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  • Birthday 01/24/1948

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    Buffalo Ban Buriram

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  1. Many writing here seem to have completely missed the point. Thailand, along with quite a few other countries, signed a (globalist) agreement with the OECD: "Thailand signs Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent BEPS. On 9 February 2022, Thailand signed the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent BEPS (the MLI)." The tax number that you will receive if you take the trouble to apply for one (TIN) will be an International Tax Number, "This enactment brought into effect the Automatic Exchange of Information Common Reporting Standard laws." So if you escape paying taxes here, you will eventually finish up paying them elsewhere. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/tax-identification-number-thailand/ Google Thailand form L.P.10.1
  2. 50% would vote for a convicted felon. (That likes the ladies) 50% would vote for an (as yet) unconvicted felon. (that likes little girls).
  3. Thanks! I did receive a response from WYPFE at last, confirming that I had received refund of my contributions as I was emigrating. Sounds right.
  4. Oh dear, dunno. About two years I guess, maybe three...
  5. Many years ago I worked for this entity, which no longer exists. I still wonder if they have a pension fund in my name, but various attempts to contact various organisations have come up with 'no record'. Does anybody have a suggestion as to where I might apply? Thanks.
  6. Yes, you spotted it. I was trying to say that this isn't uniquely a Thai problem.
  7. Who cares? I have experienced worse in the UK.
  8. Many of us would disagree. Weetabix is not good for the digestion, meat is. You have a disease of the digestive tract, sounds like a digestion problem to me. You can completely change the wildlife living in your digestive tract by changing your diet.
  9. There's this: https://discover.texasrealfood.com/keto-clarity-hub/keto-diet-and-stomach-ulcers - take it or leave it. After years of buying Omeprazole in bulk and eating Antacil like candy, at the age of 71 all that disappeared for me when I went low carb. (Worked for me. Drank some cheap Thai wine last night and got my first acid reflux attack in years, so diet must have something to do with it. Cured it with a teaspoon of baking powder). Did the doctor ask about your diet? Problems with the digestion just might have something to do with what you eat? Good luck mate.
  10. I have seen such a thing as citrus potting compost but any well draining, slightly acidic soil will do. Here in Buriram they plant into bio char, which you would then need to fertilise.
  11. Looks to have been planted too deep. It might be a tricky job in the heat but: water. Dig around carefully and lift the tree out. Make sure that you replant to the same depth as it grew up in, should be obvious. Don't neglect to water. Or buy a new one!
  12. Every time Israel makes concessions it brings peace, yes... for a few weeks. The West Bank as well as the Golan heights are essential to Israel's security. Terrorist attacks are now almost unknown in those areas, the Arabs living there, like the Arabs living in Israel, are happy with the way things are. Things could be better of course. Try to understand: the Jews aren't going to lie down and let themselves be massacred by people that say that that is what they want to do.
  13. Drinking water to excess is not the solution. The water will flush away those electrolytes you need to stay safe, so take care to find a solution. This is a problem well known to sports physicians and came to their notice during long endurance runs when athletes were collapsing and sometimes dying. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyponatremia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373711#:~:text=Overview,in and around your cells. I'm 76 and ran my slow and easy 10 K this morning, after taking electrolytes (and coffee!), 28°C, 78% humidity. 15 K tomorrow.
  14. Remind me about toxic masculinity again.
  15. Jews were always present in the area, before Islam invaded and bloodily expelled the original inhabitants, including Christians, from large parts of the Middle East including Turkey. The Crusades that the Islamists complain about so bitterly were caused by the mistreatment of Christians and Christian holy places in Israel, as well as the closing of the trade routes and wholesale slave raiding committed by the Arabd throughout the Mediterranean and even up to Iceland and England. I wish we could get away from complaints about what happened many generations ago and try to find a rational solution based on the present situation.
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