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Pattaya To Sihanoukville


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Has anyone taken this route?

How did you do it and how long did it take?


JR Texas to Zanzibar: Do not take the overland route from the Thai-Cambodia border to Sihanoukville. It can truly be a nightmare......one of the worst trips I ever took!!!!!!!!!!!

You can take a high-speed boat. I am not sure how many hours it takes. But is has to be less than the overland route and the ocean in that part of the Gulf is clean and beautiful.

Avoid driving in Cambodia. Sihanoukville, by the way, is the next Pattaya just waiting to happen (not now.....but it will happen). I predict lots of farangs will soon be establishing themselves there as the xenophobia and insanity in Thailand intensifies.

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We went to Rayong. Got a bus from there to Trat. Had lunch there then went to the border in a minibus. About an hour. We stayed overnite there coz er, looked interesting. :o Next morning went by bus about 3 hours with flat tire delay, got to Sihanoukville. The cambodian immigration officials appreciate a small tip for their services.

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If you take the boat then remember that this departs one time daily at 8am .... It will take around 4 hours to get to Sihanoukville by boat ... 2 years ago the boat cost $15US.

The boat departs from Koh Kong which is just across the border (on the Cambodian side) from Had Lek which is the border crossing.

Had Lek is about 45/60 minute drive from Trat.

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Has anyone taken this route?

How did you do it and how long did it take?


You can get to Sihanoukville in 2 days from Pattaya. The way I did it was bus to Rayong, change at Rayong and continue to Trat. From Trat take a mini van from the new bus terminal to Hat Lek. At Hat Lek do border formalities and go to Ko Kong where you will spend your first night. If you do not want to look around Ko Kong take either an AM boat or the road option next morning.

JR Texas had a bad experience with his road trip but mine was not like this. I had the overnight stay in Ko Kong so I was feeling great in the morning. The guy I was travelling with had done the boat option before so we decided to go by road. The Road is under construction, if it rains heavy you could be delayed for any amount of time and the road can be dangerous, no denying that. If it is not raining and the road is dry you can make Sihanoukville easy without problems.

There are 4 ferry crossings to make when you go by road, it is very scenic and fun too. I enjoyed the trip immensely, but I stress check to see if it's been raining. Next time I go I will take the boat for something different.

Here are a couple of my photos first of the van we were on and the ferries we using for the river crossings. Have a great trip.



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I have heard that two bridges are finished (maybe someone can confirm this), so that only two rivercrossings are left. That will save at least 45 minutes traveltime for the overlandroute. Up until september 2005 I used the boat from Koh Kong to SV, but a couple of incidents made me switch to the overland route. Firstly these boats were originally buildt for rivertraffic, and the ride is very uncomfortable/scary if the waveheight is over 1 m. The sea may look calm by the ferryterminal in Koh Kong, but it can be a different story when you come out in the open sea. Secondly they tend to stack way too much cargo in the boat. If you have to sit inside, you might find a couple of bags of rambutan under your seat while the isle is full of cases of durian blocking all of the emergency exits. That said, it can be a very comfortable ride this time of the year. The sea is usually calm so you can sit up on the roof. The road is getting better for every trip I make (last one in july 2006). I guess it is still muddy some places in the rainy season, but I have never had other troubles than a couple of delays.

The price is $15 (the same for the ferry), and that is a ridicolous price compared to other routes in Cambodia. The bus from SV to Phnom Penh is $3.........

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I have heard that two bridges are finished (maybe someone can confirm this), so that only two rivercrossings are left. That will save at least 45 minutes traveltime for the overlandroute. Up until september 2005 I used the boat from Koh Kong to SV, but a couple of incidents made me switch to the overland route. Firstly these boats were originally buildt for rivertraffic, and the ride is very uncomfortable/scary if the waveheight is over 1 m. The sea may look calm by the ferryterminal in Koh Kong, but it can be a different story when you come out in the open sea. Secondly they tend to stack way too much cargo in the boat. If you have to sit inside, you might find a couple of bags of rambutan under your seat while the isle is full of cases of durian blocking all of the emergency exits. That said, it can be a very comfortable ride this time of the year. The sea is usually calm so you can sit up on the roof. The road is getting better for every trip I make (last one in july 2006). I guess it is still muddy some places in the rainy season, but I have never had other troubles than a couple of delays.

The price is $15 (the same for the ferry), and that is a ridicolous price compared to other routes in Cambodia. The bus from SV to Phnom Penh is $3.........

JR Texas: Just a follow up.......we had huge problems going from Sihanoukville to the Thai border because of RAIN, RAIN, AND MORE RAIN. The bus got stuck in the mud right on top of the mountain and we had to push it out.......that took a long time to make it over the hill.

We started early in the morning, got stuck in the mud in the afternoon, and made it to the border 20 minutes before closing time......what a day! But it was an adventure. It also taught me what people can overcome when they work together (all different nationalities wading through the mud, pushing that huge bus over the hill........it seemed impossible, but we did it.

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I just did the trip. Bus from Pattaya to Trat now 165 baht. minibus to Had Lek border now 110 baht. I spent the night in Koh Kong and took the road, minivan 600 baht, going and the road is about 50% finished and all four bridges are about 50% finished. About 6 hours and very scenic.

I returned on the boat and was lucky with calm waters, $15

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I travelled there a couple months ago:-

BUS Mochit to Trat - 280 Bt

TOYOTA MINI-BUS Trat to Had Lek - 130 Bt - plus 1000 Bt Cambodia VISA

M/CYCLE TAXI Had Lek to Koh Kong - 40 Bt

stayed overnight cause unless you can find a share car the buses typically leave morning 8am

(option - boat leaves morning 8am)

MERCEDES MINI-BUS Koh Kong to Sihanukville - 600 Bt

this mini bus handled very wet conditions with ease

i returned by boat 600 Bt (or US$15) but would not recommend it

a very rough 1.5m swell, uncomfortable trip and looking at the inside ceiling there were footprints along it indicating that boat had been upside down at some time !!!

with current huge waves entering gulf of thailand recently there's no way i'd take the boat now...

Sihanukville - great place - plenty of accomodation choices ranging from US$2 - $15 night

or more if you want to stay at the "Hilton"....excellent options

If your on a schedule to get to Sihanukville quickly its important that you time your arrival into KOH KONG to coincide with the transport out to Sihanukville...

my estimate 2500 - 3000 Bt from BKK - SIHANUKVILLE included VISA and one day & night stay in KOH KONG...

I liked SIHANUKVILLE and am heading over again very soon...

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I did the trip Sihanoukville to Pattaya in december 06. About 11-12 hours for the whole trip. Did pay around 20 Dollars for it. I think we still had to use 4 ferries. The road cant be recommended in rainy season. It was a small bus from Sihan.v. We had to change the bus at the border. We start in Sihan.v. 7 or 8 am (sorry, forget) and did arrive at BKK-busstation(in Pattaya) at 7 pm .

I had no problems. You can buy the ticket in Sih.v. at main bus-station or in guesthouse (I think its cheaper in GH).

I would like to know, where you can buy a ticket in Pattaya for that trip. I think, there is a real chance to get one, cause they are interested to fill the busses for the way back. I think, the price would be a bit higher ...

I did go by air the other direction: about 1200 bht with airasia bkk-phnom penh.20 dollars for visa at the airport in PhnomPhen. The road PhnomPenh to Sih.v. is ok.

Have your breakfirst in Sihan.v. at THE KHMER GOUMET at victory hill: Two young americans did open that small coffee-bar recently. They are very friendly and the coffee is excellent !

And avoid renting a motorbike at SAKAL-Bungalows: They are criminals and I had to pay 20 dollars to get my passport back. They said: "You have accident". I didnt have one and there was no damage at the bike - but I had to pay. To tell all my bad experiences in Cambodia would be a fare too long story... :o

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I have used the ferry to and from Sihanoukville / Koh Kong many times but will check the weather reports first, July & August can be rough and sometimes during this period the ferry route is cancelled due to rough weather. 4 hours seems to be normal travelling time. Scheduled to leave Koh Kong at 0800 but most times it is around 0820-0830.

Many opt for sitting on top of the ferry but need to slip slop slap as you will get burnt from the sun and wind.

Snacks and drinks are available on the ferry plus their is usualy a Khmer movie or Karaoke playing on the tv and on odd occasions Mr Bean.

Sitting at the back can be noisy plus their usualy a lot of fruit and produce stacked at the back of the ferry.


I would like to know, where you can buy a ticket in Pattaya for that trip. I think, there is a real chance to get one, cause they are interested to fill the busses for the way back. I think, the price would be a bit higher ...

I think Koh chang travel sell tickets as I use their minibusses to go to Koh Kong and I have seen other passengers with their itinary, bus travel, hotel and ferry ticket


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