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North Korea's Kim puts army on alert; U.S. warns it can intercept missile


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North Korea's Kim puts army on alert; U.S. warns it can intercept missile

By Idrees Ali and Christine Kim



Servicepersons of the Ministry of People's Security met on August 10, 2017 to express full support for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) government statement, in this photo released on August 11, 2017 by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang. KCNA/via REUTERS


WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned on Monday that the U.S. military would be prepared to intercept a missile fired by North Korea if it was headed to Guam, while North Korean leader Kim Jong Un alerted his army that it should always be fire-ready.


Mattis told reporters that the U.S. military would know the trajectory of a missile fired by North Korea within moments and would "take it out" if it looked like it would hit the U.S. Pacific territory.


"The bottom line is, we will defend the country from an attack; for us (U.S. military) that is war," Mattis said.


North Korea's official KCNA news agency said Kim received a report from his army on plans to strike the area around Guam, but also said he would watch U.S. actions before making any decisions on next steps.


"The United States, which was the first to bring numerous strategic nuclear equipment near us, should first make the right decision and show through actions if they wish to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula and prevent a dangerous military clash," Kim was cited as saying in the report by KCNA.


Meanwhile, the European Union’s top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, said the EU would intensify its diplomatic efforts with North Korea, the United States, South Korea, China, Russia and Japan.


Mogherini called on North Korea "to refrain from any further provocative action that can only increase regional and global tensions."


U.S. officials and South Korea's president in recent days have played down the risk of an imminent conflict after Washington and Pyongyang exchanged fiery rhetoric last week.


But Mattis told reporters that war could break out if North Korea were to fire a missile at the United States.


"If they fire at the United States, it could escalate into war very quickly," Mattis said.


President Donald Trump warned last week the U.S. military was "locked and loaded" if North Korea acted unwisely after threatening to land missiles in the sea near Guam later this month.


Mattis said that if a North Korean missile were headed toward the waters near Guam, instead of aimed directly at the island, then the president would decide what action to take.


Concern that North Korea is close to achieving its goal of putting the mainland United States within range of a nuclear weapon has caused tension to spike in recent months.


Tension on the Korean peninsula had eased slightly earlier on Monday as South Korea's president said resolving North Korea's nuclear ambitions must be done peacefully.


World stocks rose along with U.S. Treasury yields and the U.S. dollar as investors regained an appetite for riskier investments amid an easing of tensions. [MKTS/GLOB]


"There must be no more war on the Korean peninsula. Whatever ups and downs we face, the North Korean nuclear situation must be resolved peacefully," President Moon Jae-in told a meeting with senior aides and advisers.


"I am certain the United States will respond to the current situation calmly and responsibly in a stance that is equal to ours," he said.


Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Sunday sent a conciliatory message to North Korea in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, which also appeared aimed at easing China's concerns about U.S. intentions towards its neighbour.


"The U.S. has no interest in regime change or accelerated reunification of Korea. We do not seek an excuse to garrison U.S. troops north of the Demilitarized Zone," the officials said, addressing some of Pyongyang's fears that Washington ultimately intends to replace the reclusive country's leadership.


The article took a softer tone on North Korea than the president, who warned Pyongyang last week of "fire and fury" if it launched an attack.


"While diplomacy is our preferred means of changing North Korea’s course of action, it is backed by military options," the two officials said.


Interactive package on North Korea's missile capabilities http://tmsnrt.rs/2t0oSv7




Gen. Joseph Dunford, U.S. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, met South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-Moo on Monday. "He encouraged strengthening trilateral cooperation between the U.S., (South Korea) and Japan," U.S. military spokesman Captain Darryn James said.


South Korean Vice Defence Minister Suh Choo-suk highlighted doubts about North Korea's claims about its military capability.


"Both the United States and South Korea do not believe North Korea has yet completely gained re-entry technology in material engineering terms," Suh said in remarks televised on Sunday for a Korea Broadcasting System show.


U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that Kim might conduct another missile test but talk of being on the cusp of a nuclear war was overstating the risk.


"I've seen no intelligence that would indicate that we're in that place today," Pompeo told "Fox News Sunday".


However, North Korea reiterated its threats, with KCNA saying "war cannot be blocked by any power if sparks fly due to a small, random incident that was unintentional".


"Any second Korean War would have no choice but to spread into a nuclear war," it said in a commentary.


The United States and South Korea remain technically still at war with North Korea after the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended with a truce, not a peace treaty.


Ukraine denied on Monday that it had supplied defence technology to North Korea, responding to an article in the New York Times that said North Korea may have purchased rocket engines from Ukrainian factory Yuzhmash.


Tension in the region has risen since North Korea carried out two nuclear bomb tests last year and two intercontinental ballistic missile tests in July, tests it often conducts to coincide with important national dates.


Tuesday marks the anniversary of Japan's expulsion from the Korean peninsula, a rare holiday celebrated by both the North and the South. Moon and Kim, who has not been seen publicly for several days, are both expected to make addresses on their respective sides of the heavily militarized border.


Trump has urged China, the North's main ally and trading partner, to do more to rein in its neighbour, often linking Beijing's efforts to comments around U.S.-China trade. China strenuously rejects linking the two issues.


Trump on Monday authorized an inquiry into whether to investigate China's alleged theft of American intellectual property, declaring it "a very big move," while the country's largest business lobby group urged the two countries to resolve differences.


Graphic on North Korean missile trajectories, ranges 2hIzZHG


(Additional reporting by Christine Kim and Soyoung Kim in Seoul and Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Writing by Alistair Bell and Richard Cowan; Editing by James Dalgleish)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-15
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I wonder if the military industrial complex is quietly clapping its hands. This is a pass to test it's arsenal in a live fire situation. It's like having a Lambo in the garage that you rarely get to take out.

Let's hope it doesn't come to it. The lesson learned from Iraq is to spank the baby and put him back in the crib. I wonder if the same rule applies here? Or end the treaty of their civil war and force them to reunify? China and Russia won't be happy to eliminate their buffer to capitalism that is NK...

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33 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

I wonder if the military industrial complex is quietly clapping its hands. This is a pass to test it's arsenal in a live fire situation. It's like having a Lambo in the garage that you rarely get to take out.

Let's hope it doesn't come to it. The lesson learned from Iraq is to spank the baby and put him back in the crib. I wonder if the same rule applies here? Or end the treaty of their civil war and force them to reunify? China and Russia won't be happy to eliminate their buffer to capitalism that is NK...

Strange post considering NK has threatened nuking New York city. I doubt any are quietly clapping.


Impossible to spank Kim any harder. He'll never give up his nukes.  Sadly. And he has no desire to reunite. He'll lose his power. Which is what this is all about.

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1 hour ago, inThailand said:

Is fat boy waking up to reality? He will be humiliated and maybe annihilated if he shots missiles at any country.

                                   He's already been humiliated, since the day he took office, so any more won't bother him.  What he wants, is ww notoriety, and that's what he's getting from Trump.  His daddy wanted to be acknowledged by a US prez, and when he got a note from Bill Clinton, he was ecstatic, even tho the note had a benign warning message.


                       Trump is playing into Kim's game.  Instead of acting like a sage diplomat, as Kerry and HRC and others did prior, Trump has devolved down to throwing dirt clods at the other bully.  Unfortunately, the dirt clods are serious missiles.

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                                  Wars comprise many things, not least the opportunity for weapons manufacturers to show the effectiveness of their wares.  It happened during the Falklands.  N.Korea, by launching missiles and related hardware, will be showing the world its tech prowess.  If the weaponry fails, well, tough tamales.  But if it's effective (hits its target), other countries will sit up and take notice, - and possibly get N.Korean expertise and/or order weapons from NK.


                    Similarly for the US.  In this case; mostly re; defensive missiles.   Remember the 1st Iraq war?  Israel places US-made Patriot missiles protecting its cities.  Raytheon and others had an excellent showcase for their products.   Kushner and Trump going to Saudi Arabia (their 1st overseas stop) involved the sales of hundreds of billions of $$'s of US state-of-the-art weaponry.   Iran and Qatar aren't buying any US weapons.   Connect the dots. 

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are we really sending a clear message that this is only about non proliferation?

it don't seem so at all.

we get all worked up about how Trump handles Charlotesville..... these words instead of those... all of them from... teleprompters by the way .. a couple days ago.. and now....



but on this.... it seems to be more like regime change and American hegemony.. making Asia safe for Coca Cola...

not non proliferation.

that it's REALLY about... we're running out of Non Nuke Baddies..... as more money goes into Medicaid and Medicare.... 

and if North Korea was fully nuke armed.... who would we have to tangle with anymore? Iraq 3. oh yeah. that may get tougher to sell... maybe. Iran???????? Cuba...... and Venezuela... 

apparently that would be really dangerous.... but for who?


Edited by maewang99
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I hope the USA uses Israeli techniques when NK sends its test missiles off into the ocean again.    It would take out the missile launch point and people and maybe even fat boy in the process.    NK leader hardly has any family members to kill off anymore, right. Does he have any sisters.?    Will he have them killed off like he did to his brother and uncle.  What a complete and dangerous Nut Job.



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13 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope the USA uses Israeli techniques when NK sends its test missles off into the ocean again.

  It would take out the missle launch point and people and maybe even fat boy in the process.

  NK leader hardly has any family members to kill off anymore, right. Does he have any sisters.?

  Will he have them killed off like he did to his brother and uncle.  What a complete and dangerous Nut Job.


                               To 'take out' Fat Boy Kim, you have to know for sure where he is at any given time.  For sure, he is standing in the center of the 'review stand' when there's a big parade, about 5x/yr.  


                 There's also a 'Room 39' in a gov't building in Pyongnang which purportedly is a HQ for printing dollars and other nefarious schemes.  I'd bet that building is in Uncle Sam's cross hairs - and is probably a place where Kim hangs out, arms folded with a big smile, watching the printing presses humming away. 

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19 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope the USA uses Israeli techniques when NK sends its test missles off into the ocean again.

  It would take out the missle launch point and people and maybe even fat boy in the process.

  NK leader hardly has any family members to kill off anymore, right. Does he have any sisters.?

  Will he have them killed off like he did to his brother and uncle.

   What a complete and dangerous Nut Job.



I like that! Hit the launch site as well as shooting the missiles down. Then it will be even more interesting to see what his next move will be.

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Fat boy in NK has not had a single missile sent into his country since he was born.  He is used to ordering everyone around and having his *ss kissed as well.  Maybe he needs a little tough love Missile return to see reality.  Just  saying!



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40 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope the USA uses Israeli techniques when NK sends its test missles off into the ocean again.

  It would take out the missle launch point and people and maybe even fat boy in the process.

  NK leader hardly has any family members to kill off anymore, right. Does he have any sisters.?

  Will he have them killed off like he did to his brother and uncle.

   What a complete and dangerous Nut Job.



Israel does not have an intercontinntal anti ballistic missile system.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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38 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope the USA uses Israeli techniques when NK sends its test missles off into the ocean again.

  It would take out the missle launch point and people and maybe even fat boy in the process.

  NK leader hardly has any family members to kill off anymore, right. Does he have any sisters.?

  Will he have them killed off like he did to his brother and uncle.

   What a complete and dangerous Nut Job.



My guess is that when these missiles are fired the chubby fool will be ensconced in his bunker deep under ground stuffing his face with burgers whilst watching it on cctv. :licklips:

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                                   He's already been humiliated, since the day he took office, so any more won't bother him.  What he wants, is ww notoriety, and that's what he's getting from Trump.  His daddy wanted to be acknowledged by a US prez, and when he got a note from Bill Clinton, he was ecstatic, even tho the note had a benign warning message.


                       Trump is playing into Kim's game.  Instead of acting like a sage diplomat, as Kerry and HRC and others did prior, Trump has devolved down to throwing dirt clods at the other bully.  Unfortunately, the dirt clods are serious missiles.

They also received a visit from Bill Clinton (though not when he was President) that they considered a great propaganda victory.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned on Monday that the U.S. military would be prepared to intercept a missile fired by North Korea if it was headed to Guam

Why not just shoot down all his missiles trials, that would really pisses him off and the rest of the world would be loling.

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4 minutes ago, nasanews said:

Why not just shoot down all his missiles trials, that would really pisses him off and the rest of the world would be loling.

thats just disgraceful….i hope you're not a trump supporter…we don't want people using your mental condition as ammo to attack our position. please desist.

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5 minutes ago, nasanews said:

Why not just shoot down all his missiles trials, that would really pisses him off and the rest of the world would be loling.

Well, for one thing, what about if the US missiles missed? The Pentagon doesn't exactly have an exemplary history when it comes to honest testing of its missile systems and honest reporting of the results of those tests.

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Suspect that NK have already hacked the US military and may consider that the US claims that they can take out ICBMs as false.  Sure the US have claimed they have had successful tests but you do not know what software was in the test missiles in order that THAD could track it.


Perhaps it is time for Kim to call the US bluff.

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27 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

thats just disgraceful….i hope you're not a trump supporter…we don't want people using your mental condition as ammo to attack our position. please desist.

It is disgraceful to be a trump supporter but I just was suggesting a legitimate actions protected by UN to stop danger to any sovereign country carried out by potential threat.


25 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, for one thing, what about if the US missiles missed? The Pentagon doesn't exactly have an exemplary history when it comes to honest testing of its missile systems and honest reporting of the results of those tests.

It has been more 25 years sine Gulf war I remember Patriot intercept missiles were pretty effective against Saddam Scud missiles, the question since then wouldn't the U.S defense missile system got upgraded, more precise and effective I wonder.

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20 minutes ago, nasanews said:

It is disgraceful to be a trump supporter but I just was suggesting a legitimate actions protected by UN to stop danger to any sovereign country carried out by potential threat.


It has been more 25 years sine Gulf war I remember Patriot intercept missiles were pretty effective against Saddam Scud missiles, the question since then wouldn't the U.S defense missile system got upgraded, more precise and effective I wonder.

A report by the GAO in 2003 invalidated most of the Patriot missile claims and estimated that they were only effective in destroying 9% of the Scud missiles fired at us. It seems that someone massaged the original data to make it look better than it was and gain funding for more....

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14 hours ago, maewang99 said:

are we really sending a clear message that this is only about non proliferation?

it don't seem so at all.

we get all worked up about how Trump handles Charlotesville..... these words instead of those... all of them from... teleprompters by the way .. a couple days ago.. and now....



but on this.... it seems to be more like regime change and American hegemony.. making Asia safe for Coca Cola...

not non proliferation.

that it's REALLY about... we're running out of Non Nuke Baddies..... as more money goes into Medicaid and Medicare.... 

and if North Korea was fully nuke armed.... who would we have to tangle with anymore? Iraq 3. oh yeah. that may get tougher to sell... maybe. Iran???????? Cuba...... and Venezuela... 

apparently that would be really dangerous.... but for who?

Charlottesville? What's that got to do with this? Coca cola? LOL


You are way off topic.

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9 hours ago, tonray said:

A report by the GAO in 2003 invalidated most of the Patriot missile claims and estimated that they were only effective in destroying 9% of the Scud missiles fired at us. It seems that someone massaged the original data to make it look better than it was and gain funding for more....

Credible links,  please.

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23 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                                   He's already been humiliated, since the day he took office, so any more won't bother him.  What he wants, is ww notoriety, and that's what he's getting from Trump.  His daddy wanted to be acknowledged by a US prez, and when he got a note from Bill Clinton, he was ecstatic, even tho the note had a benign warning message.


                       Trump is playing into Kim's game.  Instead of acting like a sage diplomat, as Kerry and HRC and others did prior, Trump has devolved down to throwing dirt clods at the other bully.  Unfortunately, the dirt clods are serious missiles.

What absolute rubbish.  Truman issued similar warnings to Japan, which they ignored.  They then got nuked. Twice.  Richly deserved.


"Sage diplomats" my aching butt.   Their "sagacity" is what led up to the situation we're in today!   Trump is simply taking all the ambiguity and double-speak OUT of it, in hopes that Kim will realize the worm has turned and there'll be no more appeasement and that the usual threats, provocations, and attempts at intimidation will get Kim absolutely nowhere. 

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