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Britain cannot be blackmailed by EU over exit bill: minister


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3 hours ago, aright said:

I thought this well worth a viewing



Well I just wasted my time learning nothing new


The whole idea of  representative democracy is that parliament does not need to bow to the numpty view but can take wise decisions. Rees Mogg, who would make a great pantomime dame next Christmas, is being disingenuous; one just knows he would love a return to feudalism!

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Politicians? Wise decisions? Of course the idea of democracy in action is that the people ( the ones you feel have an IQ lower than yours, the proles, the ones who failed to get a Geoff Hurst at University ), in a referendum (the right for people to decide) make decisions which when in the majority expect Parliament to implement. The Remainers contention is that the plebians  are incapable of making a wise decision and they and their ilk having reached the consulship of cursus honorum should impose their will on them. Those amongst your tribe who don't want to go quite that far make up for it by continually whining about the intellectual unfairness of it all. 

Intellectually I think our next Prime Minister would be a disaster as a Pantomine Dame ........he's a Catholic, so its unlikely he would be prepared show his knickers however I do accept and have already made the point he has a Charles Hawtrey look about him ( Private Widdle if I remember correctly)



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9 hours ago, Thakkar said:

I haven't followed many brexit threads, but on this thread, I don't recall anyone saying or implying Britain will become "a has been that needs to hang on to Germany's coat tails"


Perhaps you could point them out. Using emotional terms (because of the European history of 'war(s) to end all war(s)') like 'German coat tails' is already a way to shut out rational debate and completely unhelpful.


Brexit is a momentous and never before attempted event and, as such, carries many uncertainties. Uncertainties are anathema to financial and other businesses. Pointing out the inevitable potential detriments of multi year uncertainties is not the same as crying doom and gloom, although granted, it may look that way.


Britain is home to the world's second largest financial market. A lot of FDI into Britain was predicated on Britain's membership in the EU. Millions of personal decisions on where to work, study and retire, raise a family were predicated on Britain's continued membership in the EU. A lot of things are going to be up-ended nobody knows yet to what extent, if at all, or completely. Such multi year uncertainties aren't good for economies or personal lives.


The benefits of brexit are equally as yet uncertain and again make business and personal decisions harder. Pretending otherwise is classic head in the sand behavior.


It is right to be worried and concerned and even critical, because, for the next few years at least, many individuals, families and businesses on both sides of The Channel have to live with these uncertainties and put many decisions on hold until there is some clarity.


Shouting xenophobic slogans may placate some inner beast in some people, but it isn't helpful on the whole. In an inter dependent world, in or out of any bloc, no country is totally "sovereign." Many of the big issues are global in nature. We share the same, ever-shrinking planet and have no choice but to accommodate or synchronize to each other's rules and regulations. One way or another, homogeneity in regulations (such as, for example, no lead in gasoline or children's toys) is inevitable.


Denying our interdependence is foolish. Acknowledging our interdependence means letting go of our xenophobia and toning down our unhelpful nationalism.


Oh, we get the 'little England/Britain', 'not an empire any more', 'insignificant little island', etc, comments all the time in the brexit discussions, along with plenty of creepy, ott praise for Germany. As I said, it's just stating the facts. You can demean those facts with your rhetoric to your heart's content. I don't care. As you've admitted, you're new here.


And the rest of your post is classic short-term panic, hysteria and hyperbole, hilariously overdressed in grand grammar (another common trait amongst remainers).

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2 hours ago, aright said:

Politicians? Wise decisions? Of course the idea of democracy in action is that the people ( the ones you feel have an IQ lower than yours, the proles, the ones who failed to get a Geoff Hurst at University ), in a referendum (the right for people to decide) make decisions which when in the majority expect Parliament to implement. The Remainers contention is that the plebians  are incapable of making a wise decision and they and their ilk having reached the consulship of cursus honorum should impose their will on them. Those amongst your tribe who don't want to go quite that far make up for it by continually whining about the intellectual unfairness of it all. 

Intellectually I think our next Prime Minister would be a disaster as a Pantomine Dame ........he's a Catholic, so its unlikely he would be prepared show his knickers however I do accept and have already made the point he has a Charles Hawtrey look about him ( Private Widdle if I remember correctly)




Brilliant! Post of the thread so far.

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21 hours ago, Grouse said:

Most sensible people would agree that whereas the EU is far from ideal, it does provide far better societies than those under Hitler, Franco or Mussolini

You are talking about a totally different era. Hitler, Franco and Mussolini has their supporters in the beginning

21 hours ago, Grouse said:

Finally, if the UK wants to leave then leave. Right now.

This a different tune from what you was saying from before. I agree, that you are right but it would seem the EU and the Corbynites wont let us leave. If we are such anti Europe why don't they? They rely on the UK that is why.


21 hours ago, Grouse said:

Why run down our European friends? Leave them alone, they're fine.

Nobody is running them down, in fact the opposite. Give them all a referendum on leaving the EU then. I thought not.

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