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About JAS21

  • Birthday 11/23/1945

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    Border of BK

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  1. Now this motor was more than fun ...it was exciting...and when MrsJ was driving it was frighteningly exciting .....in its day it really was a monster.....
  2. So my will was written in 2007 whilst my wife and I still lived in the UK. I want to delete one clause and as the will is quite old thought that I would write a new one ..same wording as before ...but without the clause that I want to delete. I see that it contains the phrase ... I GIVE all my property both movable and immovable whatsoever and wheresoever situated (except etc ........As I have a Will of Thailand was wondering if that will overrule the wheresoever situated or should I put a full stop after whatsoever and delete the next three words. Am aware that its always best consult a lawyer but I believe that there are several on this forum so maybe one could comment ...
  3. I don’t think that I need any favours from Trans. Well maybe a little advice now and again computer wise now that crossy is not my friend … he blamed another friend of mine for the level 7 attack or whatever it was that shut AN down for a week some while back… it wasn’t him but never mind… so he said he doesn’t want to be my friend anymore ….. So it seems that some of you Pattaya guys are monied … how fortunate you are. MrsJ and myself have to get by on my pension and a little bit of investment in the UK. We do try to play golf three times a week and get away every 2-3 weeks….never to Pattaya though…Our house is not as big as the one Trans has, but it’s okay and we also have to get by with just an old SUV, E-Class and S-Class, so not rich like many of you guys seem to be…… I don’t normally comment on this type of post,or even read them. But when I saw how childish, silly and even nasty some of your comments are I made an exception. And I have to say, and choose my words carefully, since Darren bought AN do we really need to let topics that have degenerated as this one has continue…… Enjoy you day guys …………
  4. When I did my Annual Extension a couple of months ago now ...Nonthaburi asked for a new TM30 and I haven't reentered Thailand since 2014. Seems that maybe they are updating.
  5. Mr G_money… wow reading this post makes me think that maybe you are not such a nice person or maybe a little short of a full set or maybe even both. You have made some quite unpleasant comment and untruths about Trans. My wife and I visited him and his wife Pook a few years ago when we were touring the Provinces playing golf. I can tell you now that his house is not small, it is built in a quite decent size plot and has a lovely outlook across a lake. I know that when he lived in the UK, that was many years ago now it was in the London area and you are way off in suggesting his occupation. So give up your childish comments and untruths or many more will adopt my opinion if they haven’t already.
  6. Hi guys Does anyone hgave a phone number to contact them please ...
  7. They argue that Srettha's actions undermine the integrity of the government …. I didn’t think it had an awful lot anyway.
  8. Nonthaburi …haven’t left the country since 2014. Renewed my extension of stay last month.Renewed my passport about 4 years ago…..hope this helps PS they always send an e-mail telling me it’s time to do my 90 days
  9. I believe that white plates cannot be issued until the dealer has paid the tax on the car…he wants to hang on to that money as long as possible. My wife always registers any new can we buy. Many dealers charge for this simple process, and sometimes quite a lot.
  10. Well, I sent my request in last Friday, received the confirmation that they had received it later that day. Received the approval e-mail a few minutes ago …so working for me.
  11. We did play a course in that area many many years ago but neither of us can remember anything about it. Usually, EGAT courses have accommodation but sometime it is a bit basic although the food is normally okay. Ubonrat Dam course might be worth a visit and try the accommodation in the villa.
  12. My experience is that it is now much harder for someone like myself…retired… to open a bank account. I have been with CIMB Thai for many years yet they won’t let me open another account. I actually have accounts with three different banks, I don’t really need them all but dare not close as in the future I may need and maybe cannot open again. If you have a work permit then usually no problem
  13. Our local Bangkok Bank will supply a 6 month printout on demand …a 12 month one takes about 1 week.
  14. Not surprised that he is not happy. Isn’t he a huge invester of the stuff just like someone here…
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