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  • Birthday 01/24/1948

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    Buffalo Ban Buriram

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  1. There is no proof that saturated fat is harmful. I thought that this was slowly becoming known. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9794145/
  2. Farang muck. Use coconut oil.
  3. It still confuses me why Farangs still recommend olive oil here. It will usually be adulterated and expensive or unadulterated and VERY expensive. Coconut oil is a much better solution.
  4. Living alone was an excellent period for me. After 27 years of marriage and three years with a girlfriend, I decided no more women in my life, and lived alone for another four years. So I learnt how to cook, fill out my tax returns, do my accounts, generally to look after myself. When I did finally decide to find a partner, I was apparently much more capable of living with another person. Been with her for 12 years now and it works. Maybe I was triggered when I received news that an aunt had been found upside down on her stairs, where she had been for 36 hours with a broken hip.
  5. Some websites warn against taking certain herbs (turmeric for example) as they may lead to low BP.
  6. For what it's worth, I.m 77 and run marathons.
  7. We always take our dog with us. One place we went to accepted dogs one year, the next year they refused. As far as I can see, this will be due to: dog barking at night, left alone in a strange place, owners letting their dog out early morning to have a cr*p, the air conditioning guy telling the owners that dogs clog up the air. This can happen any time, so you can't rely on website information. Unless you're in a remote area, driving around will almost certainly get results, last year we happily paid ฿200.- for the dog at one place, after four refusals. I don't care, I'll sleep in the car if necessary.
  8. You miss the points: 1. We CAN'T do anything significant about it. 2. It's happened before 3. How are you going to convince 'certain countries' to go along with zero carbon? They'll just watch and grin. The "missing evidence" that I didn't quote, since you seem to still trust scientists, is all over the place if you care to look. I am Swiss and am just as sad about the retreat of the glaciers as anyone, but it's happened before .. many millions will die if you deny them the right to heat their homes and cook in an affordable manner, but I suppose that's OK with you.
  9. Very well written, but unfortunately based on "follow the ""science"". There is no evidence that CO2 causes warming, on the contrary it seems that increases in CO2 happen as a result of warming, which is a part of the natural cycle of warming and cooling that the planet has been going through since its formation. If we cut carbon emissions to zero tomorrow (get rid of all those pesky plants that produce CO2, get rid of the ruminants, amongst other things) I very much doubt that we would see a drop in temperatures inside of a few thousand years. You guys aren't worried about the planet, you're confusing global change with your own fears of death. I have children, I know that they will adapt and survive.
  10. Seeing as how we are still emerging from the last Ice Age period, some might consider this to be normal. There is no convincing proof that the small portion of CO2 produced by human activity (compared with naturally occurring production) has an important role in climate change, nor that cutting carbon emissions to zero would do much to halt warming.
  11. Cure it or prevent it? Usually, an oil-based insecticide is recommended. Neem oil will probably do it. The bugs seem to attack plants that are enfeebled by drought and /or heat. Even in the rainy season I pay attention to watering, especially to pot plants but also younger plants, vegetables.
  12. Generally, planting tomatoes during or just before the rainy season is just asking for trouble. I have some cherry tomatoes under a roof, planted in bought in soil, but I'm not hoping for much. I have lovely soil but I, along with others in the village, am unable to successfully cultivate any members of the nightshade family, apart from chilli. Probably verticillium wilt, which BScTreelove will inevitably tell you is due to poor soil management, and then recommend some exotic product from the USA. You do realise that mentioning specific members will sort of annoy people like me? Generally in Thailand, there isn't a sowing / planting season, it's a matter of are you willing to water when necessary, is for instance, planting watermelons just before the long, dry season starts, a good idea? Sorry DrTree.
  13. Most of us prefer that cuisine so well known for being heathy and delicious, the SAD, otherwise known as the Standard American Diet. Just love all those alphabet supplements, added sugar etc.
  14. I wouldn't hazard it, I.m 99.99$ certain. Even spraying with chemicals doesn't always help. and even then the eggs won't be destroyed. They are supposed to dislike wet foliage but at this time of year... some kind of oil based insecticide (Neem oil comes to mind) should help.
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