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About ignis

  • Birthday 12/28/1950

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    Sai Noi

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  1. Need help again So now for a week prescribed Atenetol 50 MG Morning GPO HTCZ 25 mg Evenings again the top number has come down to around 130 [down from months of 160 +] problem is the 2 number was high 70s > is down to 57 - 60 too LOW ? Which Med's are making the 2nd reading so low ?? or is 130/57 OK ? Going back over my charts last time it was 121/79 was back in May 2016
  2. Easy for some, maybe got the answer yesterday. long term Thai friend is visiting, they tried with my phone scan the barcode on the PC > worked perfectly, yet when I tried and tried could not login.. They said is my hands that are the problem, had for some years have something called 'familial tremor' so cannot hold my phone still when trying to scan... so used to it never thought about it, so maybe is the reason cannot ever log-in ?? Worried for years as Parkinson's runs in the family
  3. No not the only one, friend in the Village much younger than me is only 60 has no idea, or his wife retired yesterday has a problem try to make it work, there Son 20's can but has a problem when trying to use my phone... 2 others in the Village that I know both in there 80's also have no idea Likewise trying to pay bills with SCB, [scan bill] even taken phone into the Bank and they cannot make it work, Works on Bangkok Bank, but use SCB for everyday uses... maybe is my phone ? but is Android 10 Maybe the phone ? don't use much as far to small cannot see - much easier on my 32" PC Monitor
  4. this Bar Code Scan me things is beyond me.... friend set me up on my Smartphone, long ago + instructions, cannot work it out friend set me up with ''Line' also long ago + beyond me, no matter how often over the past years have tried just cannot get past or make the scan me Barcode work. Seeing as most people of all ages have there head buried in the phones, amazes me how long some take to try to make the scan me payment at Makro going cashless = NO, is OK for the younger people that understand and can remember what to do,
  5. Present one Oker' webcam had it for 13 years perfect clear, never a problem Before had Logitech more expensive and had to have 3 in about 20 years
  6. Also in UK was common to have new bodies on older Coaches, we also have a new body single body coach that used to be a double decker.. main give away was the crash box, but as I learnt to drive buses with crash boxes so was in heaven Main problem on a Diesel is the turbo, which can explode > also a disadvantage of the rear engine buses as you cannot hear, [must keep a eye on the turbo booster gauge]
  7. OK this thread is old, bit lost Expensive ? I asked in my local Pharmacy yesterday 500g = 10 baht per bag... I was told may help Diabetic foot pain much worse in bed. add some Epsom Salts to warm water and soak feet for 15 mins B4 bed Is there different types of Epsom Salts ??
  8. Have no problem injecting twice a day - have done so for years + well under control Insulin I use supplied from the Hospital Pharmacy cost 425 baht for 5 vials of 300 units of insulin per pen [less than 100 baht per 300 unit Vial] If ever in BKK and need some supplies then use MD Pharmacy speak good English or CHULA BHESAJ PHARMACY -Brother [speaks perfect English]+ 2 Sisters both next to each other on Rama 4. I still use finger pricks, the Lancets price is mind boggling Hospital 1,200 baht per 100, some Pharmacies up to 2,450 baht, I get them from the same place for some years last month 826 baht..... ALL same branded name same box and amount, how can some stay in business or do business changing 3 x the amount ?
  9. Yes but again is which Pharmacy. Pharmacy I use for other thing is good and cheap, nearest to me is very expensive eg: last week went in to get 3" x 3" gauge pack 16 baht, my normal Pharmacy is 7 bahr same brand /size so over double the price. Found over the years prices vary in different Pharmacys even one next door to each other + some by a lot.
  10. Yes maybe will do if the Hospital has none. will ask to go back on ACE blockers all Meds appear cheaper at the Hospital pharmacy + Most important to me is Insulin have tried over the years every Pharmacy within a 15 km radius NOT one sells Insulin, so have to get at the Hospital, 18 km away is one Pharmacy that sells but cost double the Hospital price... No idea if my reasoning is true - if I had to be taken to Hospital, then all Med's are on Hospital file
  11. Guess side effects they all caused bad feet swelling after a month after 6 months had all legs swollen, ended up in a wheelchair as the pain was so bad. Chula Hospital after many visits put me back on Atenotol 50 mg with Enalapril Maleate 20mg [taking this since 1991 - 2015 + 2018 - end 2020] Sai Noi Hospital, in 2021 did not stock so put on Losartan
  12. can never work out why anyone these days needs a watch.... I do have 2 nice ones in there boxes My cheap Smartphone has the correct time, not worn my watch for at least 16 years
  13. If they had that here then Swampy Airport should never have been built where it is..
  14. Mother in 1979 Through Cancer aged 40 as did her Sister + a brother all at 40 years old,,,Father aged 81 old age ? heavy Whisky drinker for years, his 2nd wife died 2 years before of not caring or watching her Diabetes.... On the cancer/smoking bit...a good friend died aged 98 he was very active never gave up working or smoking 60+ a day since he was a school boy.
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