the world's overweight people live in America.


I believe it is a higher percentage than that

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18 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

As you said they "could"

but they could also  be from the following countries :whistling: :Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, and last United Kingdom (too yes)

but to be honest, I am not sure 100%, I have still 2/3 others in mind but less likely:crazy:


Indeed. Or the USA, Australia, Canada, NZ - might be non European caucasians.


Or they could be aliens in disguise - are the men in black about?

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