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It has to be the brain-dead creeps who think that when they speak Pidgin English, they are speaking Thai, so they go around leaving all the pronouns out and throwing in the two Thai words they know in every sentence and act all cool like they really know how to communicate here.

Even worse are the morons that speak Pidgin English to other foreigners. I have a really hard time not telling them what I think of them.

The other day, I heard a new one, this fellow was speaking with his girlfriend who spoke English very well, but when he answered her in English, he would imitate her Thai accent and all the mistakes that she made.

He wasn't doing it to make fun of her as he did it for 45 minutes straight. Somehow he thought that they were speaking Thai and he was a really cool guy! :o

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I really don't like people pretending to be rich, with their 1 million a month incomes, company benz and company paid condo in Sukhumvit.

As they strut around in their Hugo Boss suits, wearing their panarai and with their bank balances bulging with cash, trust fund and holiday home they just bought in Phuket, all I can think is 'you aren't fooling me'

Alternatively, other than this group, I also am not a huge fan of the guys who tell me what a pack of losers Thai people are, usually using pidgeon english to do so, as surely having Thai blood I must also be a moron.

The annoying thing is not that they think I am a moron (after all, I am) but more to do with how they are able to figure it out so fast when they only just met me!


I always think it is best to examine the reasons why other people's behaviour is annoying me. 9/10 times, the reason they are annoying me so much is that I am in a bad mood anyway. There are a lot of ex-pats who I think are <deleted>, but on the other hand they are fairly harmless. I think that a lot of us who end up in Thailand are dreamers, but some cross the line into delusion.


Are you referring to Ulysses G's post ?

I admire people who can speak Thai. I am amazed at people who can read, write and speak fluently.

Personally, I have always had a problem learning languages and find Thai particularly difficult. My wife speaks very good English, so I can also be lazy about learning.

I have been through the phase of copying the pidgin English (it did seem to help at the time) but that passed after my wife spent time in the UK and her English improved.

I am at fault for not trying harder, but I don't despise others for their faults.

So, to answer the question - I do hate to listen to expats who have an exaggerated opinion of themselves.


Are you referring to Ulysses G's post ?

I admire people who can speak Thai. I am amazed at people who can read, write and speak fluently.

Personally, I have always had a problem learning languages and find Thai particularly difficult. My wife speaks very good English, so I can also be lazy about learning.

I have been through the phase of copying the pidgin English (it did seem to help at the time) but that passed after my wife spent time in the UK and her English improved.

I am at fault for not trying harder, but I don't despise others for their faults.

So, to answer the question - I do hate to listen to expats who have an exaggerated opinion of themselves.

Unfortunately it is usually the poor speakers of Thai that like to flaunt their ability in front of other westerners. If they could speak fluently it wouldn't be so bad. I think that as your Thai improves you no longer need to impress anybody else and it just becomes a means of communication. After all we stop trying to impress people that we can speak our mother tongue when we are about four years old. If Thais can speak a bit of English it is good manners to let them show-off a bit.

I always think that it makes their Thai girlfriends lose face when their western boyfriend feels the need to speak to them in Thai. Especially when that Thai is far worse than the English the average Thai can speak in primary school these days.


I know two farangs who speak Thai so fluently that they get quite angry at the Thais who can't understand them and then criticize them for not knowing how to speak their own language. :o

I know two farangs who speak Thai so fluently that they get quite angry at the Thais who can't understand them and then criticize them for not knowing how to speak their own language. :o

Similar to that: foreigners who correct Thais when they pronounce (in Thai) ror rua as lor ling. There are times when I marvel at how even-tempered so many Thais can be.


I think that what tends to get my goat is when a farang assumes that just because you both happen to be foreigners, you're automatically going to hit-it-off, a sort-of "Thank goodness; you're the first friendly face I've seen all day" and then proceed to tell you their life-story and generally run the place down. I had the great misfortune to be sat next to one of these knob-jockeys on my last flight back from England. Still gives me nightmares... :o


Self satisfied, arrogant, self indulgent know it alls, who presume to place themselves above others purely on the basis of their financial situation, their "connections" or their Bangkok based bias against all that doesn't "fit" their way of thinking.

"I've got connections. I'm Ok."

I've got money. I'm Ok."

I've wallowed in my expat world for so long that I've established an identity and nobody is going to destroy my new /old found sense of well being. Which i failed misearably to do in my home country.

I'm "superior" 'cos I've been here longer.

I'm "superior" 'cos I've got more money.

I'm "superior" 'cos I've been on this Forum for longer than you.

If people displaced ego with care, maybe we'd all get along a little better.



The only thing that upsets me with some expats is they think that touching bargirls up is ok.Just because they are there to work and to go off with customers it doesnt give them the right to touch them.

hi-so people get me off on one too,bragging how much money they have and how well connected they are. i left the uk because of one up manship and the snobbery in surburbia but it seems to happen here too.some expats i know here have changed now they have more money or their business is doing well.


Oh yeah those are the worst!!

I think that what tends to get my goat is when a farang assumes that just because you both happen to be foreigners, you're automatically going to hit-it-off, a sort-of "Thank goodness; you're the first friendly face I've seen all day" and then proceed to tell you their life-story and generally run the place down. I had the great misfortune to be sat next to one of these knob-jockeys on my last flight back from England. Still gives me nightmares... :o

In reply to chickenslegs question.

Are you referring to Ulysses G's post ?

No I was replying to, "What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?, What makes you SICK?"

What I meant by my answer was exactly 100% what jandajoy said only he put it better than me :o

Self satisfied, arrogant, self indulgent know it alls, who presume to place themselves above others purely on the basis of their financial situation, their "connections" or their Bangkok based bias against all that doesn't "fit" their way of thinking.

"I've got connections. I'm Ok."

I've got money. I'm Ok."

I've wallowed in my expat world for so long that I've established an identity and nobody is going to destroy my new /old found sense of well being. Which i failed misearably to do in my home country.

I'm "superior" 'cos I've been here longer.

I'm "superior" 'cos I've got more money.

I'm "superior" 'cos I've been on this Forum for longer than you.

If people displaced ego with care, maybe we'd all get along a little better.


The most truthful insight I have ever seen on TV. It is not a rant but a statement of fact. We who enjoy this wonderful country, the Thai folks

that work so hard to make a living, the beautiful culture they preserve

for us to enjoy, the spirit and good nature that makes this the Land of Smiles cannot be found anywhere else I have lived or visited. Your choice of the word "Superior" is perfect. You said it all, thanx. :o


Most expats I've met are fine and don't annoy me in any general way. Some are a little arrogant, bt I usually think its funny rather than annoying - just me I guess.

Its those tourists that don't bother to read up on the country they visit before coming (not just to thailand, but wherever they go). Young males being loutish, barecheased (usually sporting tattoos) shouting and swearing and being generaly obnoctious whilst walking down the high street - makes me cringe.

Farang women that stand at he stalls in the CM Night Bazaar and loudly diss everything on the stall and the Thai stall holder for not ignoring other customers to listen to them insult their wares - husband is usually cringing next to them embarrassed and trying to edge away and dissociate themselves.

My wife is annoyed by the young couples that think nothing of snogging in the street, putting thier smelly sandled/bare feet up on the cafe tables, and girls wearing bikini tops and hotpants in town (leaving nothing to the imagination).


Over hearing farang who talk down to the locals always makes me cringe. :o Maybe its one of the things that p!isses off the thais the most???

I dont have a problem with pidgeon english,unless its obviously being done to impress outsiders which is abit sad,but harmless.

How can you tell that the guy is trying to impress others?Maybe he was just bored or irritated with the lack of fluent conversation,& just entertaining hiself?

In reply to chickenslegs question.

Are you referring to Ulysses G's post ?

No I was replying to, "What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?, What makes you SICK?"

What I meant by my answer was exactly 100% what jandajoy said only he put it better than me :o

Hi Pop - Yes, I was referring to the OP, and I know you were not, just my effort at irony.

I also agree with jandajoy but would just add:

"I'm superior cos I can speak fluent Thai"

I really don't like people pretending to be rich, with their 1 million a month incomes, company benz and company paid condo in Sukhumvit.

As they strut around in their Hugo Boss suits, wearing their panarai and with their bank balances bulging with cash, trust fund and holiday home they just bought in Phuket, all I can think is 'you aren't fooling me'

Alternatively, other than this group, I also am not a huge fan of the guys who tell me what a pack of losers Thai people are, usually using pidgeon english to do so, as surely having Thai blood I must also be a moron.

The annoying thing is not that they think I am a moron (after all, I am) but more to do with how they are able to figure it out so fast when they only just met me!

Hi Steve, yes it is annoying when some people pass judgment as you say. But more annoying is when these same creeps pass their arrogant judgements from a distance and post their opinons on TV. They see you or hear something you say and make a snap decision about your charactor and mental state. Total arrogance, I could go on about these people but I would probably be banned by the censors here.

nice post, I enjoy your humor, thanx

Its those tourists that don't bother to read up on the country they visit before coming (not just to Thailand, but wherever they go).

This bothers me as well...I find it essential to read up on my destination (and exciting).


What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?, What makes you SICK?

Hmm, How about that ones that open posts in forums just to generally moan about other people and what they do and what they say and how they do it.

It has to be the brain-dead creeps who think that when they speak Pidgin English, they are speaking Thai, so they go around leaving all the pronouns out and throwing in the two Thai words they know in every sentence and act all cool like they really know how to communicate here.

Even worse are the morons that speak Pidgin English to other foreigners. I have a really hard time not telling them what I think of them.

The other day, I heard a new one, this fellow was speaking with his girlfriend who spoke English very well, but when he answered her in English, he would imitate her Thai accent and all the mistakes that she made.

He wasn't doing it to make fun of her as he did it for 45 minutes straight. Somehow he thought that they were speaking Thai and he was a really cool guy! :o

Maybe they're just trying to communicate. Maybe they're not as clever as you obviously think you are and they have to resort to whatever communicative tactics they have at there dispossal. This, as we all know, can become a habit. But should it be denograted in such a way?

Your complaint is, essentially, that you occassionally come across people that don't speak Thai as well as you do. I'm sorry but you present yourself as an insufferable boor. Tolerance makes the world go round.

No offence meant and I hope none taken.

What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?, What makes you SICK?

Hmm, How about that ones that open posts in forums just to generally moan about other people and what they do and what they say and how they do it.

I agree, sad :o:D


I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

I think that what tends to get my goat is when a farang assumes that just because you both happen to be foreigners, you're automatically going to hit-it-off, a sort-of "Thank goodness; you're the first friendly face I've seen all day" and then proceed to tell you their life-story and generally run the place down. I had the great misfortune to be sat next to one of these knob-jockeys on my last flight back from England. Still gives me nightmares... :o

On the spot.

Absolutely. I live in a remote village that we deliberately picked as there were no other Falang. But, guess what, there is one. Some Swiss bloke who pitches up for a week every year. The trouble is that all the villagers, bless em, assume that 'cos he's Falang I/we'll want to meet. Cue very embarrassing 15 minutes as we stood outside my place wondering what the heck to say to each other. I offered beer, tea, coffee but to no avail.

You're absolutely right.

In Chiang Kong last and we're sitting having lunch and this American guys walks up to us and sits down at our table. Errrr , ok "how are you?" etc. etc. We then get his entire life story, achievements and so on. Completely unsolicited and completely undesired. He then gives me his businesscard! WHY.

Fortunately I'd been given another card a couple of weeks earlier by anoher American in Chiang Rai so I gave him that, thanked him for his time and left.

OK the arguement.; He's lonely, fair enough but try not to dominate everything and everyone. Secondly, I don't need your whole anti-black rascist views. I've had this so many times from American ex-pats in Thailand. Thirdly; use a little discretion, don't just barge in asuming you're wanted, ignoring the Thais at the table and monopolising the conversation in English.

I don't speak Thai. My wife and I have developed our own pigeon thai/english/lao/gobbeldygook. It works for us.

Errrrr. I'm ranting sorry. But I agree with you entirely.


I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

LMAO well done mate

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