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Max-net Sucks!

Ulysses G.

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Only been back in town 10 days and fully agreed up until this morning when Maxnet decided to perform at a reasonable sort of level. Still not getting what I pay for of course but today it has been fine and can only hope it continues as such.

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I was on carrier pigeon speed yesterday....today it's flying supersonic. Have no idea what I have, as I'm on an apartment building LAN. I assume some kind of ADSL- TT&T, TOT, CAT, True, Loxinfo.....who knows?

I have resigned myself to the fact, the longer I live here, that it just will suck, sometimes. Why get stressed about things we really have little or no control over?

Hopefully the rollout of the 3G, 3.5G and (blessed!) WiMax next year will heal all these festering wounds.... :o

PS I can't really complain- my internet is included with my rent; I pay not a farthing for my connection...

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I was on carrier pigeon speed yesterday....today it's flying supersonic. Have no idea what I have, as I'm on an apartment building LAN. I assume some kind of ADSL- TT&T, TOT, CAT, True, Loxinfo.....who knows?

I have resigned myself to the fact, the longer I live here, that it just will suck, sometimes. Why get stressed about things we really have little or no control over?

Hopefully the rollout of the 3G, 3.5G and (blessed!) WiMax next year will heal all these festering wounds.... :D

PS I can't really complain- my internet is included with my rent; I pay not a farthing for my connection...

I've tried complaining what's the use. We are in Thailand and as far as business goes one half doesn't have a clue and the other half couldn't care less. :o

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Well I think this is interesting that several of you are having stop/start.

After a long period of excellent service the speed upgrade happened and I was blazing at about 1350kbs for a while. But up here in Chang Kian a whole bunch of us are getting what I would call very sporadic speed, anything from very fast to nothing, and it seems to be a daily problem, lasting hours at a time.

I happen to know that Ulysses lives in Nong Hoi and that's on the other side of town.

We are on the point of making a group complaint and I would like to have all the clues possible, and maybe this is one. It now seems there might be evidence that it's a Maxnet-in-CM-wide thing rather than a localised thing....or is it?

Are there folks out there getting uninterrupted service?

Anyone suggest what a CM wide problem could be?

BTW it seems to be impossible sometimes in the evening then OK in the wee hours. Could it be simple overusage of the network during the evening by students for something? In that case why is it worse now than before the extra bandwidth?

BTW the pic of Sir John Betjeman is completely irrelevant it's to cheer you up.....




Edited by sleepyjohn
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For a while, I thought Maxnet had singled me out to torture but I guess I am not alone. I have tried calling at different times of the day and night but lately it doesn't seem to make any difference. Pure pot luck on what you get.

I have tried unplugging the router for a minute or two and sometimes that helps. I have lost count on how many times I called 1103 and when I do a young gal ends up resetting something but that doesn't fix the problem for very long.

I used to like playing games like pinochle on Yahoo but get disconnected so often it's hardly worth the bother to log on. I'm starting to see "Cannot find server" in my dreams so I think it's getting worse.

Based on what I'm reading this must be a problem throughout Chiang Mai so there are likely a lot more having the same problem. I know this is Thailand but I don't think it's an excuse to not get what you are paying for - day in and day out. Maybe if we can get enough people to complain in unison a miracle might happen. Anything is worth of try at this point.

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I am going to call them today because although mine is mostly OK it seems to be up and down like a yo yo.

I actually had a call from TT&T a couple of weeks ago telling me to call if anything went wrong but unfortunately that was a period when it was running really well.

I'll mention there's about another 100 people with the same problem!

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I was on carrier pigeon speed yesterday....today it's flying supersonic. Have no idea what I have, as I'm on an apartment building LAN. I assume some kind of ADSL- TT&T, TOT, CAT, True, Loxinfo.....who knows?

I have resigned myself to the fact, the longer I live here, that it just will suck, sometimes. Why get stressed about things we really have little or no control over?

Hopefully the rollout of the 3G, 3.5G and (blessed!) WiMax next year will heal all these festering wounds.... :D

PS I can't really complain- my internet is included with my rent; I pay not a farthing for my connection...

I've tried complaining what's the use. We are in Thailand and as far as business goes one half doesn't have a clue and the other half couldn't care less. :o

My experience is quite the reverse regarding the effectiveness of complaining - I am using Maxnet Indy 1024/512 and on the frequent but irregular occasions that the connection becomes 'speed challenged' or keeps dropping I call 1103 to report the problem. It is a frustrating process requiring three calls to 1103 and waiting for three return calls from the Chiang Mai office but EVERY time after I have been through this ritual my connection is back to acceptable speeds and is constantly connected. Weird but true, tried and tested about five times over the last couple of years (if memory serves me correctly!).

Recently I learned that international bandwidth is restricted (no idea how) to Indy subscribers and an upgrade to the Premier package can resolve this, in fact the call centre told me that "Indy is for Thai, Premier is for farang"!! I have made the move to a Maxnet Premier 1536(??)/512 connection which will kick off on November 16 so I'll report back on how that turns out. I think the price difference is about B800 per month.


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For those of you who will not be fined for switching providers, perhaps now would be a good time to do so. Lots of other Internet service providers are available over TT&T phone lines, such as CSLoxinfo, Ji-Net, CAT, etc.

This is just speculation, but one cannot help but wonder if this could have something to do with the huge advertising campaign TT&T Maxnet just sent out, where ADSL advert leaflets were sent to all households using TT&T phone lines?

They advertised 1024/512 kbps for 500 baht... maybe the surge of subscriptions generated through the campaign has slowed things down for everyone?

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They advertised 1024/512 kbps for 500 baht... maybe the surge of subscriptions generated through the campaign has slowed things down for everyone?

in my case Maxnet is giving gave a shitty service since may this year. got TOT two months ago and (touch wood!) i am quite happy with the service. still kept Maxnet in case TOT fails but will try to get JiNet or Loxinfo and then dump Maxsh*t :o

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i been complaining to them .. since starting of the years .. and i felt rip off for what i paid ..

slight improvment recently .. from the 512 k i paid 800 + since i sign up .. i was told i am gaven free 1.5 mb .. but i never did get the service ..

i wish i can sue them like you see on TV and movie in USA


i think Maxnet will send a hitman after me if i sue them . whahhahahaha

anyway ..

i have problem accessing hotmail .. and even some news website ..

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i been complaining to them .. since starting of the years .. and i felt rip off for what i paid ..

slight improvment recently .. from the 512 k i paid 800 + since i sign up .. i was told i am gaven free 1.5 mb .. but i never did get the service ..

i wish i can sue them like you see on TV and movie in USA


i think Maxnet will send a hitman after me if i sue them . whahhahahaha

anyway ..

i have problem accessing hotmail .. and even some news website ..

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I'm using Maxnet Premier but for some reason I'm having a daily problem trying to open Hotmail. I keep getting the error message "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error". Can anybody offer any advise.

ps. I can get my email using Outlook. This problem only happened when I signed up for Maxnet 2 weeks ago.


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finally something had been done .. the call center is great help .. my suggestion is keep calling and

finally i am getting what i got

my line now is running at 1.2 mb .. finally a speed that is close to what i am paying .. but is not so stable ..

but is much much better improvment

hope everyone get lucky ..

keep calling in 1103 is your help line

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My experience seems to be typical.

The service is not always off......it is go/no go.

What seems to be evident the last days is that I get nothing in the evening hours.......followed by a slow increase of bandwidth as one gets into the 1am and 2am zone.....then in the morning like now it is slow but do-able (barely).

This would point to simply not enough overall bandwidth on the network wouldn't it?

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I don't what they did; but I have been getting consistent approx 2100 k any time of day, since I called the call centre the other day. Before that it was very variable, sometimes down to 400k in the evening.

Good news - and exactly what has happened with me several times, there must be some tweak that they can make. The connection seems to deteriorate over time but I've learned that as soon as it becomes noticeably or irritatingly poor another call sorts things out again.


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I don't what they did; but I have been getting consistent approx 2100 k any time of day, since I called the call centre the other day. Before that it was very variable, sometimes down to 400k in the evening.

Good news - and exactly what has happened with me several times, there must be some tweak that they can make. The connection seems to deteriorate over time but I've learned that as soon as it becomes noticeably or irritatingly poor another call sorts things out again.


So far, so good , it's been 3 days and my connection hasn't gone down below 2100k, even in the evening between 6-9pm which should be busiest time.

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Yesterday, was another day with no access to Thai Visa - at all - and very few other sites, courtesy of Max Net! :o

UG, have you put a call into Maxnet? There really does seem to be a tweak they can make when a customer complains.



I think that it is time to do so!

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Before I put in a call to Maxnet there were many days I could not access Thai Visa and Hotmail was often the same, there were also a few others and it tended to be the same sites, it wasn't random.

From what I have gathered from talking to Maxnet there seems to be some sort of filtering/rationing system in place for international bandwidth - I have no clue as to the technical details but that could possibly explain the patterns you mention.


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Anyone who has called their 1103 number and had the problem resolved should go buy a lotto ticket. I would give up on calling them but it's become such a routine I speed dial the number without even thinking. Using the internet in Thailand has given the term "pot luck" a new meaning to me.

So really what are the options? If it's too many people trying to access the internet at the same time and the bandwidth isn't sufficient for where you're located is that the end of the deal? Would a different router help? How about going to their Premier program - would that do it?

Like most, I've come to accept this is not a westernized country and have built that into my way of thinking when things don't go quite as would be expected back in the "other world". It took me 8 months to get UBC to send out my magazines on time, now I get two every month and one sent by express mail.

Maybe if I keep calling MaxNet about my problem I'll start getting 3 UBC magazines. You never know.

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