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Im looking at buying a CBD property and opening a bar and will then pay the necessary tea money to the boys in Brown.

Broncial cougher's that can compete with the local tuk tuks in terms of noise will be given priority, as will anyone with yellow teeth or beards male or female.

You must have your eye on a bar around the (very south pattaya area).


It seems that you would also like to ban non-smokers from entering venues where you like to light up. That's discrimination.

How silly, obviously the reverse is also true.


i wish that the "antis" would apply a bit more tolerance (as we smokers do). i have never asked a person sitting at a table in a restaurant near mine to stop eating while i smoke a cigarette nor have i demanded that a non-smoker should light up when in my vicinity.

What a sad, twisted bit of logic! :o

i have never asked a person sitting at a table in a restaurant near mine to stop eating while i smoke

That's probably because, sir, because they didn't require you to involuntarily chew their food for them. (As opposed to you requiring them to involuntarily breathe your noxious fumes).

nor have i demanded that a non-smoker should light up when in my vicinity.

That's probably because, sir, they don't need to. They ALREADY have the "benefit" of your second-hand smoke.

The poster's statement and example masks the real issue: infringing on a captive audience's right to a healthy environment.

i wish that the "antis" would apply a bit more tolerance (as we smokers do). i have never asked a person sitting at a table in a restaurant near mine to stop eating while i smoke a cigarette nor have i demanded that a non-smoker should light up when in my vicinity.

What a sad, twisted bit of logic! :o

i have never asked a person sitting at a table in a restaurant near mine to stop eating while i smoke

That's probably because, sir, because they didn't require you to involuntarily chew their food for them. (As opposed to you requiring them to involuntarily breathe your noxious fumes).

nor have i demanded that a non-smoker should light up when in my vicinity.

That's probably because, sir, they don't need to. They ALREADY have the "benefit" of your second-hand smoke.

The poster's statement and example masks the real issue: infringing on a captive audience's right to a healthy environment.

If Thailand and all the nefarious government agencies world-wide were concerned with a "healthy environment", they would ban some of these vehicles on the road that pollute great amounts of carbon dioxide, without any recriminations !!!!!!!!!!!!


The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.


Perhaps, but in this case I feel it's justified.

Do you think a hot line to report smokers is a good idea? :o

Go read an old book called 1984. then look when it was wrote.

Take care my friend freedom is a short stick for people of your ilk :D


Perhaps, but in this case I feel it's justified.

Do you think a hot line to report smokers is a good idea? :o

Go read an old book called 1984. then look when it was wrote.

Take care my friend freedom is a short stick for people of your ilk :D

I doubt there will ever be a number for reporting offenders, as far as pattaya goes, this new law is for window dressing only.

PS, do not take too much notice of PP he has been out in the sun too long...


The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

:o Crikey. Do you have a lot of free time on your hands?

The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

:o Crikey. Do you have a lot of free time on your hands? No, I certainly haven't got a lot of free time - that's why I've saved the number on my mobile. I wouldn't consider myself a self appointed inspector who spends his leisure time checking up on who is/isn't enforcing the smoke ban. If I visit an establishment for business/leisure purposes and observe that the smoking ban is not being enforced, 1) I'll challenge the manager 2) If I'm not satisfied I'll report them - as simple as that. If I'm already satisfied that it's a blatant case of non-enforcement, I wont even bother with step 1 and go straight to step 2.

By the way, I've smoked for 50 years and can't remember the last time I saw a doc!

At 50 plus years old you should have gained some common sense by now. Quite obviously you have no respect for your own body.

Prostate prods by your doctor should be conducted at least once per year for men of your vintage. By the time you feel the symptoms it may be too late.

A good mate of mine has been smoking for many years less than you, he goes into hospital this week to have cancer cut out from under his tongue and another lump cut out from his throat....and the stupid thing about it was that he had regular medical check ups but ignored the doctors warnings to give up his smoking habit.

Anyway, I don't wish bad health on you but I do hope that if you want to smoke you do it wherever it is legal to do so and not in certain establishments where it is now unlawful.

The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

:o Crikey. Do you have a lot of free time on your hands? No, I certainly haven't got a lot of free time - that's why I've saved the number on my mobile. I wouldn't consider myself a self appointed inspector who spends his leisure time checking up on who is/isn't enforcing the smoke ban. If I visit an establishment for business/leisure purposes and observe that the smoking ban is not being enforced, 1) I'll challenge the manager 2) If I'm not satisfied I'll report them - as simple as that. If I'm already satisfied that it's a blatant case of non-enforcement, I wont even bother with step 1 and go straight to step 2.

Was your former profession a traffic warden before coming to Thailand?

or traffic wardens assistant? Sounds right up your street that. :D


Perhaps, but in this case I feel it's justified.

Do you think a hot line to report smokers is a good idea? :oYes!

Go read an old book called 1984. then look when it was wrote. I've seen the movie & it's not often I'll bother with the book after the film.

Take care my friend freedom is a short stick for people of your ilk :DIMO smoking in a public place exceeds the limits of freedom & should be stopped.

The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

:o Crikey. Do you have a lot of free time on your hands? No, I certainly haven't got a lot of free time - that's why I've saved the number on my mobile. I wouldn't consider myself a self appointed inspector who spends his leisure time checking up on who is/isn't enforcing the smoke ban. If I visit an establishment for business/leisure purposes and observe that the smoking ban is not being enforced, 1) I'll challenge the manager 2) If I'm not satisfied I'll report them - as simple as that. If I'm already satisfied that it's a blatant case of non-enforcement, I wont even bother with step 1 and go straight to step 2.

Was your former profession a traffic warden before coming to Thailand? No & I'm not in Thailand on a permanent basis - not yet anyway.

or traffic wardens assistant? Sounds right up your street that. :DI'm quite passionate about the banning of smoking in public places & feel it's my duty to do my bit.

MightyMouse can obviously not read, as he would have known anti's were only allowed if not pontificating. He also would have read my WHOLE POST, which explained that I was being very considerate, and certainly not intimidating anybody. Funny how 5 or 6 ashtrays were delivered within a minute or so of me lighting up!

When you become the head honcho for the Thai Visa forum and set the rules that segregate certain posters, that will be the day when I quit as a member.

It's quite obviously that you can't deal with opposing views to your own and would rather attempt to ban such views from threads started by you. It seems that you would also like to ban non-smokers from entering venues where you like to light up. That's discrimination.

How can you classify yourself as being "considerate" when you knowingly entered an establishment that was under the 'no-smoking' ban, and lit a cigarette?

Do you think that because the staff gave you an ashtray that you then had the right to break the law?

Did you have any consideration to other patrons in that establishment who may have objected to your second hand smoke infiltrating their space?

I wonder who you will blame when the boys in brown impose a huge fine on you, or some non-smokers in the bar ram the stinking ashtray down your gullet.

If my Maker is up there looking after my best interests, He will allow me to be in the same bar as you when this happens.

You really have some anger issues. To hope that "my Maker" allows you to witness an act of violence is seriously warped. Get your moral compass fixed!

If I go into a restaurant or a smoke free bar (under the new regulations) I shouldn't have to tolerate some imbecile lighting up and blowing second hand tobacco smoke into my space.

My "moral compass" is in perfect balance until some fool blatantly disregards the law to the detriment of my health and my comfort. Should there be others in the establishment who also feel that they are being assaulted by the toxic fumes that Mr Fool is spreading, then there may well be an adverse (possibly physical) reaction. I've seen it happen before in a restaurant. ..and yes, I sat there and did nothing to help the smoker.

The laws of the land are written for a specific purpose. If you break the law you can expect to be penalized in some way. If the boys in brown don't immediately react to your unlawful smoking of cigarettes, a non-smoker might take the law into his own hands. The non-smoker may well be charged with assault but that is little comfort to the smoker who provoked the violent reaction and who now has a metal ashtray lodged halfway down his throat.

name='Mighty Mouse' date='2008-02-18 08:45:43' post='1824670']

My "moral compass" is in perfect balance until some fool blatantly disregards the law to the detriment of my health and my comfort. Should there be others in the establishment who also feel that they are being assaulted by the toxic fumes that Mr Fool is spreading, then there may well be an adverse (possibly physical) reaction. I've seen it happen before in a restaurant. ..and yes, I sat there and did nothing to help the smoker.

The laws of the land are written for a specific purpose. If you break the law you can expect to be penalized in some way. If the boys in brown don't immediately react to your unlawful smoking of cigarettes, a non-smoker might take the law into his own hands. The non-smoker may well be charged with assault but that is little comfort to the smoker who provoked the violent reaction and who now has a metal ashtray lodged halfway down his throat.

Dear Mr Mouse.

You talk about laws then talk about taking the law into your own hands.

Come on, how silly does your post look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look, Sit down, Calm down and have a smoke mate. because the hartattack from stress will get you way before smoke ever will

The laws of the land are written for a specific purpose. If you break the law you can expect to be penalized in some way. If the boys in brown don't immediately react to your unlawful smoking of cigarettes, a non-smoker might take the law into his own hands. The non-smoker may well be charged with assault but that is little comfort to the smoker who provoked the violent reaction and who now has a metal ashtray lodged halfway down his throat.

there's also the possibility that the smoker, after clearing his throat, shoves some big and hard object up the non-smoker's :o


I wonder if when I were in a restaurant and while eating somebody near by lit up, and the only action of the restaurant staff were to put an ashtray on the offenders table, what would happen if I was to walk out without finishing my meal and refused to pay?

As you mention traffic wardens I presume you are British? traffic wardens (not to be mistaken for parking wardens used by local authorities for making additional revenue), they were need to do a very important job, I came to respect traffic wardens as they would if they knew where you was thy would ask you to move before issuing a ticket, unfortunately they were badly needed because a small minority of narrow minded drivers will park wherever they wanted and without traffic wardens traffic chaos in the UK would be a lot worse than it is today.


I wonder if when I were in a restaurant and while eating somebody near by lit up, and the only action of the restaurant staff were to put an ashtray on the offenders table, what would happen if I was to walk out without finishing my meal and refused to pay?

As you mention traffic wardens I presume you are British? traffic wardens (not to be mistaken for parking wardens used by local authorities for making additional revenue), they were need to do a very important job, I came to respect traffic wardens as they would if they knew where you was thy would ask you to move before issuing a ticket, unfortunately they were badly needed because a small minority of narrow minded drivers will park wherever they wanted and without traffic wardens traffic chaos in the UK would be a lot worse than it is today.


Give it a go tonight in Pattaya, and report back what happened. :o

IMO smoking in a public place exceeds the limits of freedom & should be stopped.[/color]

So it's only freedom if its your freedom? FYG nearly every personal freedom one has, infringes on the personal freedom of others.


The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

the number is 1-800-eatshit


Perhaps, but in this case I feel it's justified.

If he's only reporting people for smoking grass in pubs or restaurants he's going to have a quiet time, he'd be better off asking for a quick toke.


I just gave the smokers, (Grass you up, you know it makes sense)

Hot line a call today

but only got an answer phone message

by some guy called Billy No Mates.

Does that ring a bell for anyone. :o:D:D


Ok hang on lads... let's all calm down a bit.

The original poster (if forget who it was, and I've gotta coffee in one hand and a smoke in the other so I can't go back now and find out) of this thread needs to come in here and settle things down. The topic title reads: The Smoker's Thread - No Anti's allowed.

As none of the non-smokers will experience any harmful second hand smoke from this thread, might I suggest that the O.P enforces his suggestion, and we keep this as a friendly smoker's club?

and that the smoker's among us (Pp?) calm down and stop feeding the anti's with raw materials to fan the flames?



Ok hang on lads... let's all calm down a bit.

The original poster (if forget who it was, and I've gotta coffee in one hand and a smoke in the other so I can't go back now and find out) of this thread needs to come in here and settle things down. The topic title reads: The Smoker's Thread - No Anti's allowed.

As none of the non-smokers will experience any harmful second hand smoke from this thread, might I suggest that the O.P enforces his suggestion, and we keep this as a friendly smoker's club?

and that the smoker's among us (Pp?) calm down and stop feeding the anti's with raw materials to fan the flames?



Wise words indeed, second your suggestion.


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