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Kind Gestures From Thai People

Jet Gorgon

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Lots of kind decent people throughout Thailand, and the stories make good reading. But I don't think we should be too blurry eyed and naive about Thailand. Start a topic on kind gestures in any geographical location in the world and the response would be similar (even London!) - perhaps we just take them for granted a bit more when they happen in our own cultural setting!

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We write it here because the newspapers and tv only say nice things when there's an "awwww" too cute factor involved. This is the alternative post for warm and fuzzy. The real world needs warm and fuzzlie wuzzlies sometimes...You can post a thread on "bad things that happened to me today", but that happens to everybody everyday and I hate listening to whiners.

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Lots of kind decent people throughout Thailand, and the stories make good reading. But I don't think we should be too blurry eyed and naive about Thailand. Start a topic on kind gestures in any geographical location in the world and the response would be similar (even London!) - perhaps we just take them for granted a bit more when they happen in our own cultural setting!

if you care to inform yourself about this forum, you will notice that the topics are to be thailand related and thats why Miss Gorgon has posed this question.

the reply's relate to thailand and not the freezing cold old blighty where you reside.

anyway, you'd be very lucky to fill a page would'nt you.

thats why all the poms are either in thailand or australia. :D

keep up the top question Miss Gorgon as your on a winner. :o

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Nicest thing any Thai person has ever done for me... My in-laws let me marry their daughter.

Are you a nice and respectable boy and a stellar example of a nice and respectable non-Thai boy?

I try my best :o - no major screw ups yet (unless convincing her to move to Canada counts). Really, the getting married part was in our own hands. More accurately put, the nicest thing was that they let me into their family.

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Nicest thing any Thai person has ever done for me... My in-laws let me marry their daughter.

Are you a nice and respectable boy and a stellar example of a nice and respectable non-Thai boy?

I try my best :o - no major screw ups yet (unless convincing her to move to Canada counts). Really, the getting married part was in our own hands. More accurately put, the nicest thing was that they let me into their family.

Oh My God. You sound like a bleeding heart socialist tree hugger. Life really ain't like that Hawk. The Canadian government obviously did a good job of mind mugging you, honey. Good luck.

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Nicest thing any Thai person has ever done for me... My in-laws let me marry their daughter.

Are you a nice and respectable boy and a stellar example of a nice and respectable non-Thai boy?

I try my best :o - no major screw ups yet (unless convincing her to move to Canada counts). Really, the getting married part was in our own hands. More accurately put, the nicest thing was that they let me into their family.

Oh My God. You sound like a bleeding heart socialist tree hugger. Life really ain't like that Hawk. The Canadian government obviously did a good job of mind mugging you, honey. Good luck.

wow - where'd that come from? all i meant was they treated me like family. this is yet another instance of something getting lost in the internet translation. i might restrict myself to face-to-face conversations with people from now on. for some reason my meaning gets lost/skewed in all my electronic communications.

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Lots of kind decent people throughout Thailand, and the stories make good reading. But I don't think we should be too blurry eyed and naive about Thailand. Start a topic on kind gestures in any geographical location in the world and the response would be similar (even London!) - perhaps we just take them for granted a bit more when they happen in our own cultural setting!

if you care to inform yourself about this forum, you will notice that the topics are to be thailand related and thats why Miss Gorgon has posed this question.

the reply's relate to thailand and not the freezing cold old blighty where you reside.

anyway, you'd be very lucky to fill a page would'nt you.

thats why all the poms are either in thailand or australia. :D

keep up the top question Miss Gorgon as your on a winner. :D

One page Terry ? ... you're optimistic ... more like one line ... and then it read ... 'this nice young man helped me with my bags to get upon a bus ... later I realised he had stolen my wallet whilst helping me' :D

Jet Gorgon Hey, Terry, you trying to hit on me? :D

Don't get your hopes up Miss Jet ... he thinks you're a bloke .... :o

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Oh My God. You sound like a bleeding heart socialist tree hugger. Life really ain't like that Hawk. The Canadian government obviously did a good job of mind mugging you, honey. Good luck.

wow - where'd that come from? all i meant was they treated me like family. this is yet another instance of something getting lost in the internet translation. i might restrict myself to face-to-face conversations with people from now on. for some reason my meaning gets lost/skewed in all my electronic communications.

Don't give up, now, Hawk. We all know the nice stories and I just want to ensure you keep your eyes open while the world turns. We do not want to hear soap stories later. I'm rooting for a happy life for you. :o

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Now that's getting me quite excited ..... :o

Keep it in your pants, David.

Now, please say some kind words to the Hawk as he thinks I'm bashing him for being altruistic.

No need. Thought my example fit the category - apperently not to some people :D. I may have to take back my earlier kudos to Jet for coming up with a good topic. But, I'll stand behind my original example - treating a stranger like family is a 'kind gesture'. You have to give me that.

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Now that's getting me quite excited ..... :bah:

Keep it in your pants, David.

Now, please say some kind words to the Hawk as he thinks I'm bashing him for being altruistic.

No need. Thought my example fit the category - apperently not to some people :o. I may have to take back my earlier kudos to Jet for coming up with a good topic. But, I'll stand behind my original example - treating a stranger like family is a 'kind gesture'. You have to give me that.

oh dont be so serious hawk, :bah:

cant you see everybody is bloody mad as a meat axe on this thread. :D

i'll give you a top example,

have a gander at mr gordon and that dave tayler character. :o

jesus frigging christ mate. ;)

and i rest my case. :D :D :D

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have a gander at mr gordon and that dave tayler character. :o

jesus frigging christ mate. :bah:

and i rest my case. :D :D :D

I don't mind the cheeky references to my upstanding character, but that's three times in one thread you spelled my name incorrectly, Terry57, even with gentle reminders of the correct spelling and two yellow cards. :D

And, Hawk, you probably are really nice and so is your new family. I just don't want to see you get hurt at some point because I think you are too nice and would crumble from the shock of it all.

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Now that's getting me quite excited ..... :D

Keep it in your pants, David.

Now, please say some kind words to the Hawk as he thinks I'm bashing him for being altruistic.

It would help if I knew what altuististististic actually meant ... do you have a ssssstutter Miss Gorgon or is that the snakes ....? :o ... anyways Mr Hawk, some kind words for you ... I think you're a very nice man, a very, very nice man ... so there, now everyones happy .... :D

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It would help if I knew what altuististististic actually meant ... do you have a ssssstutter Miss Gorgon or is that the snakes ....? :o ... anyways Mr Hawk, some kind words for you ... I think you're a very nice man, a very, very nice man ... so there, now everyones happy .... :D

altruistic: mmmmerriam webster and oxford are available ffffree online.

Mr Hawk is an honhonhonourable, upstststanding young man, and if we don't traintrainntrain him here, who willl, gods bleblebless his altruistic soul. :D

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It would help if I knew what altuististististic actually meant ... do you have a ssssstutter Miss Gorgon or is that the snakes ....? :o ... anyways Mr Hawk, some kind words for you ... I think you're a very nice man, a very, very nice man ... so there, now everyones happy .... :D

altruistic: mmmmerriam webster and oxford are available ffffree online.

Mr Hawk is an honhonhonourable, upstststanding young man, and if we don't traintrainntrain him here, who willl, gods bleblebless his altruistic soul. :D

Main Entry: al·tru·ism

Pronunciation: 'al-trü-"i-z&m

Etymology: French altruisme, from autrui other people, from Old French, oblique case form of autre other, from Latin alter

1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

- al·tru·ist /-trü-ist/ noun

- al·tru·is·tic /"al-trü-'is-tik/ adjective

- al·tru·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Blimey .. what a cracking day for information .... not only do I now know a new word ... but also confirms that Mr Hawk is a cracking guy ... a very unselfish, beneficial to his species, devoted to others sort of guy ... :D

The sort of guy you wouldn't mind bumping into down a dark alley late at night... :D

In fact he reminds me of another guy of the same ilk ... our mate Terry .... :bah:

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It would help if I knew what altuististististic actually meant ... do you have a ssssstutter Miss Gorgon or is that the snakes ....? ... anyways Mr Hawk, some kind words for you ... I think you're a very nice man, a very, very nice man ... so there, now everyones happy .... :D

altruistic: mmmmerriam webster and oxford are available ffffree online.

Mr Hawk is an honhonhonourable, upstststanding young man, and if we don't traintrainntrain him here, who willl, gods bleblebless his altruistic soul. :

Main Entry: al·tru·ism

Pronunciation: 'al-trü-"i-z&m

Etymology: French altruisme, from autrui other people, from Old French, oblique case form of autre other, from Latin alter

1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

- al·tru·ist /-trü-ist/ noun

- al·tru·is·tic /"al-trü-'is-tik/ adjective

- al·tru·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Blimey .. what a cracking day for information .... not only do I now know a new word ... but also confirms that Mr Hawk is a cracking guy ... a very unselfish, beneficial to his species, devoted to others sort of guy ...

The sort of guy you wouldn't mind bumping into down a dark alley late at night...

In fact he reminds me of another guy of the same ilk ... our mate Terry ....

cricky's dave,

you beat me to the punch as i was going to say that. :o

i think next time we get on the turps mr gorgon can come a have a shandie with us as he's a cracking sort of fella by the sounds of it, and also knows some top words. :D:D

mr hawk can only have a fanta or a coke as he needs to loosen up a bit. :D

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It would help if I knew what altuististististic actually meant ... do you have a ssssstutter Miss Gorgon or is that the snakes ....? :D ... anyways Mr Hawk, some kind words for you ... I think you're a very nice man, a very, very nice man ... so there, now everyones happy .... :bah:

altruistic: mmmmerriam webster and oxford are available ffffree online.

Mr Hawk is an honhonhonourable, upstststanding young man, and if we don't traintrainntrain him here, who willl, gods bleblebless his altruistic soul. :D

Main Entry: al·tru·ism

Pronunciation: 'al-trü-"i-z&m

Etymology: French altruisme, from autrui other people, from Old French, oblique case form of autre other, from Latin alter

1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

- al·tru·ist /-trü-ist/ noun

- al·tru·is·tic /"al-trü-'is-tik/ adjective

- al·tru·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Blimey .. what a cracking day for information .... not only do I now know a new word ... but also confirms that Mr Hawk is a cracking guy ... a very unselfish, beneficial to his species, devoted to others sort of guy ... :D

The sort of guy you wouldn't mind bumping into down a dark alley late at night... :D

In fact he reminds me of another guy of the same ilk ... our mate Terry .... :bah:

And you found the dictionary sites! Sweet. Meet you in the alley. Bring Terry. Ensure he has just been to the ATM. I'm devoted to others, like myself. :o

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It would help if I knew what altuististististic actually meant ... do you have a ssssstutter Miss Gorgon or is that the snakes ....? :D ... anyways Mr Hawk, some kind words for you ... I think you're a very nice man, a very, very nice man ... so there, now everyones happy .... :o

altruistic: mmmmerriam webster and oxford are available ffffree online.

Mr Hawk is an honhonhonourable, upstststanding young man, and if we don't traintrainntrain him here, who willl, gods bleblebless his altruistic soul. :D

Main Entry: al·tru·ism

Pronunciation: 'al-trü-"i-z&m

Etymology: French altruisme, from autrui other people, from Old French, oblique case form of autre other, from Latin alter

1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

- al·tru·ist /-trü-ist/ noun

- al·tru·is·tic /"al-trü-'is-tik/ adjective

- al·tru·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Blimey .. what a cracking day for information .... not only do I now know a new word ... but also confirms that Mr Hawk is a cracking guy ... a very unselfish, beneficial to his species, devoted to others sort of guy ... :bah:

The sort of guy you wouldn't mind bumping into down a dark alley late at night... :bah:

In fact he reminds me of another guy of the same ilk ... our mate Terry .... ;)

And you found the dictionary sites! Sweet. Meet you in the alley. Bring Terry. Ensure he has just been to the ATM. I'm devoted to others, like myself. :o

I wouldn't expect anything less from a hydrahead like yourself Miss Jet ... altruism and Gorgons go together like water and oil, like arsonists and firemen ... you are what's known as immiscible (now thats a word). :D

Anyway all this this 'pillow talk' is getting me way too worked up ... I'm going to have to turn the computer off before it overheats ... :D

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Immiscible. Are you speed reading the dictionary, David, Dear? Wunderbar word. Thank you. Alacalafragilisticexpealadoshus.

Terry, lasso these boys and get us to the saloon. Lollypops for the Hawk. We'll do bourbon shooters. And if you refer to me as a boy again, Terrence, I'll attach your hanging bits to a shinawatra satellite and shoot them to a falling star. And make a wish, of course. :o:D

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Immiscible. Are you speed reading the dictionary, David, Dear? Wunderbar word. Thank you. Alacalafragilisticexpealadoshus.

Terry, lasso these boys and get us to the saloon. Lollypops for the Hawk. We'll do bourbon shooters. And if you refer to me as a boy again, Terrence, I'll attach your hanging bits to a shinawatra satellite and shoot them to a falling star. And make a wish, of course. :o:D

love it,

and if you dont mind Miss jet its <deleted> Terence with one bloody R okay. :D

and you must be very careful regards my hanging bits as i could possibly need them some time

between now and the next millinium. :D :D

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Terence...so your mother could not spell either. Miillinium? That's pretty creative, too. lol And very kind words all of these are. Awwww. Where's that sweet Canadian hawk?

cricky's miss jet,

you got me again, but i also got you, as you mispelt my mispelling so i'll give it a crack again. :D

"MILLENNIUM" how's that.? :o


to answer your other question, the hawk has done a runner as his mommy was calling him. :D

cheers Miss Gorgon :D

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Terence...so your mother could not spell either. Miillinium? That's pretty creative, too. lol And very kind words all of these are. Awwww. Where's that sweet Canadian hawk?

cricky's miss jet,

you got me again, but i also got you, as you mispelt my mispelling so i'll give it a crack again. :bah:

"MILLENNIUM" how's that.? :o


to answer your other question, the hawk has done a runner as his mommy was calling him. :D

cheers Miss Gorgon :D

More like some Maple syrup and Rye whisky came his way ... that'll silence a canoook quicker than it takes a katoy to unbuckle your belt Terry :D

Bit like Somtam and stinky fish with the girls at Gecko bar ... don't plan on getting any fresh frothies coming your way until the bowls are licked clean :bah:

On that note Miss Gorgon it has been rumoured that Terry was born of the Jackal and Jackals are notoriously bad spellers ... :D

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Terence...so your mother could not spell either. Miillinium? That's pretty creative, too. lol And very kind words all of these are. Awwww. Where's that sweet Canadian hawk?

cricky's miss jet,

you got me again, but i also got you, as you mispelt my mispelling so i'll give it a crack again. :o

"MILLENNIUM" how's that.? :D


to answer your other question, the hawk has done a runner as his mommy was calling him. :bah:

cheers Miss Gorgon :D

More like some Maple syrup and Rye whisky came his way ... that'll silence a canoook quicker than it takes a katoy to unbuckle your belt Terry

Bit like Somtam and stinky fish with the girls at Gecko bar ... don't plan on getting any fresh frothies coming your way until the bowls are licked clean

On that note Miss Gorgon it has been rumoured that Terry was born of the Jackal and Jackals are notoriously bad spellers ...

your a legend, ;)

anyway, you make sure you look after my katoey boy/girl friends will you. :D

dont want that canadian cracking on to them. :D:o:bah:

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Terence...so your mother could not spell either. Miillinium? That's pretty creative, too. lol And very kind words all of these are. Awwww. Where's that sweet Canadian hawk?

cricky's miss jet,

you got me again, but i also got you, as you mispelt my mispelling so i'll give it a crack again.

"MILLENNIUM" how's that.?


to answer your other question, the hawk has done a runner as his mommy was calling him. :D

cheers Miss Gorgon

More like some Maple syrup and Rye whisky came his way ... that'll silence a canoook quicker than it takes a katoy to unbuckle your belt Terry

Bit like Somtam and stinky fish with the girls at Gecko bar ... don't plan on getting any fresh frothies coming your way until the bowls are licked clean

On that note Miss Gorgon it has been rumoured that Terry was born of the Jackal and Jackals are notoriously bad spellers ...

your a legend, :bah:

anyway, you make sure you look after my katoey boy/girl friends will you. :D

dont want that canadian cracking on to them. :D:o:bah:

If Miss Jet is one of those infamous beasts found roaming the tundra and watering holes of Saskatchewan known as 'the cougar' then there is absolutely nothing I, or even the army of Thailand can do to prevent her taking all of your precious cargo if that's what she really wants :o

I've seen first hand what havoc these creatures can wreck upon the local populus and to say they are a little impulsive would be like saying 9 towers of dark German ales is going to make you a little unsteady on your feet .... :D

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David, honey, any honkey who can spell Saskatchewan gets a notch up in my trailer park and are most welcome to visit. Here's to ya: :D A cordial invitation to you, too, Terry. Rye shooters for you both at dawn (I'll have bacon and coffee). Wake up the hawk and invite him along. Please bring more kind gestures from Thai people stories to tell around the camp fire. Please bring more firewood, too.

This news just in: You boys are certifiable. Shuffle, shuffle papers, stamp. You're really in! :o

Welcome new trailer trash to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta. (Please note that I moved my trailer to Alberta -- lower taxes and better buffalo hunting). :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once a few years ago I stayed at a guest house in Trat Province on the way to Cambodia. I had to leave quite early the next day so I paid for my stay the night before. In a hurry, I forgot to leave my room key with the staff on the way out the next morning.

A year later (making the same trip), I arrived in Trat again, this time around midnight, and headed to the same friendly guest house, hoping they would have a room available. They had no vacancies, but I had brought the key that I had forgotten to return the previous year with the intent of finally returning it (it was quite recognizable because all of their room keys were attached to colorful plastic fish keychains.)

Obviously the key had already been replaced by that time, but the gesture seemed to have touched the owner of the estabalishment. He offered to let me stay at another guest house across the street that he also owned, outside on a porch around the back of the building (it was also full.) He set up bedding and provided a mosquito net (tent, really), and refused payment when I offered it. All he asked was that I take down the mosquito net and fold up the bedding so as to keep the porch clear for the other tennants in the morning.

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