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  1. NZ is indeed where Mainland cheese originates.NZ has 5m dairy cows, more cows than people, and is a major exporter of dairy products. In fact powdered milk is exported to Thailand where its re constituted into liquid milk. Thailand has no where near enough dairy cows or decent pasture to satisfy demands. Lotus's, Hang dong Road, recently started stocking Mainland cheese and its flying off the shelves. Makro the same. Australia does have some decent cheese under the label BEGA which is a rural town south of Sydney .Been produced for decades. Its also available locally but a limited range for some reason. Dao Cheeso is locally produced with the sales outlet at the Hideaway Cafe, off Hang Dong Rd, cheddar ,feta etc. The cheese making is done opposite the cafe, been there for a long time In our village Mooban Wangtan, off Paeded Rd, San Phak Wan, we have a increasingly, well respected, cheese maker Jartisan Cheesery, address 4B Soi 1. The range of available cheese is very interesting and received great reviews. As well as cheese there is a range of bread baked every Saturday morning, well worth a visit. Jartisan's cheese is also sold at the new supermarket behind Airport Plaza.
  2. Been with Dr Morgan since the clinic was opened some 10+ years ago. Very popular with expats as Dr speaks excellent English and there are 2 registered nurses on staff, opposite Geriatric Hospital on Hang Dong Road. You will need appointment. Health Care Medical Clinic. Phone 08 2766 8672.
  3. Stayed twice in the last 2 months at a hotel in Hua Hin. Using only Thai wife's ID when signing in was not acceptable. I had to present my passport. They now report every single person staying following a visit from the local Immigration a few months ago. Previously was never a problem at the same hotel using wife's ID but is now which means you are wise to submit TM 30 on return.
  4. I thought it was common knowledge that New Zealand exports a huge amount of dairy products to Thailand as this country has a limited number of dairies, poor pastures due to extended dry periods and lack of investment. Hardly enough to satisfy a population of 69 m +people plus tourists. NZ has 5 million dairy cows which is more cows than people ! In 2021, for example, they exported to Thailand $421m worth of concentrated milk powder which is made here into liquid milk. $72.5m worth of butter and $52.1 m worth of cheese. Maybe there has been a delay in shipments but Makro, Mae Hia had plenty yesterday
  5. I used Khun Suchart's team only last week ,he actually came with them on his way home. Competed electrical and plumbing work professionally and very reasonable charge. Have one of his team coming out Saturday for more electrical work and painting. This is in addition to his own IT work. I shall continue to use him, as not being fluent, in Thai his English is excellent.
  6. I has my cataracts done here in CM by Dr Winai who has a clinic on the north side of the moat. The ops were done 4 weeks apart at Sripat Hospital .Cost was approx 50 k per eye. Dr Winai lectures during the week and his clinic is open from 5pm,see web site . Ops are done on Sundays. He has excellent English and felt comfortable with his long standing experience and communication ability. 100% successful could not believe what I had been enduring and delaying. I only need el cheapo glasses for reading but long distance vision is wonderful. No need to go to Bangkok there are other very competent specialists here in CM.
  7. RedArmy At a time when the majority of MU supporters are encouraged and frankly more than pleased by the progress the club has made over this season you choose this time to denigrate Phil Jones. Very poor form calling him a "clown", do you think he didn't want to get his career back on track and contribute ? There is no evidence he asked, or expected, a testimonial that would be the furthest thing from his mind I know for a fact that he spent 100's of hours with the medical team at Carrington and in the gym trying to overcome what is looking more like the end of any chance of playing football at at a high level. Did you expect him to say nah don't pay me and how do you know, like a lot of players, he doesn't have a charity or organsiation he supports, no you don't know. Nearly 30 games for his country and every time he was on the pitch, be it for MU or country, he gave 100%,never caused any problems off the pitch, a model pro and I hope he can contribute more to the game in another role. Did you have a similar rant when Owen Hargreaves went through a career ending injury ?
  8. Was probably Lindelof's best performance over the time he has been at United, which must be close on 5 years. Ratings for successful passes ,defensive headers ,tackles won etc was 97%. His timing couldn't be better with the run in and our 2 first choice CB's most likely out for the season. Perhaps a timely reminder to EtH that he is, or could be, a valuable player at only 28 yo. On the commercial trip to the US at the start of next start of the season would like to see Lindelof paired up with Varane as CB's and Martinez pushed up into midfield as a trial. Martinez with his aggression might just be what is needed to create some goals which are seemingly hard to come by. Inching close to finishing top 4 but far from over, need 9 points. I hope we don't see Fred again, brought on to provide energy in the closing minutes as he all he does is run around committing needless fouls and giving away free kicks, does my head in.
  9. I would strongly recommend Doctor Nisachon Morgan at Health Care Medical Clinic. My doctor for more than 11 years. Thai lady with excellent English and 2 registered nurses on staff. Her clinic is opposite the Geriatic Hospital on Hang Dong Road. Many expats have made this their first choice as the care is is very professional. See web site or fb page. Appointment is required.
  10. Just some observations re the game against Everton. Watched it live and replay First half Everton were poor, pressed high and got taken apart but United passed up so many chances to score 21 ? attempts on goal !!!! one conversion. McTominay named MOM by majority of the usual player raters not for his goal but overall display. Is he making the point he has a future at his boyhood club ? Sancho has a successful pass rate of 96% provided the inch perfect assist for McTom's goal and looked far more effective all over the pitch. Is this a turning point for him or just another false dawn? Rated 7/10 by majority. Likewise Sabitzer, obviously told by EtH to get forward more and brought energy and showed great desire. If Rashford does have a serious groin injury that might be him out for the most of what's left of this season. Recovery is difficult if you have ever experienced one. 3 games in 10 days is ridiculous and EtH tends to stick to his strongest side .Any sports specialists will confirm that's pushing the boundaries of common sense. We haven't seen the promising Iqbal but he has just signed with the same agent as EtH. Promising talent. Like to see more of Pellistri. Always on the bench. Top 4 is still in the melting pot ,goal difference is not going to help if points should be level. Going to be tight at the top and bottom of the table, enjoy.
  11. I quite understand true banter, since I played my first competitive game in 1952. Banter should be amusing, yours is far from it, Its a jealous obsession for you with MU, fermented over many years. I can understand your frustration. MU being a bigger club ,largest fan base in the world, largest ground capacity in the EPL, a ground which is always full, more trophies and more football history than your club could ever dream of and more to come To your credit, your regular updates (banter ?) of the leaking roof at OT seem to have evaporated it must have stopped raining.
  12. Just watched a replay and a satisfying performance in last night game, albeit against a weakened NF. The style ETH has them playing in only 6 months makes watching games a pleasure and it shows in the players body language and its not just about winning its about enjoying playing. Sancho in a brief cameo looked a lot leaner and enthusiastic, whatever was on his mind before his break we may never know but seems he can now contribute. Pressing overall is outstanding Barring injuries MU do have a chance of top 4 and I would be happy with that ,it shows progress. Newcastle will be a very difficult game with both clubs pretty desperate to win a trophy, any trophy. Watched Casemiro closely last night, his movement and vision is something else, whoever got his signature deserves a medal. Hope Heaton holds his position for the final, deserves it.
  13. Jeeez you are like a dog with a bone, obviously too much time on your hands ,try knitting
  14. Well had some medical time out, haven't seen the games only highlights, dropping points at the death not a help but moving in the right direction under ETH. Hoping we see Sancho tonight but imperative to put the game to bed early with a strong team. Not good, but not unexpected news, on Erikson, that's his season gone. Erikson is a classy performer great vision and ability to change a game ,huge loss no matter how the new signing goes. What a low life Andy Carroll is, one of the worst tackles you could ever see against a fellow pro. Time to hang up your boots before you break someone's leg. What will he get 3 weeks suspension ? when Erikson loses the rest of the season.
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