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Thaksin May Face More Arrest Warrants


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This is how to try and deal with corruption.... perhaps Thailand can learn from it's ASEAN brothers....

Philippines' Ex-President Estrada gets life sentence

MANILA (Reuters) - Former Philippine President Joseph Estrada was sentenced to life in prison on Wednesday after an anti-graft court found him guilty of plunder and barred him from holding public office again.

ditto of my thoughts above:

Estrada case an example for region

All corrupt politicians should be humbled by the life sentence handed to the former Philippine president

The decision of the Philippine anti-corruption court last week to sentence former president Joseph Estrada to life imprisonment for massive corruption should serve as a model for Thailand and other Southeast Asian nations to step up their efforts to bring corrupt politicians holding high-level posts in government to justice. The court's ruling should be taken as a stern warning to corrupt officials in high office that they could end up the same way.

To political observers in the Philippines, the sentence handed to Estrada was the most prominent job to date carried out by the special court that was set up exclusively to handle corruption cases among high-level government figures. While some see the landmark verdict as the people's victory, others want to use it as a catalyst to push the Philippine government into seriously pursuing legal actions against other corrupt politicians in power, including those in the cabinet of incumbent President Gloria Arroyo.

In its ruling last Wednesday, the court found Estrada, 70, guilty of plundering tens of millions of dollars in tax kickbacks and bribes. It sentenced him to life imprisonment and also ordered the confiscation of US$87 million (Bt29 billion) from his bank accounts, which had been frozen during the six-year trial. Estrada said the verdict "appeared to be a political move" that followed pressure from his arch-rival and successor Arroyo. He vowed to appeal the sentence.

The case has marked a bitter chapter in Philippine politics that began when the movie-star-turned-politician was ousted from power in 2001, a move that led to violent street protests. Estrada has accused the business elite, Arroyo and the powerful Roman Catholic church of conspiring against him because of his populist platform. He has said that he twice rejected offers from Arroyo to clear his name in exchange for him agreeing to live in exile.

Estrada, who made his name in more than 100 films over three decades, cultivated the image of an everyday man who spoke fractured English and was a champion of the poor. When he was elected in 1998, it was with the largest majority in the country's presidential history. During his presidency, Estrada managed to maintain all of the traits that made him a star and openly flaunted his hard drinking, womanising and gambling. He also retained a cluster of shady characters who helped him make policy decisions during late-night drinking sprees, what he often referred to as his "midnight cabinet". When he was ousted three years later, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets and laid siege to the presidential palace to try to reinstate him.

After his fall from power, Estrada initially retained his huge popularity among tens of millions of Filipino poor thanks to his populist policies, but his command of the faith of his supporters seems to have faltered of late as only a few hundred people rallied in his support when the court read out its verdict last Wednesday. While some said the low turnout of Estrada supporters might mean that the poor did not like him any more as they felt that he had used them for his political rise, others expressed doubt whether the case would ever change voters' thoughts about populism in politics.

Despite the court's action against Estrada, anti-graft crusaders in the Philippines have expressed concern that corruption in the government did not actually end when Estrada was ousted in 2001.

Transparency International, a leading global anti-graft organisation, recently said that corruption in the Philippines appeared to have worsened since President Arroyo took power in January 2001. Many corruption cases against high-level government officials are pending in court. Among the high-profile cases are corruption allegations against former justice secretary Hernando Perez and former agriculture under-secretary Joseline Bolante. Some of the cases were linked to President Arroyo's husband and her election campaign in 2004. The latest case involves graft allegations against the Communication Ministry's $330-million broadband-network deal with China's CTE Corp.

- Editorial, The Nation

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Press Release of Dr. Thaksin and Khun Ying Pojamarn Shinawatra dated September 11, 2007

In regards to the press release of the AEC issued on September 10, 2007, accusing Dr. Thaksin and Khun Ying Pojamarn of concealing assets, the AEC also accused Dr. Thaksin of being the true owner of Ample Rich and Win Mark, citing ‘credible' evidence.

We would like to point out that there is no new information. Everything has been clarified to the AEC but the AEC was cherrypicking the information to discredit Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra.

Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra would like to inform his fellow Thai citizens as follows:

Dr. Thaksin was a shareholder of Ample Rich but he did sell all his shares in Ample Rich to his son before he became the Prime Minister. This fact was reported to the SEC and Dr. Thaksin gave several interviews disclosing this issue to the public.

The AEC cited one piece of evidence showing that Dr. Thaksin was the authorized signatory of Ample Rich, but that document was the account opening form he signed years before he became the Prime Minister. After Dr. Thaksin sold all his shares in Ample Rich, he was no longer a director nor entitled to sign any document on behalf of Ample Rich. If the AEC were to carry out the investigation in good faith and with fairness, they would have found the truth. But apparently the AEC did not.

The accusation of the AEC that Dr. Thaksin conceals his assets through Win Mark Fund was groundless and not true. As of now, the Department of Special Investigation is investigating the ‘Win Mark' matter but they can not reach any conclusion about the facts. But the AEC, without relying on facts or evidence, jumped to their imaginative conclusion.

The AEC made an accusation that certain dividends of Shin Corp were paid to Khun Ying Pojamarn's bank account. Therefore, the AEC concluded without further verification that Dr. Thaksin and his wife actually remained the true owner of Shin Corp Shares and thereby all his actions while he was Prime Minister were made to gain unjust benefit for his own assets; i.e. Shin Corp.

This, again, is nothing new, just another twist of fact, a popular cheap trick often used by the AEC. Dr. Thaksin has always informed the public of the truth that in order to comply with the Constitution of 1997, he and his wife sold all their Shin Corporation shares to his children and others. In return, he and his wife received promissory notes as evidence of debts. When his children received their dividends from Shin Corp, they used part of that money to settle the debts outstanding. That is the reason why there was some fund transfers made to Khun Ying Pojamarn's bank account, but as a repayment of debts. Dr. Thaksin confirmed again that after he and his wife sold their Shin Corp shares, they never received any dividend payment from Shin Corp.

On September 9, 2007, the AEC expressly accused Ample Rich, Win Mark, Panthongthae Shinawatra (Dr. Thaksin's son) and Pinthongtha Shinawatra (Dr. Thaksin's daughter) as being “nominees” holding Shin Corp shares on behalf of Dr. Thaksin. However, a few months ago, the very same AEC was accusing both Panthongthae and Pinthongtha Shinawatra of failure to pay income taxes on the Shin Corp shares, the two of them “owned”! How many standards does the AEC use in carrying out their jobs? How many assumptions can the AEC make with respect to the very same set of facts? How many sides of the story can be told just to achieve their political goals of discrediting Dr. Thaksin and his family?

If the AEC insisted that Dr. Thaksin had always been the owner of all Shin Corp shares but let others hold shares on his behalf, the AEC must drop all the tax charges against Panthongthae and Pinthongtha Shinawatra at once.

Source: Truethaksin.com

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Twisted logic at a higher division.

THEY claimed the kids owned the shares and as such was deemed to pay taxes. It's not the aAEC changing foot, they always suspected the kids was nominees - it's only now they are saying they have enough proof.

Are the Thaksin's complaining the AEC didn't act before they had enough proof?

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Based at how long Thaksin has been quiet (a new record I think) it is fair to assume the above post is consistent with Thaksin’s repeated ability to tell the truth.

I think we just broke a record for Thaksin being quiet. When he was PM the longest I can remember him being quiet was 3 days. Now that the Win Mark thing came out a week ago, we have not seen Thaksin, nor hear from Noppadon, and even the former TRT have been unusually muted.

I think from that it is easy to see that this is major bad news for Thaksin, more so than is generally known (yet). It seems that this is easily just as much a blow to Thaksin as the TRT getting dissolved. It would be my guess at this point Thaksin will become more actively aggressive and that a major counter is being planned. That has been his response in the past. However I think Thaksin is very aware that this disclosure is viewed negatively in more than just Thailand and there are similar laws in many other countries.

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  • 4 weeks later...

AEC sees 3 ways to bring charges

Deposed and exiled prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra can be tried in civil cases even if criminal hearings have to be suspended, graft-busters believe. "But in civil suits, the court can proceed in absentia," a source with the Assets Examination Committee said yesterday.

The AEC has three major avenues to press charges against Thaksin in the many cases against him. First he will be charged for holding shares and concessions while serving in office. The AEC believes he controlled major stakes in Shin Corp, Shin Satellite and Advanced Info Service, which operate on government concessions. Second, Thaksin will also be taken to task for abusing his authority to provide favours to companies owned by his family.

Finally, he will be held accountable for being unusually rich. The AEC plans to wrap up the cases next month and lodge both criminal and civil suits against him. AEC spokesman Sak Korsaengruang said that although the statute of limitations on criminal charges against Thaksin expires in 20 years, the AEC has frozen Bt65 billion of the Shinawatra family's wealth gained from selling Shin Corp stock.

"Even though the owners of the money are not present, their money is," Sak said.

- The Nation

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...



Prosecutors asked to formally charge Thaksin's wife, two others

BANGKOK - Thailand's Department of Special Investigation (DSI) on Friday asked prosecutors to formally charge ousted prime minister's wife Pojaman Shinawatra and two executives on charges of assets concealment involving SC Asset Corp, a listed firm on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).

Pornchai Assawawattanaporn, Deputy Director-General of DSI, in his capacity as chief investigator on the case Friday morning submitted evidence along with three defendants including Mrs. Pojaman, and two female executives of SC Asset Corp, both of them relatives to the former first lady and her husband, to the prosecutor to consider filing charges against them in court.

Another defendant, deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is still living in self-imposed exile in overseas after his government was toppled in a bloodless coup on Sept 19, 2006. The court had earlier issued an arrest warrant for him.

The prosecutor allowed Mrs. Pojaman to use her earlier bail amounting 2 Million Baht in cash to give bail for herself.

Mr. Pornchai said all investigators on the case were of the same opinion to file charges against the defendants and that he was confident that evidence which was submitted to the prosecutors could bring the accused persons for trial.

Meanwhile, Sunai Manomai-udom, Director-General of DSI, said investigators concluded investigation on the case late last year and they believed that all the four defendants should be prosecuted.

When asked whether the DSI was afraid of a possible intervention by the newly appointed Justice Minister Sompong Amornwiwat, a close associate of Mr. Thaksin, on the case, Mr. Sunai said the DSI concluded the case and decided to file charges against those suspects just one day after the new minister takes the portfolio which means that Mr. Sompong did not intervene.

The DSI has charged the accused for concealing shares of SC Assets, a listed property developer, which violates the Securities and Exchange Act.



Unanimous opinion to prosecute.... :o

Will look to see who the Pokemon relatives are that are involved....

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Apparently the relatives involved are found in this article:

In regard to the progress of the SC Asset case, investigators were still waiting for two company executives, Bussaba Damapong and Penchom Damapong, to give their statements before the next week's deadline, he said.

- The Nation / September 13, 2007

Bussaba Damapong is Pojaman's sister and still looking up Penchom...

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Actually found her under a different transliteration...


Phensom Damapong is on the Board of Directors of SC Asset. She also used to be on the Board of Directors of ITV, when Thaksin owned that television channel. At SC Asset she holds 1 share. On corporate disclosure documents she has listed, "Yingluck Shinawatra is a relative of Mrs. Phensom Damapong's husband." Yingluck is President and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of SC Asset and is Thaksin's sister.

Other shareholders in SC Asset amongst the Shinawatra/Damapong clan hold a few more shares than Phensom. Pojaman's daughter Pintongta, has 93 million shares, her other daughter, Paetongtarn, has 93 million shares, her brother, Bannapot, has 16 million shares, and she herself has 9 million shares.

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Thai prosecutors asked to formally charge Thaksin's wife

BANGKOK -- Thailand's Department of Special Investigation (DSI) on Friday asked prosecutors to formally charge wife of the ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and other two defendants for assets concealment involving the listed SC Asset Corp.

Pornchai Assawawattanaporn, Deputy Director-General of DSI, in his capacity as chief investigator on the case submitted evidence to the prosecutors on Friday to charge the three defendants including Thaksin's wife, Pojaman Shinawatra, and two female executives of SC Asset Corp. Both of the two are relatives to the former first lady and her husband, the state run Thai News Agency reported.

Another defendant, deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is still living in self-imposed exile in overseas. The court had earlier issued an arrest warrant for him.

In January, the prosecutors allowed Pojaman to use her earlier bail amounting 2 million baht (about 60,600 U.S. dollars) in cash to give bail for herself.

The DSI has charged the accused for concealing shares of SC Assets, a listed property developer, which violates the Securities and Exchange Act.

- Xinhua

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OAG examining new charges against Thaksin

The Department of Special Investigation yesterday asked public prosecutors to charge deposed PM Thaksin Shinawatra, his wife Potjaman and two members of the Damapong family over the alleged concealment of their shareholdings in SC Asset Corp. The agency has forwarded to the Office of the Attorney-General the results of its investigation into the suspects' alleged concealment of shares in the property development company established by the Shinawatra family. The department's investigators have recommended four suspects be indicted in the case. Apart from Thaksin and his wife, the other two are Busaba Damapong, formerly the President of SC Asset, and another Company Director Pensom Damapong. DSI Deputy Director-General Pornchai Assawawattanaporn yesterday submitted seven boxes of investigative reports and evidence to Seksan Bangsombun, the OAG's Chief Prosecutor for special cases. As Thaksin is still in self-exile abroad, Pornchai brought with him Potjaman and two female executives of SC Asset, both relatives of Potjaman and her husband, to the chief prosecutor for him to consider filing charges against them in court. Seksan is scheduled to hand down the indictment order on March 28.

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Thaksin once again using family members as nominees and shields to conceal his ill-gotten wealth. Jeopardizing his own and his wife's clan's freedom... although these women and his own adult offspring were certainly willing participants in the charades.

btw, bears repeating... "seven boxes" of evidence

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  • 1 month later...

SC Asset Share Concealment Case Postponed

The Special Litigation Department has postponed its prosecution order in the alleged share concealment charge against deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra after his lawyer submitted a statement claiming his client is still tied up with engagements in other provinces. The order is postponed to May 15th.

Ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra's lawyer, Kittiporn Adulrut, and Thaksin's younger sister, Yinglak Shinawatra as his bails-person, submitted a statement to the Director for the Special Litigation Department, Seksan Bangsombun, asking for the postponement of its prosecution order on the former premier, his wife Pojaman, and her sister-in-law Bussaba Damapong, the three prime suspects of the alleged false declaration in the share-holding structure of listed SC Assets Corporation.

The statement claims Thaksin is still tied up with engagements in other provinces and Bussaba is still abroad, so the two accused cannot be present to acknowledge the prosecution order.

The department has therefore postponed the prosecution order to May 15th.

Meanwhile, the lawyer representing the family believes the investigators in charge of the case will approve the suspects' petition, asking for the investigation of additional eye witnesses and other related evidence.

Earlier, the Special Litigation Department forwarded a statement asking the Department of Special Investigation to examine the relationship between the accused and evidence overseas but the DSI said it has yet to obtain the letter.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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SC Asset Share Concealment Case Postponed

Over and over, the circus shall continue.

"Ooops sorry Mister Judge, I need to go to play golf with Hun Sen in Cambodia, then Hong Kong (for the Prada fashion show), after that Prince Charles is waiting for me to play badminton... I really need to postpone our talk, okay, one month ? Thank you".

It's not "technicalities" anymore, here... it's just plain Benny Hill Show. The Thaksin clique has really mastered the masquerade with justice.

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Yikes! What a shock for me to read this thread, as I actually KNOW these people! So I want to share a big THANK YOU to those of you who have taken the time to attempt to unravel the convoluted nature of the charges and counter-charges.

Now I am not saying I am buddies with Khun Thaksin and his wife or anything, but I did share a beer or two (and at least one memorable karaoke session!) with them during my working career at IBC TV (which later became UBC/TrueVisions), and I lived in one of Kuhn Thaksin's buildings. But I'll quickly add that I know nothing of the charges, so I have no insight into the allegations. But I am greatly intrigued by the drama that has been unfolding.

But it is the indictment of Kuhn Phensom Damapong that has affected me enough to rush to reply to this thread. One poster has said that "...these women were undoubtedly willing particpants in the charades." Call me naive, but my personal experience with Khun Phensom makes that very hard to believe. Unlike the others who were indicted, I would actually consider Phensom a friend. So I'd like to balance that previous negative posting by offering that Phensom was a very dear person who went out of her way to make certain that I had everything that I needed to acclimate to my new life in Thailand. So, for me at least, I can only think of her as a caring person who would do anything to make sure that everyone was happy.

The irony of this is that I started reading the ThaiVisa forums as I was simply planning an extended trip back to Thailand. I am hoping to sort of semi-retire and maybe teach English part-time. One of my goals was to look up my old friends to see how they are doing. but it would appear thatmaybe SOME of my old contacts might be just a bit too pre-occupied to join me for a beer these days, I guess? :o

Again, thanks to those of you who are keeping up on this subject. I would greatly appreciate it if you hear news of Khun Phensom in particular, if you would share it here. Thanks much!

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Assets Probe Panel Concludes Investigation into Ousted PM's Abuse of Power

The sub-panel investigating the use of administrative power for personal benefit case filed against former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, expects to forward its findings to the Assets Examination Committee around the middle of next month after it agreed to conclude its investigation process today.

Kaewsan Atipothi, head of the Assets Examination Committee or AEC 's sub-panel investigating the case involving the use of administrative power to serve personal benefits filed against former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, reveals during a press conference today that his sub-panel has agreed to conclude its examination and there will be no further investigation into the other 100 eye-witnesses as requested by the deposed premier.

The sub-panel has found key evidence which proves that the deposed Prime Minister, his wife and all three children are the real owners of Win Mark Company which held majority stakes in Shin Corporation, now owned by Singapore's Temasek Holding and SC Assets Company.

The Securities and Exchange Commission will be subsequently required to forward evidence related to Win Mark Company to the sub-panel before April 10th and investigation results are expected to be presented to the AEC around the middle of May.

Kaewsan also says that his sub-panel has tried, over the past four months, to invite Thaksin in for questioning, but he never responded to the requests, and the private security staff at the Shinawatra residence refused to accept letters from the AEC. :o


Still a coward I see.


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There may well be more charges brought, but why on earth are more arrest warrants needed..................

Let is face it the man is already in bail from the court.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Wife of Thaksin testifies on tax evasion case

Potjaman Shinawatra, wife of ex-PM Thaksin, appeared at the Criminal Court on Friday morning to testify on alleged tax evasion case in the transfer of Shin Corp shares in 1997. She is the second defendant of this case. The first defendant is Bannapot Damapong, who is her brother, while the third defendant is her secretary, Kanchanapa Honghern. Potjaman and Bannapot were charged with conspiring to evade taxes amounting to about 730 million baht in the transfer of Shin Corp shares and of lying to authorities when questioned about it four years later. Karnchanapa faces one count of conspiring to evade taxes. Potjaman dodged reporters who were waiting for her in the front of the court by going into the court through the

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Potjaman testifies over tax evasion charge

Potjaman Shinawatra, the wife of ousted PM Thaksin, appeared in the Criminal Court yesterday over tax evasion charges involved in the 1997 transfer of shares to her brother, Bannapot Damapong. Potjaman told the court she gave her shares to Bannapot as a gift and had no intention of evading paying tax. The court allowed her to give her testimony on camera as requested. She spent one and a half hours testifying before leaving the court and did not give any media interviews. She was accompanied by Padung Limcharoenrat, a close aide of Thaksin, and 20 others. Potjaman, 51, Bannapot, 59, and her secretary Karnchanapa Honghern, 51, were charged by the Office of the Attorney-General with conspiring to evade taxes amounting to 546.12 million baht in the 1997 transfer of shares worth 738 million baht in Shinawatra Computer and Communication Co. Metha Thamviharn, a lawyer for Bannapot, said Potjaman does not need to go to court again until it hands down its verdict. A source said Potjaman told the court she gave her shares to Bannapot as a gift and that she did not intend to evade tax. So far, more than 10 defence witnesses have already testified. There are three more defense witnesses. There were more than 30 plaintiff witnesses.

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  • 2 months later...

Her prison release date could be July 30, 2011...

Verdict on Pojaman's tax evasion case sets for July 31

The Criminal Court is scheduled July 31 to hand down the verdict on the tax evasion case involving Pojaman Shinawatra, wife of former prime minister Thaksin.

The court set the verdict session on Friday after reading out a Constitution Court decision denying the defence to raise constitutional arguments.

Pojaman's fellow defendants are her brother Bannaphot Damapong and her private secretary Kanchanapa Honghern.

The three are accused of involving in a scam to avoid paying 546 Million Baht in a shares transfer from Pojaman to Bannapot, wrongfully declared in income tax return as a gift.

- The Nation

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Pojaman tax-evasion ruling set for July 31

The Criminal Court yesterday scheduled July 31 for delivering its verdict in the tax-evasion case against former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's wife Pojaman, her brother, and her secretary.

The court gave the prosecution and the defence 10 days to submit their closing statements. Metha Thammavihan, a defence lawyer, said the defendants' concluding statements had been prepared.

Pojaman, her brother and former President of Shin Corp Bhanapot Damapong, and her secretary Kanjanapa Honghern are accused of colluding to evade paying tax of 546 Million Baht on the transfer of shares worth 738 Million Baht in Shinawatra Computer and Communication.

The defendants deny the charge, arguing that the shares were a gift from Pojaman to her brother. :o*that's so weak...it was supposedly a wedding gift...given TWO YEARS after her brother's wedding*

The Attorney-General's Office in March filed the case last year on the recommendation of the Assets Examination Committee (AEC).

The three defendants did not show up in court yesterday and their lawyers heard the court order on their behalf.

The court yesterday also read out the June 30 ruling by the Constitution Court that upheld the legitimacy of the AEC and rejected a petition claiming that the order by which it was formed was against the Constitution.

- The Nation

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  • 4 weeks later...


Court allows ousted Thai premier to visit Olympic host China

Bangkok - Thailand's Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed ousted Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra to leave the country next month to visit Japan and China, the host of the Olympic Games starting on August 8.

The Supreme Court granted permission to Thaksin, who is facing several corruption and abuse-of-power charges in Thailand for his controversial premiership between 2001 to 2006, to travel between July 31 and August 10 to Japan and China.

The same court granted Thaksin's wife Pojaman permission to travel to China on August 5 to 10. Both must return to Thailand on August 11. No explanation for their visits was released.

The Olympic Games will be officially kicked off on August 8 in Beijing, where numerous world leaders, including US President George W Bush, will be on hand to herald in the event.

When Thaksin was still prime minister he ranked Bush as his most admired world leader. :o

Thaksin was toppled by a coup on charges of corruption, dividing the nation, and undermining democracy and the monarchy.

Thaksin and his wife face several court cases that require them to seek permission from the Supreme Court before they can depart the kingdom.

On Thursday, Thailand's Criminal Court will give its verdict on whether Pojaman is guilty of tax evasion on a 546 million baht share transfer to her brother.


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Court allows Thaksin, wife to leave the country

The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions gave permission for ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife Potjaman to leave the country at the end of the month to attend business in Japan and China. The court also ordered that they report themselves to the court on August 11, which is one day after they plan to return to Thailand. No explanation of the trips was provided, but the Olympic Games are to begin in Beijing on Aug 8, when the couple will be there. Thaksin asked the court's permission to fly to Japan and China from July 31 to Aug 10, while Potjaman will go to China on Aug 5 to 10. The couple also asked for the permission to travel to the United Kingdom on Aug 15 to 20, but the court said it would decide on that after they return from their first

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When Thaksin was still prime minister he ranked Bush as his most admired world leader.

Didn't work both ways, at the summit in Peru Thaksin quickly spun around on his heels like a groupie, after the official photo, wanting to cling on to Bush some more and shake his hand again but George ignored him and walked away. :o Instead he got a handful of German chancelor. :D Priceless. :D They're not meeting now are they? :D

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Verdict today on Pojaman tax case

The Criminal Court will today deliver a much awaited verdict on a tax evasion case against Pojaman Shinawatra, her brother Bannaphot Damapong, and her personal secretary Kanchana Honghern.

Chief Justice Withoon Klongmeekun has issued strict instructions to security staff to maintain order during the reading of the verdict this morning at 9 am.

Rumors suggest there will be a showdown between government supporters and opponents on the Criminal Court's premises on Ratchadapisek Road. :o

The Attorney General indicted the three defendants, accusing them of intentionally avoiding a tax payment of Bt546 million for the transfer of 4.5 million shares of the Shinawatra Computer and Communications' shares worth Bt738 million.

The charges arising from transaction, which took place in November 1997, come under the criminal codes of Article 37 (1) (2) of the Revenue Code.

Violation of this law is punishable with a fine of between Bt2,000 and Bt200,000 and a jail sentence of between three months and seven years. A multiple violation of this law will result in a jail sentence of not more than 20 years.

Criminal Court secretary Narat Imsuksri said the Court had issued a directive to ensure order in the courtroom and the surrounding area during the delivery of the verdict.

"No one is allowed to behave in a way that disturbs the peace or causes annoyance; and no one is allowed to act in a way that instigates or provokes such behavior within the compound or territory of the court. Otherwise they will be subject to legal action as stipulated in the law," the Criminal Court's statement said.

The court also sought cooperation from the police and the commando unit to deploy 200 officers to keep security in the courtroom and around the court compound.

The court has provided 120 seats for the public to hear the verdict at courtroom number 704 and closed-circuit television will be provided for those outside the courtroom to receive both voice and image coverage.

"We do not want violence either from the supporters or opponents,'' Narat said.

Security officials will thoroughly check everyone coming to the court. People who are not involved will not be allowed to park their cars in the court's car parking area as a measure to prevent possible bomb attacks since explosives can be hidden inside cars.

The Office of the Attorney General filed the suit on March 26 last year, summoning more than 30 prosecution witnesses to testify including Sak Korsaengruang, spokesman of the now defunct Assets Examination Committee who chaired the AEC panel that probed the accusation of tax evasion, and former Finance Ministry permanent secretary and former Director-General of the Revenue Department Suparat Kawutkul.

The three defendants denied the charges and almost 20 defence witnesses testified in the case.

- The Nation

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I hope that should the verdict prove to be guilty, then she will be refused bail and locked up immediately! Rather than endless years of appeals.

Verdict today on Pojaman tax case

The Criminal Court will today deliver a much awaited verdict on a tax evasion case against Pojaman Shinawatra, her brother Bannaphot Damapong, and her personal secretary Kanchana Honghern.

Chief Justice Withoon Klongmeekun has issued strict instructions to security staff to maintain order during the reading of the verdict this morning at 9 am.

Rumors suggest there will be a showdown between government supporters and opponents on the Criminal Court's premises on Ratchadapisek Road. :o

The Attorney General indicted the three defendants, accusing them of intentionally avoiding a tax payment of Bt546 million for the transfer of 4.5 million shares of the Shinawatra Computer and Communications' shares worth Bt738 million.

The charges arising from transaction, which took place in November 1997, come under the criminal codes of Article 37 (1) (2) of the Revenue Code.

Violation of this law is punishable with a fine of between Bt2,000 and Bt200,000 and a jail sentence of between three months and seven years. A multiple violation of this law will result in a jail sentence of not more than 20 years.

Criminal Court secretary Narat Imsuksri said the Court had issued a directive to ensure order in the courtroom and the surrounding area during the delivery of the verdict.

"No one is allowed to behave in a way that disturbs the peace or causes annoyance; and no one is allowed to act in a way that instigates or provokes such behavior within the compound or territory of the court. Otherwise they will be subject to legal action as stipulated in the law," the Criminal Court's statement said.

The court also sought cooperation from the police and the commando unit to deploy 200 officers to keep security in the courtroom and around the court compound.

The court has provided 120 seats for the public to hear the verdict at courtroom number 704 and closed-circuit television will be provided for those outside the courtroom to receive both voice and image coverage.

"We do not want violence either from the supporters or opponents,'' Narat said.

Security officials will thoroughly check everyone coming to the court. People who are not involved will not be allowed to park their cars in the court's car parking area as a measure to prevent possible bomb attacks since explosives can be hidden inside cars.

The Office of the Attorney General filed the suit on March 26 last year, summoning more than 30 prosecution witnesses to testify including Sak Korsaengruang, spokesman of the now defunct Assets Examination Committee who chaired the AEC panel that probed the accusation of tax evasion, and former Finance Ministry permanent secretary and former Director-General of the Revenue Department Suparat Kawutkul.

The three defendants denied the charges and almost 20 defence witnesses testified in the case.

- The Nation

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