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Aussie Drug Trafficker Dead


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Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?

Sorry. Can't agree. He was carrying filth to destroy the lives of others for money. He got what he deserved. Shame his female companion will be allowed to live.

I expect you would like to be her executioner .!!

You say he carried filth to destroy the lives of others . Probably no-one would have died from his cargo, but one thing is for sure . One young life is gone in trying to evade capture from the authorities. Wonder who kills most people a year , the authorities or the drug dealers? Still as long as the authorities can go on tv saying they are winning the war on drugs (not true of course but that doesn't matter) , i'm sure you don't mind how many young lives are killed by those very authorities.

Simple answer. Drug Dealers by a long way. In addition they cause untold misery from people who are adicted and their families and friend. You make it sound like the fault of the authoities for not allowing import of this filth.

define filth for me, i know there's a lot of things wrong in this world, this is way down on my list.......unfortunate that anyones life can end this way, somewhere he took a wrong turn, hey crunch share some of your wrong turns and let us judge you ..................don't think you'd have the ba*lls :o

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I cannot relate to some of the remarks made excusing these low lifes

( also categorised as filth where i come from by the way. )


Anyone who,s actions undermine the quality of life, cause injury, misery and death by their selfish, stupid and also in many cases show evil disregard for life, are repugnent and should be treated as filth...dirt..of no use to the clean side of society. ( not as in drug free by the way )

There are several posts with a similar content but i,ll re. quote the first one i read


QUOTE(atlastaname @ 2007-01-04 20:37:11)

Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?



How the F*** can anyone justify these evil individuals who traffic in DEATH and untold MISERY because of what you observe, is beyond civilised thinking.

You are at best misguided, living in a fantasy world, and consequently, far from reality by trivialising it all and saying it,s o.k. if you need funds / desperate, Ect. Ect. Ect. = B******T B******T B******T

Please, do us a favour, we are far from being no brainers and idiots.

Perhaps you can tell us what would have happened had they managed to get this " filth ", as I can also define it, into Brisbane and out onto the streets.

I shouldn,t need to spell it out for you, how sad that the quality of life doesn,t seem to be your main concern and all the untold misery it would cause.

" They all deserve the maximum penalty according to the laws of the country they are caught in or perhaps sent back to where it started from, should laws / do gooders prevent just punishment and accountability for their actions, equal to the consequences of them being undetected and able to get it out onto the streets. "

Remember the majority are not ADDICTS but just Greedy Selfish people who in most cases are fully aware of the distress and misery it causes and all the other implications of their actions.

Out of consideration for time i will not carry on listing the downside of muling / drug smuggling ect. ect. ect.


marshbags :o:D and :D

Edited by marshbags
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I cannot relate to some of the remarks made excusing these low lifes

( also categorised as filth where i come from by the way. )


Anyone who,s actions undermine the quality of life, cause injury, misery and death by their selfish, stupid and also in many cases show evil disregard for life, are repugnent and should be treated as filth...dirt..of no use to the clean side of society. ( not as in drug free by the way )

There are several posts with a similar content but i,ll re. quote the first one i read


QUOTE(atlastaname @ 2007-01-04 20:37:11)

Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?



How the F*** can anyone justify these evil individuals who traffic in DEATH and untold MISERY because of what you observe, is beyond civilised thinking.

You are at best misguided, living in a fantasy world, and consequently, far from reality by trivialising it all and saying it,s o.k. if you need funds / desperate, Ect. Ect. Ect. = B******T B******T B******T

Please, do us a favour, we are far from being no brainers and idiots.

Perhaps you can tell us what would have happened had they managed to get this " filth ", as I can also define it, into Brisbane and out onto the streets.

I shouldn,t need to spell it out for you, how sad that the quality of life doesn,t seem to be your main concern and all the untold misery it would cause.

" They all deserve the maximum penalty according to the laws of the country they are caught in or perhaps sent back to where it started from, should laws / do gooders prevent just punishment and accountability for their actions, equal to the consequences of them being undetected and able to get it out onto the streets. "

Remember the majority are not ADDICTS but just Greedy Selfish people who in most cases are fully aware of the distress and misery it causes and all the other implications of their actions.

Out of consideration for time i will not carry on listing the downside of muling / drug smuggling ect. ect. ect.


marshbags :o:D and :D

Thanks Marshbags. You and I have similar thoughts. I had decided not to make a further reply on the basis that it is pointless trying to explain to anyone who can even consider justifying this sort of evil to quote make a quick buck unquote. But I felt that I had to support your views.

One way or another throughout my life I have seen first hand the misery of drug addiction. And misery is really an understatement. It destroys not only the lives of the addicts, but their families and sometimes friends as well.

Yeh it is true you cannot stop drug addiction, but then you can't stop murder, rape or arson either. Does that justify these crimes? Should the authorities look the other way in case harm comes to muderers rapists and arsonists? If I had to choose whether a murderer, a rapist, an arsonist or a drug tgrafficker goes to the gallows the drug trafficker would get my vote everytime. (This is not an argument about capital punishment rather a way of prioritizing evil)

Yeh I have made a few wrong turns in my life, but I have never sunk to these depths.

One thing this mans death has achieved is to prevent at least a little misery from getting onto the streets of Brisbane. Who knows it might even deter a few others,

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I haven't read a great deal of this thread but have read dozens like it before. I was just wondering do the pro death penalty/anti drugs people here carry on there argument towards other drug dealers and pushers, such as alcohol companies, tobacco companies and even the common bar owner?

I assume your arguments against those 'dealers of death' are equally as strong?

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Predictably Marshbags and Cruncher come out fighting. Cruncher spoils his arguement with the absurd comment that he regards drug traffickers as worse than murderers and rapists. Clearly a stupid thing to say. Don't need to explain why do i?

Marshbags spoils his well reasoned arguement (if a tad hysterical) by saying that ANY drug trafficker deserves the maximum penalty of the country they are in. So if we take the worst country in the world, lets say the arab states, then he is saying he believes ALL drug traffickers should be executed (which is the penalty in the most severe countries and he is saying they deserve the worst penalty). Another badly-thought out comment.

Of course, because its too difficult for them to address, they both conveniently (and wisely) avoid tackling my point which is that in enforcing the law , the authorities cause untold numbers of deaths a year in fighting a battle they cannot ever win. Or are Cruncher and marshbags suggesting it can be won? Well guys?

I expect neither of these two super clean perfect guys will reply to this , and will avoid doing so by words to the effect of

"we won't condesend to answer such rubbish..."

or similar sentiments which are always used by those who have difficulty in addressing specific points. Politicians do it all the time when they want to avoid answering something. Its a great get -out .

Now lets be clear here. I am not saying i approve of drug trafficking , although personally i don't just leap onto the hang them and flog them bandwagon that is always the case when anything related to drugs comes up . First i look at the circumstances of each case and only IF i ever have enough info on a particular person and their case would i then pronounce judgement. Not just see the words "drug trafficker" and immediately post "scum...hang him.." and other hysterical reactions.(paedophiles generate similar sentiments , just mention Gary Glitter and see the over the top things people say about him. Yes its a very very bad crime , but he is not the worst thing since the holocaust. He didn't kill anyone did he.People over-react.) In my opinion people who torture animals are far worse than drug traffickers.

As for being greedy people who make money out of others less fortunate than themselves, well so do buy-to-let investors. Are they not greedy too?

I doubt i will convince our two saints to even think about anything i have written, but it does appear that there are others here who have the capacity to think before they post.

Ratcatcher .. great pics !!

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I haven't read a great deal of this thread but have read dozens like it before. I was just wondering do the pro death penalty/anti drugs people here carry on there argument towards other drug dealers and pushers, such as alcohol companies, tobacco companies and even the common bar owner?

I assume your arguments against those 'dealers of death' are equally as strong?

Nothing personal B.M. just a response to your question from my observations.

Alcohol and tobacco are not illegal, considered acceptable and do not cause the same effects.

By comparison they are not in the same league and the truth of the matter is most consumers in the 2 examples you highlight are not a danger to society and wouldn,t cause the misery that EVERY drug related individuals do.

You could say almost anything taken in vast quantities can be harmful to your health.

Drug crime as we all know is of a different catergory,

The basic fact is people are allowed by law to sell these two products you mention, so the shop keeper and the bar owner are not breaking the law and the majority are reasonable and responsible people.

marshbags :o


I agree with you that they are harmful to health, especially smoking, but people don,t do the evil stuff that illicit drugs are related to when consuming them. ( Generally that is )

Alcohol in moderation is not in the least harmful and you are not usualy addicted /effected instantly to such an extent you would go to extreme.

One smoke, one pill, one sniff, one injection, that,s all it takes and has an immediate adverse effect on the individual and consequently families and society.

In my humble opinion anyway.

Edited by marshbags
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Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?

Agreed 100%!

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QUOTE(atlastaname @ 2007-01-04 21:37:11)

Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?

Agree 100%

Maybe a few folk's horses are a little too high


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Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?

Sorry. Can't agree. He was carrying filth to destroy the lives of others for money. He got what he deserved. Shame his female companion will be allowed to live.

I expect you would like to be her executioner .!!

You say he carried filth to destroy the lives of others . Probably no-one would have died from his cargo, but one thing is for sure . One young life is gone in trying to evade capture from the authorities. Wonder who kills most people a year , the authorities or the drug dealers? Still as long as the authorities can go on tv saying they are winning the war on drugs (not true of course but that doesn't matter) , i'm sure you don't mind how many young lives are killed by those very authorities.

Simple answer. Drug Dealers by a long way. In addition they cause untold misery from people who are adicted and their families and friend. You make it sound like the fault of the authoities for not allowing import of this filth.

I go out on a saturday night to the clubs and i see loads of people either high on , or secretly taking, ectasy pills, coke etc. I should add i don't (nor do i drink alcohol) but it doesn't bother me that others do. All i find pathetic is that they have to be so secretive about passing them amounst themselves instead of just getting on with it. How absurd as the result is the same anyway. Laughable i think.

So where is this misey , no ... untold misery , that you say drugs cause? I see just happy people enjoying a night out. And remember we are talking class a drugs here (don't laugh... E is a class a) How do you know they cause untold misery ..oh of course you read it in the newspapers so it must be true. Everyone knows the risks, let them make their own informed choice. Who are you Cruncher to decide how others should live? What should be improved is education ...after that it should be up to them. Why can't people just mind their own business and let others do as they want?

You may never have seen misery that drugs can cause, but I have - first and secondhand. I don't wish to talk about the firsthand one (someone close to me), but I'll tell you some of the secondhand. My father used to work in the "drug/vice squad" of the Royal Navy & later in a similar field elsewhere. I have seen pictures & heard stories that would turn your stomach. The one on this thread is (no disrespect intended to anyone) nothing. How about a pic of a man who ODed and vomited, died face down in his own vomit in a hot country & flies & larvae did their work before he was discovered? How about the stories of what some people have done (in my father's experience) on bad LSD trips to escape the hallucinatory horrors? I'm only talking about the users now - not the family or friends, the people who are continually lied to, stolen from, let down. The people who have to watch the destruction of someone they love, the metamorphosis into someone they don't know... Please don't trivialise this. Some people can pop the occasional E and everything's OK, but there is misery out there, caused by drugs, dealers & traffickers - believe me.

Reason for edit - minor ommission

People who destroy their own lives will do so with whatever they have regardless the unavailablity of drugs.

Making alcohol legal and drugs illegal is similar to : killing with a knife legal but killing with a gun not.

Only thing different is drugs/alcohol are for own use!

Thanks to some of the input here. Education is the key. And in my opinion most societies are NOT educating their people enough on the dark side of drugs. Simply telling people not to touch just creates CURIOSITY! And CURIOSITY + LACK OF KNOWLEDGE = HARM !!!

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Oh! Forgot to mention, I have seen quite a lot of drug-related victims in my life.

No way you are going to stop using the methods we use now.

It is HYPOCRISY the current state of law. "Our society should be drug free! We should all be good people!"

The high-so use it. The rich use it. Professionals use it. Policemen use it. Firemen use it. Even doctors use it. :o

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The guy knew the risks and he was prepared to take them. He lucked out. Don't suppose he would have gave a shit about people that would critisize him for his deed. And would probably laugh at you lot arguing over it. Whatever made him want to do it you can't stop the ways of human nature and none of us are saints. RIP

That goes for all the Som Nom Na, deserves what he gets types here, yeh he deserves what he gets only this time he didn't make it all the way.

What are you saying? you never did anything bad or deserved what you got?

Edited by Robski
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Anyone who,s actions undermine the quality of life, cause injury, misery and death by their selfish, stupid and also in many cases show evil disregard for life, are repugnent and should be treated as filth...dirt..of no use to the clean side of society. ( not as in drug free by the way )
If I bought an ecstasy for self use from a person who later gets life imprisonment because of that. Should I be put to jail for life? Or am I merely just a victim of drug related crime and should be sympathized?
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Perhaps you can tell us what would have happened had they managed to get this " filth ", as I can also define it, into Brisbane and out onto the streets.
I guess they are going to detonate it in a night club and blow the heads out of hundreds of people. Any bomb experts here?
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One way or another throughout my life I have seen first hand the misery of drug addiction. And misery is really an understatement. It destroys not only the lives of the addicts, but their families and sometimes friends as well.
Who are the ones behind all these? THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!! GET IT?

Do you guys believe in human rights? Freedom of choice in life?

I earn enough money to take care of myself! I deserve the right to choose what to inhale and put inside my body without affecting anyone else! I pay my own hospital bills! Anyone who tells me what to do and how to live with MY life is a Bastxxd! If I hurt anyone because of drugs, if I hurt anyone because of alcohol, put me in jail and let me rot!

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If I had to choose whether a murderer, a rapist, an arsonist or a drug tgrafficker goes to the gallows the drug trafficker would get my vote everytime. (This is not an argument about capital punishment rather a way of prioritizing evil)

drug trafficker worse than rapist?

And drug users are victims?


:D What a sad world!

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Predictably Marshbags and Cruncher come out fighting. Cruncher spoils his arguement with the absurd comment that he regards drug traffickers as worse than murderers and rapists. Clearly a stupid thing to say. Don't need to explain why do i?

Marshbags spoils his well reasoned arguement (if a tad hysterical) by saying that ANY drug trafficker deserves the maximum penalty of the country they are in. So if we take the worst country in the world, lets say the arab states, then he is saying he believes ALL drug traffickers should be executed (which is the penalty in the most severe countries and he is saying they deserve the worst penalty). Another badly-thought out comment.

Just for A.L.A.N.

The penalties are put in place as a deterrent to discourage drug smuggling.

If you are reckless enough to do it from a country that executes offenders then that,s the penalty according to local law.

If the maximum penalty is life imprisonment then fair enough, again life imprisonment should be the penalty according to local law.

My views on the death penalty are personal and not relevant to the issue as i am not the law of any particular country.

If you commit the offence in A and are caught in B in most other serious criminal activities it is usual to agree between them on actions taken and where to try the offenders, each case on it,s merits.

Incidently my country " The U.K." will not send criminals back to another country if execution is the penalty as we oppose it and will not oblige and as they are my goverment I support them.

Although i do not support the death sentence anywhere near 100% ( try a singular unit for those i do. ) sadly it sometimes is justified in serious cases ( ALL ), but a better solution /answer i,d love to see.

LET the families ect. personally effected by the abhorent crimes decide and maybe grant as the saying goes, " AN eye for an eye " if this is their wish.

DRUG CRIMINALS / smugglers deserve everthing that comes to them, don,t take my word for it ask the families that have / do / will suffer from this evil trade.

You say my post is a tad hysterical, no problem, I think it is realistic and relevant.

By the way how would you describe the individuals who are / have been consumed by this FILTH who are party to all the misery and distress, perhaps you may think they are acting hysterically, i would hope this is not the case.

They start out as ordinary unassuming and generally nice considerate individuals.

Sons, Daughters, Mothers, Fathers. other relatives and last of all friends, ect. ect. ect.

They are then detroyed by these low lifes..........and for what motive ???????

I am not a politician, i am not squeaky clean from my lifes journey ( no saint ) but then who in all honesty is.

I do however know right from wrong and what the cancers of society are from a moral point of view.

I refuse to preach about the why,s and hows, as my actions are taken according to my conscience and my views on fair play. Anonymously and without the need to boost my ego by doing so i might add.

I post accordingly, nothing more , nothing less, simple in it.

I am prepared to stand / sit eye to eye and put my points across to anybody, irrespective of their status in life.

If you could ask my friends and associates they would be more than happy to verify it but that is not important, just a point.

On paper you can only get so much of your point of view across as your posts proves.

marshbags :o


Your views are welcome but opposed to mine and i find them totally unrealistic.

Edited by marshbags
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One way or another throughout my life I have seen first hand the misery of drug addiction. And misery is really an understatement. It destroys not only the lives of the addicts, but their families and sometimes friends as well.
Who are the ones behind all these? THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!! GET IT?

Do you guys believe in human rights? Freedom of choice in life?

I earn enough money to take care of myself! I deserve the right to choose what to inhale and put inside my body without affecting anyone else! I pay my own hospital bills! Anyone who tells me what to do and how to live with MY life is a Bastxxd! If I hurt anyone because of drugs, if I hurt anyone because of alcohol, put me in jail and let me rot!

meemiathai, you make some great points. I'm sure marshbags and cruncher, amounst others, thought they were on a fait accomplit when they started on about how we should condemn to hel_l all drug traffickers and users. Guess they are surprised by the actual results.

The point you make above is such an important one. Should there be freedom of choice? The world seems to be divided into two camps on this issue , the majority who really don't care about who is doing what , and the minority (who wield the power unfortunately) who want to ensure that everyone lives by their own boring standards. The govts of the USA and the UK in particular (and through them the rest of the world's governments by the pressure these 2 exert on them) now tell you what you can look at , what you can read, what you can write , what you can say , how old you have to be before you are capable of using your brain to decide (latest lunacy from the UK , legal age for buying tobacco to be raised to 18 from 16 , like 16 and 17 year olds have no brain yet!!) , the absurd notion that those aged 16 and 17 are children (get real!!) and have to be closeted in cotton wool .

We should all have freedom of choice what we look at , what we buy, what we chose to put into our bodies. Education should be improved to allow people to make an informed choice .

When i was 9 years old i used to freequently pop to the Co-op to buy my grandfathers cigarettes for the week. Not an eye was batted. Now they would be put in jail!! And what effect did it have on me , this supposedly vulnerable child? NONE ...i have never smoked in my life , nor drunk alcohol.Nor taken drugs !!

So thats all the hang em and flog em brigades theorys busted isn't it ??

They just cannot mind their own business and let others live the life they choose can they

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The basic fact is people are allowed by law to sell these two products you mention, so the shop keeper and the bar owner are not breaking the law and the majority are reasonable and responsible people.
With this statement, I think our planet earth has just stopped rotating. Legislators should be out of their jobs!
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Alcohol in moderation is not in the least harmful and you are not usualy addicted /effected instantly to such an extent you would go to extreme.
I heard that sex is addictive. Let's ban it!!!

Just look at the Sex Crime! Oh yes, it is not as evil as Drug Crime.

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By the way how would you describe the individuals who are / have been consumed by this FILTH who are party to all the misery and distress, perhaps you may think they are acting hysterically, i would hope this is not the case.

They start out as ordinary unassuming and generally nice considerate individuals.

Sons, Daughters, Mothers, Fathers. other relatives and last of all friends, ect. ect. ect.

They are then detroyed by these low lifes..........and for what motive ???????

I do however know right from wrong and what the cancers of society are from a moral point of view.


Get yourself a valium mate you'll feel better. :D

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