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  2. And is it also in the top 10 of countries where sex workers have deadly STD disease or virus like aids or syphillis ? On the first stages of such STD usually it does not show on the patient so better think twice before rushing into any seedy back street "entertainement parlour".
  3. Hernia anyone?? Those Liyuan 280Ah x 48V battery packs are about 110kg each! No, I didn't lift them in! We just happened to have some Thai labour re-building (actually knocking down) our damaged retaining wall. A hundred Baht each (probably about 30% of their day rate for demolishing the wall) and they were more than happy to oblige.
  4. @Liquorice My circumstances have changed as my daughter now lives in the UK and therefore I am unable to do another 12 month extension on my Non O based on supporting my Thai daughter as she needs to be in Thailand.
  5. So the invasion was illegal, they raped, killed and plundered all over, are using chemical weapons and have the moral high ground. Strange reasoning you have.
  6. I agree with you. So in that case, start looking at the US-Thai DTA for guidance.
  7. Are you using a zoom in your browser.?Try to turn off or adjust zoom. I see the list on the right hand side bar.
  8. Quote: " ...the son explained that if I used it as a vehicle with which to watch TV programmes, my phone data (not sure if that's the correct word) would run out very quickly." unquote. Question based upon quote: Is the son's statement correct, ie the wifi allowannce would run out very quickly?
  9. They should've left their pickup truck at home in Thailand! lol
  10. It is unclear who the Thai middlemen are who allegedly complained about this. Thais cannot make any of these products. If they import themselves in bulk, they will have lower prices but will have to pay import duty as well as VAT because the value will be over 1,400. However, there don't seem to be any Thai wholesalers willing to stock low value Chinese products, since so many are drop shipped from China. I recall there was a lot of complaining from a Thai mom and pop store association when foreign supermarket and hypermarket operators were allowed to own l00% during the Tom Yam Kung crisis because their Thai joint venture partners were busy putting out fires in other parts of their businesses and were unwilling to put in new capital to cover losses from USD borrowings. So the stores would have closed down with huge job losses. The mom and pop association complained bitterly about many things they couldn't compete with including 24 hour opening. The government passed new laws to restrict the freedoms of the foreign owned stores. The mom and pop association that the government cited as the excuse for these laws eventually turned out to be the CP Group which had refused to put new capital in Tesco Lotus and Makro, so got diluted to minority shareholders when the foreign shareholders were forced to inject new capital. The genuine mom and pop store owners actually benefited from the hypermarkets because they were selling stuff cheaper they could get it from the wholesalers controlled by CP and other big Thai corporations. So they were buying their stock there and marking it up.
  11. Hi there, I just picked up my water account for April. While I was checking the amount I noticed a 50 baht extra which is for the water meter maintenance. I was a Plumber in all my working days and I've never heard of that happening before. Since when do we pay a maintenance fee on something we don't own? It's not the 50 baht that concerns me, it's if this fee is charged on every water meter in Pattaya, who pockets the money? May I add is this fee monthly or annual?
  12. Yeah, reverse pinch n zoom 😀
  13. Think that it is really time to leave Thailand as they are going to far in harassing foreigners with money that to. They prefer the broke quality Russians ? fine. Why should we continue to be harassed as such here ?
  14. The Scots are a nation of alcoholics as you well know. Not that I blame them, nothing else to do in that awful place.
  15. I recommend going back to school and learn a little about math. 0.50 is 0.500 is 0.5000, or half a percent.
  16. When it's a foreigner, the Thai's love to close the case as a suicide. Thailand is really not a safe place if you are rich apparently
  17. Yea I must have also missed the short time resorts in every little Hintertumpfingen 🙂
  18. Don't forget that you have a 60K personal allowance as well as the 1st 150K being taxed at 0% so you can bring in at least 210K each year. My "Plan" is to:- Remit 210K (60K personal allowance + 150K 0% tax) to the GF Remit 235K (same 210K as above + 25K as I purchase health insurance) for me Send the GF 100K for her Birthday & Xmas (at worse this would be taxed at 5%). Use savings already in Thailand to cover the rest of the money I need Spend 2026 as a Non Tax Resident so I can remit the 25% tax free lump sum from my pension & (possibly) proceeds from the sale of my house then go for the LTR Wealthy Pensioner visa Oh & I'll also be returning to Thailand on Monday with £7,500 in my pockets 🙂
  19. And now you have reduced your "lovely lady boss" to a prop in a pitiful Internet exchange. Well done, classy post of the day.
  20. This stats were wrong from the begining: should measure "per capita" not by volume. I think Poland has way more ^^^ of those than Thailand
  21. Reading the title, I assumed that the whole tRump family had used the services of Stormy, or maybe just a big, nice family orgy. tRump has hinted before what he wants to do with his daughter(s)... Nothing low and disgusting is beyond this guy!
  22. When you see how the Thai bureaucracy makes a fuss and asks for new documents on each LTR visa submission, it is definately not worth it. The agencies handling the LTR seem unaware that most countries in Europe for instance have compulsory health insurance that covers in the country of residence and abroad. Most health insurance companies in Europe do not mention any specific amount of coverage as the amount any case in Thailand costs less than in Europe. US or UK citizens are not always covered by their laws on health, but the western Europeans all are. Why continue to waste time in Thailand ? Better of buying and spending money elsewhere in Asia where the agencies and bureaucracy do not harass so much the quality retirees from Europe. No wonder the Thai economy is falling and wil continue to fall with such absurd govt agencies harassing europeans by making a fuss on each document submitted for the LTR. Sell your property and move if you can.
  23. Yes that's my point. They compare totally different economies. One where numbers are close to reality because things are legal + regulated and another where the officials can march through the seediest red light district with hundreds of prostitutes lined up and come out at the other end declaring there's no prostitution happening. It's a disconnect from reality.
  24. AseaNow ... Dont refer to the trans-woman who was attacked as a woman. None of them are women. Never were .. never will be.
  25. The airline I am flying has options for 7kg or 14 kg on the plane so it’s not done to inconvenience but to get somewhere as the airline recommends is appropriate. If there’s no room the airline would no doubt have to update their policy.
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