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    Somewhere on my backside

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  1. My first live-in girlfriend was a nightmare, and even to this day do not know why I hung around with her so long. She bottled me, knifed me (twice), plant potted me and ashtrayed me. I only did the runner when she was arrested and locked up (for theft). I was in my early 20's and very green.
  2. Honest question for you here. Many years ago there were very few rubber plantations in the northeast in Thailand, but that started changing in the late seventies and eighties, until by 2015 the number of plantations in this area had increased considerably. They were not only replacing existing forests, but also barren land and agricultural land. Has this had a positive impact on the local climate? Certainly had a severe impact on mosquito infestation, but that is a separate issue.
  3. When my wife was sick, she went to her home hospital upcountry and got a referral to a hospital in Bangkok due to her living in Bangkok. After that first referral, there were no issues and she did not need to change her house registration from upcountry to Bangkok. This is going back about 13 years ago.
  4. Well that didn't last long. He's been kicked out by a vote of 12 to 0. Hope he shares all his deep dark secrets now.
  5. Big Joke has got too much dirt on "people of influence".
  6. Over here in Kalasin, I have seen many people use lemon grass instead of vetiver grass to stop soil/land erosion. Probably because it is cheaper and easier to source.
  7. Probably thought of this new scheme as a get out of jail card. The royalists, oligarchs and military will forgive him if he can put a stop to MFP, the reason he was allowed back in the first place.
  8. The National Health Security Office website provides all the information you will need about this scheme and avenues to register. But you'll need to use the Thai language version as the English version is very limited in the information it provides. (https://www.nhso.go.th/home)
  9. Word games? Really? You stated "Ok - so what about the Immigration laws that allow a foreign woman married to a Thai man to have a path to citizenship but not a foreign man married to a Thai woman? ". You made no mention of marriage being the sole criteria so how the hell were we supposed to interpret your post in the way you have just clarified.
  10. Take your ID card and House Registration to the hospital which serves your area and register. Going forward, you will only need to present your ID card. If you are living in Bangkok, you can check the health center which serves your address (it may not necessarily be a "hospital"). For example, the health center serving Sukhumvit 101 was the Wat Thathong Health Center near Ekamai. Up country it is a bit easier as it is going to be pretty much always the nearest government hospital or health center (mine is about 500 meters from my home). You cannot just walk in to any gov't hospital for care unless it is an emergency such as an accident. If you have a serious issue that your health center can't help with, they will give you a referral to the nearest gov't center that can provide the required treatment. You should not just turn up at a government hospital of "your" choice for the treatment you want, unless you are willing to pay. You should obtain the necessary referral first.
  11. Funny that. Foreign men can apply for Thai citizenship based on marriage to Thai women, provided they are employed and meet other criteria. The law changed in 2008.
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