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6 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Those are the particular paragraphs of the rules which the ECO believed were not met. You can read them at Immigration Rules Appendix V: visitor rules


As theoldgit says, the refusal notice will give his/her reasons for believing that.


A sponsor's letter and bank information is not evidence of contact between sponsor and applicant. Did you provide any evidence of contact at all?


The visa section does sometimes contact an applicant's employer to confirm the contents of any letter, and also sometimes conduct a telephone interview with the applicant themselves. I have never known of a situation where a sponsor has been contacted; but this, of course, does not mean it never happens.


ECOs can only judge an application on the evidence provided by the applicant. The onus is upon the applicant to ensure that evidence is complete and shows that they satisfy the requirements of the rules.


Although ECOs, or visa section staff, may, as I say above, make telephone enquires to clarify or confirm information provided, they are under no obligation to do so. They will certainly never contact an applicant or sponsor to chase after missing evidence.


I'm sorry, but the more you post the more it seems to me that this application was poorly prepared and that is why it was refused. That is, the fault is yours, not the ECO's.


Of course, if you post the refusal notice in full together with a full list of all the supporting documents provided with the application, we will all be better able to judge and so advise on your next step.


It is the nameless ECO who has made a mistake.

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1 hour ago, AmazingTryland said:

ECO has made a mistake. 

Purpose of visit was for my GF & our British Citizen young child to visit me and relatives in UK.

ECO didn't bother contacting me. ECO ignored GF employment & property evidence. She works for Thai government . 

ECOs  have been known to make mistakes.


1 hour ago, AmazingTryland said:

I have posted the immigration Rules used to refuse entry.


Why do some people defend nameless ECO staff ? 


1 hour ago, AmazingTryland said:


It is the nameless ECO who has made a mistake.


People here are trying to help you; but you still refuse to give us the information we need in order to do so!


As already said; ECOs do not contact sponsors; it is not your application.


As already said, applicants need to meet the requirements of the immigration rules relevant to the visa they have applied for. All refusals quote the parts of those rules which have not been met. They also give the reason why the ECO believes they have not been met. Without knowing the ECOs reasons, we cannot comment.


Yes, as ECOs are human, they do make mistakes. But applicants and sponsors are also human and they, too, make mistakes. Having spent over 15 years being involved in forums such as this and reading many refusal notices over that period, I can confidently say that there are three reasons for an application being refused. They are, with the most common first and descending:

  1. the applicant did not meet the requirements of the immigration rules for the visa applied for;
  2. the applicant did meet the requirements, but failed to show that they did;
  3. the applicant did meet the requirements but the ECO missed one or more pieces of evidence supplied by the applicant and so made a mistake.

No one here is going to defend an ECO who has made a mistake; but without knowing the contents of the refusal notice, and preferably all the supporting documents supplied with the application, it is impossible to determine which of the above this refusal falls under.


I simply cannot comprehend why you continue to refuse to provide that information; unless you have something to hide. That is, you cocked up but wont admit it; not even to yourself.


I hope you prove me wrong by posting the refusal notice in full.


Until and unless you do so, I see no point in responding to you further.


Edited by 7by7
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10 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I have a feeling that the OP must not have access to the full refusal notice and is just going on what his GF has told him. Otherwise why not post it?

 I suppose she may just live out in then middles of nowhere and not have any internet access!


Otherwise, why not email him a copy, or if she has no access to a scanner take a photo and send it via Skype, Line, WhatsApp or similar?


Even if the OP has the refusal notice but doesn't have a scanner himself and so can't scan and attach it to a post here, he could always type it in by hand. Others have done so before when they were genuinely seeking advice.


But some people don't want advice, they just want to complain about what barstewards the ECOs are, and then get the hump when people don't automatically agree with them but instead want to look at the whole picture and discover the real reasons for a refusal so that they can offer the best advice on how to proceed.

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There may or may not be more to the story but blaming the ECO for getting it wrong gets you nowhere.

An ECO really does not have to justify a decision beyond the contents of the letter.

If the OP cannot provide the exact text then it is impossible for a judgement or accurate advice to be given. Even with this it may be that only general advice can be offered without seeing the wording of documents in the application.

A bit pointless continuing the discussion as pretty much all has been said that can be said!

Reapply and make sure any points of refusal are covered clearly and concisely without taking an overly aggressive stand which is likely to lose any sympathy the ECO may have when the new application is considered.

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