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Wondering Why So Many Farang Drink And Drive In Thailand


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I lived 4 years at Thung Wua Laen beach near Chumpon.

A few doors from the 6 bedroom/7 bathroom house I rented for 5K baht a Belgian ex-soldier ran a guesthouse, restaurant and bar.

What do you think happened there?

Every night a bunch of farangs were getting drunk.

Fully loaded they would drive home in their pickups or on their motorbikes.

Would it surprise you a few got into serious accidents ?

One hit two Thais crossing the street and he was in for paying 100's k to the victims.

An other skid of his chopper, his family paid a fortune (chartered a plane to get him to Phaya Thai in Bangkok where they butchered his leg iso repairing)

he now walks with a limp leg.

An other tourist missed a curb in the road driving back to his Chumpon hotel and died on the spot.

He was offered to sleep at the guest house AND our future limping man offered to put his bike in his pickup, but no, farangs are smarter than Thais :)

Edited by tartempion
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Contrary to the OP, I didn't take the poll results to take that a huge number of foreigners drink and drive. To me a higher-than-expected number of people DONT drink and drive. Even when considering that many of those will live in places like Bangkok, don't live in Thailand at all, don't own vehicles and/or don't think at all, there still was a strong majority claiming they don't drink and drive, IIRC.

What do you mean with people who live in places like bangkok dont live in Thailand ? And sure a majority there was but stil i would say only a few percent drink and drive in my country (i could be wrong)

Anyway happy to see there are plenty smart people around. I was not here for a crusade because i am known to do bad things too (advise clients on tax evasion :))

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Contrary to the OP, I didn't take the poll results to take that a huge number of foreigners drink and drive. To me a higher-than-expected number of people DONT drink and drive. Even when considering that many of those will live in places like Bangkok, don't live in Thailand at all, don't own vehicles and/or don't think at all, there still was a strong majority claiming they don't drink and drive, IIRC.

What do you mean with people who live in places like bangkok dont live in Thailand ? And sure a majority there was but stil i would say only a few percent drink and drive in my country (i could be wrong)

Anyway happy to see there are plenty smart people around. I was not here for a crusade because i am known to do bad things too (advise clients on tax evasion :))

Two till man? no wonder you like it here.

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Contrary to the OP, I didn't take the poll results to take that a huge number of foreigners drink and drive. To me a higher-than-expected number of people DONT drink and drive. Even when considering that many of those will live in places like Bangkok, don't live in Thailand at all, don't own vehicles and/or don't think at all, there still was a strong majority claiming they don't drink and drive, IIRC.

What do you mean with people who live in places like bangkok dont live in Thailand ? And sure a majority there was but stil i would say only a few percent drink and drive in my country (i could be wrong)

Anyway happy to see there are plenty smart people around. I was not here for a crusade because i am known to do bad things too (advise clients on tax evasion :))

Two till man? no wonder you like it here.

What is a two till man ? Sorry i dont know that term.

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Contrary to the OP, I didn't take the poll results to take that a huge number of foreigners drink and drive. To me a higher-than-expected number of people DONT drink and drive. Even when considering that many of those will live in places like Bangkok, don't live in Thailand at all, don't own vehicles and/or don't think at all, there still was a strong majority claiming they don't drink and drive, IIRC.

What do you mean with people who live in places like bangkok dont live in Thailand ? And sure a majority there was but stil i would say only a few percent drink and drive in my country (i could be wrong)

Anyway happy to see there are plenty smart people around. I was not here for a crusade because i am known to do bad things too (advise clients on tax evasion :))

Two till man? no wonder you like it here.

What is a two till man ? Sorry i dont know that term.

Tax avoidance counselor? classic Chinese invention - one till you show the tax department (min income) and one till for the real earnings.

Works well at restaurants and bars I hear.

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Contrary to the OP, I didn't take the poll results to take that a huge number of foreigners drink and drive. To me a higher-than-expected number of people DONT drink and drive. Even when considering that many of those will live in places like Bangkok, don't live in Thailand at all, don't own vehicles and/or don't think at all, there still was a strong majority claiming they don't drink and drive, IIRC.

What do you mean with people who live in places like bangkok dont live in Thailand ?

Bangkok has an abundance on cheap meter taxis at any hour of the day and night. When living in Bangkok it's unlikely that you would even consider taking your car into a nightlife area because it's far more convenient, safer, etc. Not sure how far out of BKK or downtown Pattaya (etc.) you get, but the public transport situation at nighttime at night is pretty dismal. While that's no excuse for driving completely drunk, it does mean that people don't typically only drink water when going out to a restaurant or pub.

i would say only a few percent drink and drive in my country (i could be wrong)

So.. we've establshed that Thailand isn't like your home country then I guess? :) When people come from your country to Thailand, they don't take the stellar public transport system and draconian laws-on-everything with them... In fact it may even be part of the reason to come to Thailand anyway, the lack of laws (or lack of enforcement) that rule every second of one's life.

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Tax avoidance counselor? classic Chinese invention - one till you show the tax department (min income) and one till for the real earnings.

Works well at restaurants and bars I hear.

I get it.. no not that kind of tax avoidance.. i try to stick within the rules just stretch them a bit if possible. I would not go the way of real fraud. Its more knowing the rules and doing things as good as possible for clients while not omitting outright fraud. (i am by no means an expert and im sure the big boys are a lot better then me)

But two tills is easy for things like restaurants and bars because it is all cash money. Just have to make sure you keep it as cash and don't use it for your regular spending. (have never done it but know of farmers (former clients) who did not declare all their born cows so they had a few cows they could sell without being taxed at a later date)

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Contrary to the OP, I didn't take the poll results to take that a huge number of foreigners drink and drive. To me a higher-than-expected number of people DONT drink and drive. Even when considering that many of those will live in places like Bangkok, don't live in Thailand at all, don't own vehicles and/or don't think at all, there still was a strong majority claiming they don't drink and drive, IIRC.

What do you mean with people who live in places like bangkok dont live in Thailand ?

Bangkok has an abundance on cheap meter taxis at any hour of the day and night. When living in Bangkok it's unlikely that you would even consider taking your car into a nightlife area because it's far more convenient, safer, etc. Not sure how far out of BKK or downtown Pattaya (etc.) you get, but the public transport situation at nighttime at night is pretty dismal. While that's no excuse for driving completely drunk, it does mean that people don't typically only drink water when going out to a restaurant or pub.

i would say only a few percent drink and drive in my country (i could be wrong)

So.. we've establshed that Thailand isn't like your home country then I guess? :) When people come from your country to Thailand, they don't take the stellar public transport system and draconian laws-on-everything with them... In fact it may even be part of the reason to come to Thailand anyway, the lack of laws (or lack of enforcement) that rule every second of one's life.

I agree partly with you about liking Thailand because of there are less rules. But some rules are smart like the no drinking policy. (i hate loads of rules but that one actually makes sense) Anyway here drunk driving is also punishable by law its just that the coppers are to lazy to catch you and if they catch you you can come off relatively easy (unless you kill ore injure someone).

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A point of issue here, back home most of us

probably had a wife/gf who could do the driving

home after a night out. Here many wives/gfs can't

drive which creates a temptation many probably find

hard to resist. Me, I could not live with myself if I

had an accident whilst drunk and.....wrecked my

precious Vigo.

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In towns where there is no public transport, there is very little choice. Having a few beers and driving home is more common...

Now, at 2am there is virtually nothing on the roads in my town (no kids wandering home late from school) and I am not plastered, so I take a calculated risk i.e. I've had 2-4 big bottles, not slurring my words, yes, over the limit in terms of the permitted blood alcohol limit but capable of driving 3 km on a deserted road.

I would never dream of getting absolutely hammered at 4pm and driving through central Chiang Mai. Not many people would.

There is a lot of grey in "drink driving" (for a starters, the term implies the driver is 'drunk' - what is that, technically?) and I think a lot of people who "drink drive" are technically over the limit but capable of riding/driving home at night with virtually no chance of an accident.

I would hazard a guess and say sober riding at rush hour in any thai town is more dangerous than driving whilst over the limit at 2am...

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Because they can

Where we come from there are consequences, here only if you have an accident you have a problem and were never going to do that when were drunk


There are similar consequences here, when ur drunk and have an accident and kill someone, YOU HAVE STILL KILLED SOMEONE! Thats the most important consequence, anything the police and the courts do after that is irrelevant. :)

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The western world has taken up a trend of demonising those who behave in a way counter to the politically correct.

Drunken driving is a very minor offense IMHO

Very silly post.....glad you think about it that way, now try and tell all those people that have lost loved ones to IDIOT DRUNK DRIVERS.

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I would venture to guess that the OP is a mormon, or something similarly weird. Sure drunk driving is a no no. But ranting about it just exposes who you are.

Ohhh really? You have no idea, perhaps the OP has just seen the results of one drink driving crash or just one dead child, thats all it would take to get you ranting.

You've just exposed what you are.

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I drink and drive in Thailand because the laws are practical and I can do it responsibly.

You are an idiot of the highest order. You say that you can drink and drive RESPONSIBLY, you've got to be having a lend of yourself (again :) ).

Common, get your hand off it. When you've killed a child or other innocent person because you were drunk and driving, you will know about it.

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The western world has taken up a trend of demonising those who behave in a way counter to the politically correct.

Drunken driving is a very minor offense IMHO

Very silly post.....glad you think about it that way, now try and tell all those people that have lost loved ones to IDIOT DRUNK DRIVERS.

Even my father, who was an alcoholic and lost his license twice in the States said he knew he was completely in the wrong when he drank and drove. Often, before he got older, he would make the rounds walking. Glad he did so...I remember several times he came home white with snow from where he had fallen in the snow banks...but of course, sarahsbloke would say that's okay, we're just demonizing him. Another time when he drove home he then fell in the bathroom so dead drunk that we couldn't get the door open and had to leave him laying on the floor for 3 hours until he sobered up. And then there was the time he went to the drive in restaurant. Well, it hadn't been a drive-in until he drove in. But I know, sarahsbloke, we're just demonizing a guy who was a lush.

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i have been caught, nothing some money cant solve. Why are you trying to westernize Thailand and turn it into a nanny state ?

You are right This Is Thailand

A nanny state is a state where you are protected against yourself.. I could not care less if you killed yourself with a car while drunk. But i care if you take friends or family of mine with you.

That is not a nanny state because it is not protecting you against yourself but protecting others against you.

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I drink and drive in Thailand because the laws are practical and I can do it responsibly.

You are an idiot of the highest order. You say that you can drink and drive RESPONSIBLY, you've got to be having a lend of yourself (again :) ).

Common, get your hand off it. When you've killed a child or other innocent person because you were drunk and driving, you will know about it.

I think there is a lot of hypocrisy on this thread.

I'm not advocating drink driving, but I think a lot of the guys slating it would readily admit to driving well in excess of the speed limit while sober, racing other guys on the road through heavy traffic (maybe not on this thread) etc. etc.

Some guys ride home on a Honda Wave at 40kph after 3-4 beers. Other guys race other bikers through heavy traffic while sober. One is an anti-social moron, while the other is a bit of a geezer?

I'm sure the guys riding too fast would claim they know what they are doing, just as the guys riding after a couple of beers would.

Edited by JonnyF
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i have been caught, nothing some money cant solve. Why are you trying to westernize Thailand and turn it into a nanny state ?

You are right This Is Thailand

A nanny state is a state where you are protected against yourself.. I could not care less if you killed yourself with a car while drunk. But i care if you take friends or family of mine with you.

That is not a nanny state because it is not protecting you against yourself but protecting others against you.

If not "nanny state" why the helmet laws? We the seatbelt laws? And for the helmet laws only the driver is required (at least in phuket), so they are only protecting you, not others on your bike.

Edited by MyphuketLife
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I do believe a really good guy got killed here in Pattaya last week by a drunk farang. Who ran away from the scene leaving his Thai wife to deal with it. Nice guy.

My friend was in Bangkok this past week for a holiday. His friend, who is a bit of a Thai high so, got caught drunk driving a few weeks ago. Because he was government Hi-So, he was allowed to take a taxi home...they towed his BMW. I was shocked!

I also heard from relatives in Khorat that the current fine is about 8K Baht for getting caught up there...at least on the highway. Not a big amount, but hopefully these are getting to the point where this activity will start to slow down. When there are no consequences, many just don't care.

I just got back from a trip to Bangkok. I would like to get rid of a few of those tour mini-bus drivers! They are just plain crazy.

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i have been caught, nothing some money cant solve. Why are you trying to westernize Thailand and turn it into a nanny state ?

You are right This Is Thailand

A nanny state is a state where you are protected against yourself.. I could not care less if you killed yourself with a car while drunk. But i care if you take friends or family of mine with you.

That is not a nanny state because it is not protecting you against yourself but protecting others against you.

If not "nanny state" why the helmet laws? We the seatbelt laws? And for the helmet laws only the driver is required (at least in phuket), so they are only protecting you, not others on your bike.

Unfortunately, in a country with as developed a wellfare state as Thailand, with more or less free medical care, and for all I know some safety net for orphans, it is prudent of the government to protect its tax base and reduce its welfare burden by reducing the risk that idiots will kill themselves. I know its fighting against Darwinism, but it must be distressing for paramedics and doctors to spend so much time scooping brains into a pail... and it must upset the children and wives too.


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oh and they like to get you in court and banned within 7 days


Not entirely true. I ws last back in the UK over New Year and know of a guy who got busted for DUI on New Year's eve afternoon (stupid b@st@d was warned not to drive - but I digress). His case wasn't scheduled until mid February. I was surprised as I thought they took these types out of circulation muy pronto. Maybe the courts were busy with the Christmas rush.

Oh and he was busted around 13:30 and was released from the station by 17:00, can't remember the exact figure but he was circa twice the legal limit. What did he do on release? Drove back to the club and had a large brandy. I was again surprised they didn't keep him in overnight.

<deleted> doesn't come near.

Why do they, the farangs, do it? As living proof that stupidity knows no national noundaries.

But I have to wonder about folks like the OP who come on here cloaked in anonymity slagging off all other farangs using terms like "low life" from within their ivory tower. Funny how they term everyone else as "low lifes" whilst they, of course, are purer than the driven snow. :)

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I drink and drive in Thailand because the laws are practical and I can do it responsibly.

You are an idiot of the highest order. You say that you can drink and drive RESPONSIBLY, you've got to be having a lend of yourself (again :) ).

Common, get your hand off it. When you've killed a child or other innocent person because you were drunk and driving, you will know about it.

I think there is a lot of hypocrisy on this thread.

I'm not advocating drink driving, but I think a lot of the guys slating it would readily admit to driving well in excess of the speed limit while sober, racing other guys on the road through heavy traffic (maybe not on this thread) etc. etc.

Some guys ride home on a Honda Wave at 40kph after 3-4 beers. Other guys race other bikers through heavy traffic while sober. One is an anti-social moron, while the other is a bit of a geezer?

I'm sure the guys riding too fast would claim they know what they are doing, just as the guys riding after a couple of beers would.

Funny you attach that to my thread.....I'm a tea tottler....so the answer is no for me. As for the speeding thing, you have a point.

Edited by neverdie
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Firstly, it's up to the police to enforce the law and as long as they (cops) are underpaid and corrupt they won't seriously tackle this (or any other problem). The drunk drivers (Thais and foreigners alike) do it because they KNOW the cops don't give a sh*t.

Secondly, it is the governments' job to educate the public and make them aware of the dangers of drinking and driving.

Corruption is a part of life here so there's no getting around the corrupt cop problem... up to the government to introduce awareness campaigns and to appeal to peoples' common sense.

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i have been caught, nothing some money cant solve. Why are you trying to westernize Thailand and turn it into a nanny state ?

You are right This Is Thailand

A nanny state is a state where you are protected against yourself.. I could not care less if you killed yourself with a car while drunk. But i care if you take friends or family of mine with you.

That is not a nanny state because it is not protecting you against yourself but protecting others against you.

If not "nanny state" why the helmet laws? We the seatbelt laws? And for the helmet laws only the driver is required (at least in phuket), so they are only protecting you, not others on your bike.

I lived in California when they implemented the helmet laws. Bike riders protested big time. It was the state that pushed it due to the high costs of taking care of brain dead bikers. I haven't followed up in many years, but the initial reports were that it really did help. Bikers were pissed, and taxpayers were happy.

I see Thai's here in Pattaya riding around all the time with the driver wearing a helmet while holding a baby with none. All the while they are weaving in and out of traffic....

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I see Thai's here in Pattaya riding around all the time with the driver wearing a helmet while holding a baby with none. All the while they are weaving in and out of traffic....

Okay, they don't make helmets for babies.....this has been discussed many times. If you fit a helmet that isnt the correct size to a baby not only is it useless for protecting the cranium it also can increase the chance of injury.

So, what do you expect the thais to do, buy a car, make them walk? :)

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I see Thai's here in Pattaya riding around all the time with the driver wearing a helmet while holding a baby with none. All the while they are weaving in and out of traffic....

Okay, they don't make helmets for babies.....this has been discussed many times. If you fit a helmet that isnt the correct size to a baby not only is it useless for protecting the cranium it also can increase the chance of injury.

So, what do you expect the thais to do, buy a car, make them walk? :)

Good point. At least they could wear a bike helmet? Same as I see that farang doing who is clipping around 100km down Suk!

I saw a lady driving a scooter last week. One hand holding the baby, the other steering with a large bag hanging off the handle bars. And she was weaving in and out of traffic. Crazy.

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