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New Drug For Aids


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BBC News this afternoon said new drug could control HIV to such a minimal amount that all new HIV patients if taking drug could be pretty sure of living a full healthy life and that it will be available in UK IN APPROX 3/4 months......comments please

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2.30am.....well this subjects been on the the board for about 1 hour ,I suppose AIDS hysteria has finally faded as no one can be bothered to post!.....so in the end I was right you have more chance of dying of a falling coconut than dying of aids!!

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2.30am.....well this subjects been on the the board for about 1 hour ,I suppose AIDS hysteria has finally faded as no one can be bothered to post!.....so in the end I was right you have more chance of dying of a falling coconut than dying of aids!!

i think most people hope they never need to take this drug,i know i dont :o

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2.30am.....well this subjects been on the the board for about 1 hour ,I suppose AIDS hysteria has finally faded as no one can be bothered to post!.....so in the end I was right you have more chance of dying of a falling coconut than dying of aids!!


4 times as many people die from Malaria, than from ALL of the 20+ diseases associated with AIDS regardless of HIV status (i.e you have that disease and die, they count it as an Aids death).

I thought that the common concensus even with drugs available today is that HIV isn't the killer disease it was once hyped up to be.

I'm going to rock some boats here but it's interesting to note that the countries with the biggest population growth in both recent times and forecasts, are those with the biggest AIDS problems - I fail to see how that makes sense, one minute we are told that AIDS is killing Africans and that 1 in 3 has HIV, then the next we hear that population growth of Africans is out of control. That doesn't make any sene.

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I've heard a lot of theories for and against the seriousness of HIV. It's good to see improving treatments but I think everyone can agree they'd prefer not to have it in the first place. I think it's a lot easier to speculate how serious HIV/AIDS is or isn't from the vantage point of being negative. It will be interesting if they ever find a vaccine for HIV. Could be quite a revolution on many fronts.

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I had a very dear friend who died of HIV AIDS that he contracted while living in Thailand, by his own admission through unsafe heterosexual sex with Thai prostitutes.

Faced with his illness and the late detection of the disease he openly admitted his HIV Status and set about encouraging others to Act-Up and to get regularly tested for the presence of the HIV Virus.

I'm not a doctor, but my understanding is that regardless of how good the new drug is, it is only effective where the HIV infection is detected early and is ineffective where late detection has left the HIV Virus to damage the victim's immune system.

Drug therapy is not a cure; it is a therapy to reduce the consequences of infection.

Not getting infected in the first place is a far better strategy - Getting regularly tested just incase is a secondary precaution to ensure any infection does not become untreatable.

Pretending that HIV is not a risk, or is an overblown risk is self-delusional nonsense, pushing that message to others is irresponsible.

Edited by GuestHouse
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I get your point guest house,...It is irresponsible but when you take a closer look at the statistics and by the nature of a male hetrosexual who doesnt practice anal sex receiving body fluids from a females virgina,you have got to ask your self if that is a dangerous activity then kissing french style is also.....you cannot have it both ways.......the percentage of male hetrosexuals who have received the aids virus from a female is almost non exsistant.......I think it is about 0.1 percent and who is to say that the people who filled those medical forms could not come round to admitting that they had practiced unsafe sex (I mean receiving or anal)also you have to take into account that there now reconiseable different strains of HIV with the most deadly seeming to be inflicting the african population....this then further reduces the likelyhood of dying from what many expats engage in to the same odds as being struck by lightning or a coconut killing you while walking under a tree.........but now there is also this new drug to put into the equation so .......explaining what is and isn't the facts and what practises are and are not dangerous seems to be acting responsible.

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explaining what is and isn't the facts and what practises are and are not dangerous seems to be acting responsible.

If you were medically qualified to do so I might agree with you.

As it is there are health professionals who are qualified to give advice on this subject and their advice is almost universily consistant.

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Every population and group is a different case study entirely. There are groups here (that foreigners often interact with and marry by the way) that go through more volume in unsafe sex - sexual partners than your typical African population. Add to that other STDs, like say HSV-2, say if you get that first, it's a permanent recurring portal for HIV. And yes, all you need to get HIV is regular heterosexual activity. By the way, you might want to check me on the stats, but I think the % of the population in some western countries is like 20-25% of the population infected with HSV-2, I think it's safe to assume that it's probably even higher here, especially in the high risk hetero sex for hire scene here.


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I had an hiv test some years ago and I will quote word for word what the qulified medical professional said to me "if you haven't been a drug user or practise in gay sex it is a very unlikely that you could contract this virus"

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You can shout all you want, but

"if you haven't been a drug user or practise in gay sex it is a very unlikely that you could contract this virus" "

This remark is plain rubbish, I guess you haven't checked the aids rates in some African countries, now it could be that they have an exceptional rate of drug users and gay people, but somehow I think that's not the case.

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There are groups here (that foreigners often interact with and marry by the way) that go through more volume in unsafe sex - sexual partners than your typical African population.

I think you'll find that Thais interact with them more.

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It was medical professionals who predicted millions dying in thailand ,.....it hasnt happened ,....but other medical professionals who I thought made more sense were in such a minority......got it right

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your right again guest house ....but remember that also applies to you saying its a death sentance.!

Again you would be right if I had said HIV is a death sentance.

I did not and the number of times you are wrong are stacking up.

This together with your lack of medical qualifications brings into question what you call 'Facts'.

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I had an hiv test some years ago and I will quote word for word what the qulified medical professional said to me "if you haven't been a drug user or practise in gay sex it is a very unlikely that you could contract this virus"

According to AVERT (an AIDS charity) 65% of women living with AIDS in the USA were infected through regular heterosexual sexual intercourse.

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It makes me smile,....all of a sudden the "death sentance" brigade have all mysteriously dissapeared....but they won't put their hand up and say" I was wrong"

Edited by dee123
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At the time they were making predictions based on the facts and treatments that were available to them. They didn't realise how successful Meechai Viravaidya's condom campaign would be and they had no idea that advances in treatment would turn HIV infection into a manageable chronic disease.

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