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  1. Well Folks That's it for a lovely round of footy. Five picked 5 in a round of upsets. Radar still on top with Rip closing. I'm to pissed off to give out the choccies this week. Until next time.
  2. I'm guessing the vast majority don't receive 40 to 50 thousand dollars in bank interest. Most would be better of tax wise declaring themselves as residents IMO.
  3. Says the guy who mops floors for a living😁
  4. Came across this one the other day. It's not a new one but I'm really enjoying it. Letty Raines is a thief and con artist whose life is always one wrong turn, one bad decision, from implosion. Which is just how she likes it.
  5. Being way out in front Radar, you'll be feeling the heat soon mate. You'll be thinking, "should I go with my gut feeling or play it safe and pick the favourite to preserve my lead. I wonder who the others will pick". I'm coming for you baby!!
  6. Well Peeps That's it again for another shortened round. Three picked the card with Radar AKA Navybloos getting the Twix bars this week. Radar still out in front and will be hard to catch. Until next time.
  7. The Wrong Man Fighting to prove his innocence, Andrew Malkinson tells the shocking story of how he was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for a horrific crime he didn’t commit.
  8. Hard to argue. Mark Robinson on the state of AFL umpiring in 2024 after the Bailey Scott decision https://archive.ph/J2VE4#selection-763.0-763.82
  9. Yep, I agree mate. The big Victorian clubs get well looked after. Daicos is umpired differently. Always gets the fifty fifty ones and rarely gets pinged.
  10. That's the problem. Your posts are accurate in your experience, but you dispute what others have experienced and put it down to having a bad attitude. You won't even admit the waiting times on the phone are often horrendous. My friend here had his pension cut to $125 for no apparent reason. It literally took him hours to get it sorted. There was no apology, nothing. Not even why it was done. The money was just reinstated. I had the misfortune to have to try and contact the MyGov helpline and it took over an hour to sort things out. LosLobo has said he experienced good and then bad service. If you don't think you can get bad service from a government agency, you're in Laa Laa land.
  11. That's it once again Gents. Four picked six with RIP getting the Mars bars for closest to the margin. Radar still out in front. Until next time. PS Norf got robbed by the umps. Daicos stone cold holding the ball and the no fifty was a disgrace.
  12. You seem to be the forum apologist for not only Centrelink, but other government agencies. Just because you've had good experiences and have been fortunate enough to get some other benefits, doesn't mean others haven't had bad experiences.
  13. What a piece of work this guy is. Centers on families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. They take Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist, to court for spreading lies about the event being a hoax.
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