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Smoking in enclosed Pattaya area restaurants


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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Nice try but this is a very new place and I don't intend to post about them. For two reasons - - the place is very inaccessible because of the menu and also the smoke situation. I don't only post about recommendable restaurants but in this case I don't want to publicize them at all unless they change their smoking policy. I don't expect they ever will.

If it is inaccessible  because of the menu....who would want to eat there...wild  guess it is middle eastern with sheeps eyes and such?

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't own a diesel, and I don't have a car or a m'bike in Thailand. I have a small petrol car at home, but only because there is no affordable public transport where I live.

When they invent a non polluting method of travel I'll certainly use it.


However, the thread is about smoking. Far as I care people can do it, just not in my face. It's great since the law in most countries stopped smoking in enclosed public places.

They invented legs and bicycles many years ago

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

When I walked in there was one smoker. The smell was noticeable because it's a very small shop house stuffy place. Honestly I don't even know if they have aircon. I've been about four times and I've seen them open the door for a while to air out cigarette smoke. I can tolerate one smoker in there.


But what happened last night is all the people at a large table all lit up at once. I wasn't even looking but then I started to cough and saw them all smoking. They saw me looking and heard me coughing. What a special human moment.


Yes my throat is still irritated and I can even still taste smoke in my mouth the next day. Mouthwash isn't strong enough.


As far as street smoke the only time I find that really bad is near the back of a baht bus when they have a very faulty exhaust system. Even that not nearly as bad as this restaurant experience.


Believe me or not. I don't care.


Something I might try because one guy there speaks a little English is if I walk in and it's too smoky I'll tell him why I can't eat there then. Maybe over time the owners might realize that in that particular space smoking isn't good. Not likely but no harm in trying.


There you go again. Instead of simply finding another place to eat you insist on going back to the same place and trying to change things.


You have a choice! In fact you got far more choices then Smokers do. What is it with some guys. Are they on some Power Trip?


I have been to a lot of places where the food was very good. But I didn't like the service, or the price for what I got, or the loud music they played later, so I never went back. I certainly never considered going back to talk to the Manager to try and improve there Service or Price, or the DJ to turn down the music.


You talk like this is the only place in the city you can eat at, when it is Pattaya, and loaded with many other places. Just do what a normal person would do, and go to another place, and let him run his business the was he sees fit. 

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49 minutes ago, bbpbbp said:


I am more than intolerant and have no respect for anyone, but I would never smoke in their face because I am not a piece of shiiiteee like the ones doing this. I am also rich enough to eat at any 5star 7 days a week but why should I do it because of these scummbagggs ?



your post makes absolutely no sense, apart from the fact that you have no respect for anyone.

Thanks for sharing.

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About 6 or 7 year ago a no smoking law went into effect as I recall. It was great for a few months and almost a year to go in some clubs and go gos and not have to smell smoke.  I don't recall if that "law" applied to any indoor place, but I thought it did.  As I recall the law was never rescinded, and is just totally ignored.  Of course with two coups and a few PMs, and charters and constitutions since then, who knows what the law actually is.

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10 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

I don't care if they do, as long as they don't care that I don't, and it doesn't effect me...............plenty of other places for me to go.   but - it is illegal to smoke in public places - I have seen Asian and Eastern Europeans smoke in restaraunts and use their plates as ashtrays..........a Russian man was told by our pool security he couldn't smoke by the pool, signs in english, chinese, russian, korean & thai.  He got all up in the guards' face yelling in russian but the guard stood his ground pointed at the sign, at the kids swimming, then at his cellphone and said "Police"   The guy left - next morning the swimming pool had dozens & dozens of cigarette butts floating on it.  That area is too dark at night for CCTV to pick up who it was, but we know are sure he did it.    We will vote for new lighting at next meeting.


So Barney N, sometimes smokers think they are 'Holier than Thou' as well.

I agree this man's action were rude and uncalled for. There is no excuse for this type of behavior. 


But having said that, a Culture Man Smoking by an outdoor pool, and using an ashtray, is not going to cause your kid to develope lung cancer, or a breathig disorder, swimming 20 meters away.


I am not sanctioning that he should be allowed to smoke there, if they are the rule. I am only making the point that non-smoker sometimes make a big deal out of a little thing  

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Not that long ago, witches, atheists, protestants, communists, homosexuals were burnt at the stakes.
These days, smokers are the root of all evil.

- Non smoking Farangs, living in places like BKK or Pattaya, probably inhale the equivalent 1 pack of cigarettes in form of car-exhausts daily. (Denial is a form of religion).

- In the 50ties and 60ties "everybody" smoked and yet it's the same generation that lives longer than any generation before.

- Folks, suffering from chronic respiratory problems (Astma), should not live in places like BKK or Pattaya in the first place.

- LOS stands for "Land of Smiles", but also for LOT, "Land of Tolerance".

PS: I find "Thai-Bashing" threads far more amusing than "Smoker-Bashing" threads.

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There you go again. Instead of simply finding another place to eat you insist on going back to the same place and trying to change things.


You have a choice! In fact you got far more choices then Smokers do. What is it with some guys. Are they on some Power Trip?


I have been to a lot of places where the food was very good. But I didn't like the service, or the price for what I got, or the loud music they played later, so I never went back. I certainly never considered going back to talk to the Manager to try and improve there Service or Price, or the DJ to turn down the music.


You talk like this is the only place in the city you can eat at, when it is Pattaya, and loaded with many other places. Just do what a normal person would do, and go to another place, and let him run his business the was he sees fit. 

Normal is boring. Nowhere else in town does food like they do. So I will go back and won't listen to preachers like you.


I never said I'm trying to change them. Telling them why I walk out is an informational courtesy. I've figured out what kind of place it is. They aren't actively welcoming people of different nationalities. That is their choice.


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Not that long ago, witches, atheists, protestants, communists, homosexuals were burnt at the stakes. These days, smokers are the root of all evil.


- Non smoking Farangs, living in places like BKK or Pattaya, probably inhale the equivalent 1 pack of cigarettes in form of car-exhausts daily. (Denial is a form of religion).


- In the 50ties and 60ties "everybody" smoked and yet it's the same generation that lives longer than any generation before.


- Folks, suffering from chronic respiratory problems (Astma), should not live in places like BKK or Pattaya in the first place.


- LOS stands for "Land of Smiles", but also for LOT, "Land of Tolerance".



PS: I find "Thai-Bashing" threads far more amusing than "Smoker-Bashing" threads.



This is not a smoker bashing thread.

But dude let me tell you it is no problem living in Pattaya as an asthmatic. I've had zero crises here in over ten years. Just controlled with drugs. Even the restaurant incident didn't trigger a crisis. It was mostly about severe mouth irritation and coughing. Not the same as a wheezing attack. There air there wasn't good for anyone. No wonder the staff doesn't seem to smoke. They're already smoking for free.


Btw my throat is still sore. Something about the design of that shop house and so many smoking all at once. I feel sorry for the staff. They may as well work in a coal mine.






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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Normal is boring. Nowhere else in town does food like they do. So I will go back and won't listen to preachers like you.


I never said I'm trying to change them. Telling them why I walk out is an informational courtesy. I've figured out what kind of place it is. They aren't actively welcoming people of different nationalities. That is their choice.


You are the one who came here preaching. I just told you to go to another place to eat, like many others.


No matter how good the food was there, and even if you can't find that anywhere else, which I am sure you never even tried, but yet hated cigarette smoke as bad as you claim to, I would just leave and not make a fuss. Because as you said, it is there restaurant and there choice. 


Telling them why you won't come back there is not a courtesy. It is a complaint! Would I be courtious to you if I got up from your table and said I was leaving because I couldn't stand you?  


You are just disappointed as when you posted here you did not get the support you expected from non-smokers, to join forces with you and kick all the smokers onto the street. As they all told you, like everyoe else, to just go someplace else. 

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You are the one who came here preaching. I just told you to go to another place to eat, like many others.
No matter how good the food was there, and even if you can't find that anywhere else, which I am sure you never even tried, but yet hated cigarette smoke as bad as you claim to, I would just leave and not make a fuss. Because as you said, it is there restaurant and there choice. 
Telling them why you won't come back there is not a courtesy. It is a complaint! Would I be courtious to you if I got up from your table and said I was leaving because I couldn't stand you?  
You are just disappointed as when you posted here you did not get the support you expected from non-smokers, to join forces with you and kick all the smokers onto the street. As they all told you, like everyoe else, to just go someplace else. 

Speak for yourself about your motivations. You can't know mine.

Again I will keep going there but will try to avoid a smoky time there. Only if that proves impossible would I consider not going there.
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Speak for yourself about your motivations. You can't know mine.

Again I will keep going there but will try to avoid a smoky time there. Only if that proves impossible would I consider not going there.

I have no motives. It is just difficult to try understand yours, when you openly said already you hate cigarette smoke, but insist on going to the same restaurant, which allows smoking? Or even going back to complain about it later. 


By all means go back there if you choose. But try to have a good time and enjoy yourself instead of counting all the smokers there, who are trying to. 

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11 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I have no motives. It is just difficult to try understand yours, when you openly said already you hate cigarette smoke, but insist on going to the same restaurant, which allows smoking? Or even going back to complain about it later. 


By all means go back there if you choose. But try to have a good time and enjoy yourself instead of counting all the smokers there, who are trying to. 

So condescending.

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Back to the more generic question, steering away from the soap opera about this one place, which I refuse to quit and I've already explained why multiple times, what's the deal with aircon vs. no aircon?


If a place is open air, no aircon, apparently it is legal to smoke. But closed in aircon, not.


What about totally closed in, no open side, no open door, no open window, and no aircon? That's legal then?

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3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

There you go again. Instead of simply finding another place to eat you insist on going back to the same place and trying to change things.


You have a choice! In fact you got far more choices then Smokers do. What is it with some guys. Are they on some Power Trip?


I have been to a lot of places where the food was very good. But I didn't like the service, or the price for what I got, or the loud music they played later, so I never went back. I certainly never considered going back to talk to the Manager to try and improve there Service or Price, or the DJ to turn down the music.


You talk like this is the only place in the city you can eat at, when it is Pattaya, and loaded with many other places. Just do what a normal person would do, and go to another place, and let him run his business the was he sees fit. 


he already said that NOWHERE ELSE it is possible to eat these dishes, and as he is an expert he could be right.

Anyway, why arguing ? is there anybody in this world not totally insane would could think that it is OK to smoke indoor when people are eating ? This is even ridiculous to talk about it !



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Back to the more generic question, steering away from the soap opera about this one place, which I refuse to quit and I've already explained why multiple times, what's the deal with aircon vs. no aircon?


If a place is open air, no aircon, apparently it is legal to smoke. But closed in aircon, not.


What about totally closed in, no open side, no open door, no open window, and no aircon? That's legal then?

Relax JT, this is all generic: Mouth/Throat irritation, due to passive smoking? That is very worriesome and unheard of so far.
- You, being a frequent visitor of restaurants must know, that contents of full astrays are not meant to be eaten in form of a free desert after the meal. That will have to serve as the only explanation as far as your Mouth and Throat Irritation is concerned.:smile:
I rather suspect, that the exotic restaurant of your choice has used some "high-mileage" olive oil mixed with a modest amount of Anti-Freeze, serving as a "meat-tenderizer".

PS: JT, have your priorities shifted from "low budget repatriation" to "where to eat in Pattaya smokefree"?
There is a "legal-overstay" for Farangs and there is a "mental-overstay" for Farangs. "Stickman" overstayed BKK/Thailand mentally for over 10 years. You?

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14 minutes ago, swissie said:

Relax JT, this is all generic: Mouth/Throat irritation, due to passive smoking? That is very worriesome and unheard of so far.
- You, being a frequent visitor of restaurants must know, that contents of full astrays are not meant to be eaten in form of a free desert after the meal. That will have to serve as the only explanation as far as your Mouth and Throat Irritation is concerned.:smile:
I rather suspect, that the exotic restaurant of your choice has used some "high-mileage" olive oil mixed with a modest amount of Anti-Freeze, serving as a "meat-tenderizer".

PS: JT, have your priorities shifted from "low budget repatriation" to "where to eat in Pattaya smokefree"?
There is a "legal-overstay" for Farangs and there is a "mental-overstay" for Farangs. "Stickman" overstayed BKK/Thailand mentally for over 10 years. You?

Ignoring your obnoxious personal baiting (please DESIST),  I'll address the throat irritation question with FACTS:





Secondhand smoke causes irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. It also irritates the lungs, causing coughing and excess phlegm.


There are LEVELS of exposure to such smoke. I've not much been bothered by minor exposure in open air restaurants. But on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being in an airport smoking lounge with no ventilation) the recent incident was at least an 8. Perhaps they were especially nasty cheap ciggies.  

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8 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:


in a bar i frequent there are no smoking signs above about five seats

but none regulars arrive and pull their fags out and puff away and we sometimes get the regulars who do smoke pointing out that its fine to smoke but not there

and these zealots argue that they can smoke anywhere they like as this is Thailand.

most are just ignorant of the laws here.

but for some it is like the Farangs we see driving on the pavement  or the wrong way down a soi, they think they can do as they please here, and that although every one now knows the very real danger of smoking, they think  it is ok to do something that they know is wrong, as both these habits can cause harm to the public. 

8 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

I assume Pattaya comes under the same rules as everywhere else in LoS: no smoking in air conditioned eating and drinking places. Non-air conditioned doesn't count.

on the 10th January 2008 Thailand announced further restrictions that came into force, smoking would be banned (indoors and outdoors) in establishments open to the public including bars and open air markets.    Google Thailand and smoking laws.  

Thailand has further extended a national ban on smoking in public areas to include pubs, restaurants, discos and market-places, both open-air and air-conditioned.

Previously, the regulations applied only to public buildings and closed air-conditioned areas. The regulations took effect February 11, 2008



Edited by zoza
date of enforcement correction
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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Ignoring your obnoxious personal baiting (please DESIST),  I'll address the throat irritation question with FACTS:





There are LEVELS of exposure to such smoke. I've not much been bothered by minor exposure in open air restaurants. But on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being in an airport smoking lounge with no ventilation) the recent incident was at least an 8. Perhaps they were especially nasty cheap ciggies.  

And its not just second hand and sidestream smoke. There is also third hand smoke: The materials in surroundings that have absorbed smoke and are contaminated.Ie like your clothes after a disco night. Anyway the comments you are replying to just demonstrate again that "these" smokers are as mentally degraded as they are physically. Can i ask you a simple  question Jim : Does this restaurant have take away ???

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9 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I agree this man's action were rude and uncalled for. There is no excuse for this type of behavior. 


But having said that, a Culture Man Smoking by an outdoor pool, and using an ashtray, is not going to cause your kid to develope lung cancer, or a breathig disorder, swimming 20 meters away.


I am not sanctioning that he should be allowed to smoke there, if they are the rule. I am only making the point that non-smoker sometimes make a big deal out of a little thing  

Yeah, but the smoking area is at the end of the pool outside the restaurant, with at least six standing ashtrays...........I think you made your point on the wrong thread, I don't make a big deal about people smoking, I was a smoker but quit in 1980, after smoking 15 years.  Just wondering, do you also smoke??

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I was outside at an evacuation center watching a mountain burn. The forest fire had caused the evacuation of the towns and villages, where I lived, down into the Los Angeles basin. The embers and ashes were raining down onto us, the air filled with smoke. Then I lit my pipe. You would think the Germans had attacked a bingo hall with mustard gas. FYI: The CDC calculates the life span of a pipe smoker to be the same as someone who has never used any tobacco during their life. Yet I pay the massive taxes of a cigarette smoker. A little kid told me smoking is bad for me. (I was sitting in my parked car at the time and he walked up to the car.) I told him Santa smokes a pipe. "Go home and look it up on your computer." It froze his brain and he ran away.

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3 hours ago, morrobay said:

Does this restaurant have take away ???

I don't actually know.

Based on how new the place is and it's rough style I doubt it. Especially for items like soups.

Even though it's easy for me to travel to this restaurant, even if they had take out, to schlep there and schlep the food back with soi dogs sniffing at it wouldn't appeal to me anyway. 

More mainstream places that have delivery services would be different, but such regular places wouldn't have such extreme issues with internal enclosed smoke. 

So the more specific reply to this, is IF I find it impossible to eat in at this place without  any kind of repeat of the extreme smoke event I recently had, then I really would drop the place, even if they had proper takeout containers. 

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9 hours ago, bbpbbp said:


he already said that NOWHERE ELSE it is possible to eat these dishes, and as he is an expert he could be right.

Anyway, why arguing ? is there anybody in this world not totally insane would could think that it is OK to smoke indoor when people are eating ? This is even ridiculous to talk about it !



Well obviously the owner of this Restaurant thinks it okay to smoke indoors while people are eating otherwise he would not let people do that. Don't you think?


I for one would not smoke in this restaurant. But I also feel that what the owner decides to do is his business as it is his place, and I can always leave if I don't like that. But then there is others who can do the same thing but instead choose to make a big commotion and fuss over that, when they may eat there once a month. Reminds me of that American Actor at Tesco recently, demanding special service and jumping in front of everyone ese. 


Yes! The Op must be an expert, like you said, to have tried out every other resteraunt in Pattaya, and only found this one serving his food the way her likes it. Or you are jusy terribly naive. Since I know how many different restaurants are in Pattaya, serving all kinds of different food, and I don't knnow you at all, then my guess is that you are just terribly naive to believe that statement. 

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2 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Yeah, but the smoking area is at the end of the pool outside the restaurant, with at least six standing ashtrays...........I think you made your point on the wrong thread, I don't make a big deal about people smoking, I was a smoker but quit in 1980, after smoking 15 years.  Just wondering, do you also smoke??

So you do have a smoking area which seems more than fare to me. He then for sure had no right acting the way he did. But don't confuse him with all smokers as we are not all the same. I know I for one would never do that. 

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21 hours ago, Enoon said:


All addicts "like" their drug of choice.


Of course it's nothing to do with weak will.


It's addiction.



Yes! I knew plenty of men in my life time who lost good jobs because they could not control there alcohol and stop drinking for work. They ended up losing there wife and family to. 


I also have a brother who has a gambling addiction. Never drank alcohol or smoked, but also never had a pot to piss n either, after a life time of working. Sometimes I think this one is the worst of all. He was divorced 6 times and of course lost his wife and family each time to.


I also knew a guy who lost his job and family because he failed his drug test. Just from smoking pot. Lots of professioal athletes who were disqualified for that as well. 


But to be honest I never heard of a man losing his job from smoking cigarettes, or his family.  Maybe you know somebody. Since you compare them all the same.  

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14 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Dear god....spare me...go to Myanmar. In a lot of the places I've been the first thing they do is put down an ashtray with 5 cigarettes in it, freebies for the customers. Most places have cigarette lighters hanging from the roof for all to use, Dorothy, Toto and Kansas springs to mind.

My daughter suffers from asthmatic attacks and I hate the smell of smoking. Your reply is inappropriate. 

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