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Complaining Expats?


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Didn't Expats come to Thailand to live and enjoy what you have in the country, I live in the US I hear complaints all the time also and about little things, One day You will have passed on Is this the Legacy that you want to remembered for?

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Didn't Expats come to Thailand to live and enjoy what you have in the country, I live in the US I hear complaints all the time also and about little things, One day You will have passed on Is this the Legacy that you want to remembered for?

Some farang come to Thailand and enjoy it so much they want to stay.

So they do.

Then they do nothing but complain, i wish they would just do whatever it is that attracted them to Thailand in the first place, and cease to do the things that make them complain all the time!

I feel so sorry for the unfortunate Thai woman that has to listen to the constant moaning.

They should just go home, if i did not like Thailand, i would. :o

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I was born in Udorn Thani and I wish to someday live in Thailand for sixmonths out of the year when i retire and then live sixmonths in the US My children when i do have some are going to raised in the US So I want them to see the beauty of Thailand for themselves. It has touched me even though I've grown up in the US.

Isn't this what some expats wanted? To live an easy life in Thailand? The thing is why go to a country that you are not even a citizen I am not also and just rant and rave about the country which just boils down is being your host.

I just don't get it.

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Didn't Expats come to Thailand to live and enjoy what you have in the country, I live in the US I hear complaints all the time also and about little things, One day You will have passed on Is this the Legacy that you want to remembered for?

stop complaining about expats :o

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Isn't this what some expats wanted? To live an easy life in Thailand? The thing is why go to a country that you are not even a citizen I am not also and just rant and rave about the country which just boils down is being your host.

I just don't get it.

Actually, not this one. I want to live with my husband, could care less where. Thailand is a nice place to live but if I weren't married to my husband I wouldn't be living here. So, perhaps you need to readjust your perception of people living in the country before you can understand them. I think you have to look at it from a different point of view. Sometimes it is nice to vent one's feelings to others who have similar experiences and can understand one's own feelings. And after living here for 15 years does this still make me a guest??? You aren't from the US obviously, does this make you also a guest and deny you the right to have an opinion about where you live?

Constant whinging is annoying, to be sure, but I believe we all have the right to form our own opinions, be it complaints or praise, regardless of whether or not we are a guest in this country.

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Who is complaining?

Living in Thailand is ok although many things could be seen as hardship.

Talk about the weather, the traffic in Bangkok, the working hours (10 hours a day, 7 days a week, ok sometimes only 8 hours :o ) the immigration laws etc. etc.

I don't complain, just accept what there is. It is my decision to stay here or to leave. Many things I like, some I don't like.

So what, the same in other countries, too, incl. my own.

Any place will give to you what you make of it. Make the best of it.

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If anyone has seen "Grumpy Old Men I or II" with Jack Lemon and Walter Mathaeu, then you will have the answer to the question raised by this thread.

For those who have not, I suggest that many of the "moaners and groaners" in this forum are just "grumpy old men", who voice their thoughts in a "grumpy" manner but otherwise, love Thailand, intend to stay here for the balance of their lives and perhaps don't even "grouse" to their loved ones. This forum is an excellent outlet for what is irritating about Thailand, such irritations can be transitory, but nevertheless get voiced. "Getting it off your chest" is healthy ventilating and this forum serves the community well by providing a place to do it.

Those of us who like to keep a positive outlook have the option of skipping the "grumpy posts" when encountered.

It does make me feel better when I encounter posts that validate my views about Thai shortcomings, thereby reassuring me that I am not alone in my view that Thai drivers are that way because there is no traffic law enforcement, Thai staff are lazy and avoid doing anything to help due to lack of supervison and training and corruption is a bad thing, until I use it to get out of a violation.

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I am planning for retirement in los. Ruffly 20 years to go. I promise when I retire in los you will not here me complain.

For those who are complaining, maybe you should take a year away for los. Then I think you would appreciate it again.

Maybe you could come to Wisconsin in February for a visit. I think that would cure you. :o

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I must admit i was also guilty of moaning about Thailand, until i got a job and have to leave for 2 or 3 months at a time........then you realise it aint so bad after all.

Now i moan about other Farangs moaning!

Always something to moan about! :o

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Nothing wrong with some good-hearted whining - If we all just kept saying how wonderful life is in Thailand this wouldn't be much of a forum would it? If we didn't really enjoy life here we wouldn't be here - so judge our actions - not some internet postings. We have got to have something to talk about - haven't we?

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If anyone has seen "Grumpy Old Men I or II" with Jack Lemon and Walter Mathaeu, then you will have the answer to the question raised by this thread.

For those who have not, I suggest that many of the "moaners and groaners" in this forum are just "grumpy old men", who voice their thoughts in a "grumpy" manner but otherwise, love Thailand, intend to stay here for the balance of their lives and perhaps don't even "grouse" to their loved ones. This forum is an excellent outlet for what is irritating about Thailand, such irritations can be transitory, but nevertheless get voiced. "Getting it off your chest" is healthy ventilating and this forum serves the community well by providing a place to do it.

Those of us who like to keep a positive outlook have the option of skipping the "grumpy posts" when encountered.

It does make me feel better when I encounter posts that validate my views about Thai shortcomings, thereby reassuring me that I am not alone in my view that Thai drivers are that way because there is no traffic law enforcement, Thai staff are lazy and avoid doing anything to help due to lack of supervison and training and corruption is a bad thing, until I use it to get out of a violation.

Well put.

For those who are complaining, maybe you should take a year away for los. Then I think you would appreciate it again.

I do go away and do a bit of work from time to time.

When you see the guy in the departure hall with tears in his eys 'thats me'

But I still say it like it is.

If thats whinging so be it :o

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I must admit i was also guilty of moaning about Thailand, until i got a job and have to leave for 2 or 3 months at a time........then you realise it aint so bad after all.

Now i moan about other Farangs moaning!

Always something to moan about! :o


Life in Japan as a 90 days tourist visa, because you have a job there....

Yes, working in Japan is different from vacation in Thailand....

But I think, you need some money, otherwise you would not be a tourist in Japan for 2 or 3 months....

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Well, heres one farang whos not complaining. I love Thailand, most of the people, the weather, the food, the easy laid back life and most of all my wife. We have been married 25 years and the honeymoon isnt over yet.

We dated for a year and a half. Got to know each other and that may be one reason we are still together and happy. I dont think of her as my "Thai wife", just my wife.

I get pissed off at the same things that piss me off back home. Life just doesnt always go the way we would like. There are some differences in Thailand of course. I dont complain about things I dont like ,Im just concerned. For example Thai driving. Im just concerned because so many people die on the roadways. Im sure many of the complainers also feel this way. Sometimes it seems we farangs care more for the lives of the Thais than the Thais themselves.

Complaining isnt my style but as someone said, maybe its just a way for some to let off steam.

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I've been lurking around this site for a while now, and I have noticed the same thing. I've been questioning how so many people could have decided to come to this country, only to find so much fault, yet they still stick around.

I would have to agree, perhaps this is just a good place to vent. Sometimes, it's not possible to speak to everyone around us about what's on our mind.

Or maybe it can just be attributed to the personality of the individual. Some people are complainers who can find negativity in any situation whether they are here or back at home.

I, for one, think the greatest thread i've read on this site was about what everyone loves about Thailand. I found myself reading it with a huge grin on my face, wondering why all those things are so easily forgotten :o

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Didn't Expats come to Thailand to live and enjoy what you have in the country, ...

Let me go back to the original question and checked the meaning of expat:

Noun 1. expatriate - voluntarily absent from home or country


1. expatriate - expel from a country

2. expatriate - move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad

what category are you in?

Voluntary in LoS, expelled from your own country or adopted a new residence?

From reading in Thai Visa one could conclude many are voluntarily here.

Many (more?) did follow spouse, fiancee, GF/BF. I am not sure if this is voluntarily or for neccessity.

Other category might be business people or students in exchange programmes who have been sent here to further their carreers. (Finish your program, 6 months, 2 years or whatever period, than come back home)

Others might have come ages ago, burnt the bridges behind them or just lost the contact. Stuck and don't know where else to go.

Above are just a few examples why expats might be here. For sure everybody has a valid reason.

In my own experience many expats living here, do like it but this does not mean they should not complain about some short comings. A forum like this is a perfect venue to do so. If you complain to your Thai neighbor you might be in trouble. Although, you might be right and the Thai would agree in principle, a foreigner in no society is welcome with complains.

Go on complaining if it helps to get steam off. Be reasonable without offending.

V.v. accept that everybody has the right for an own opinion.

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my penny:

Farangs sometimes complains because they're used to it.

They start complaining because they do not know the "unwritten rules" of the country, but when they understand that living in Thailand is much easier than in Europe or USA, they keep complaining to protect their "secret".

They do not want a colleague to dig an hole under their chair and get their job, easy life, good expat package, not much stress in the office.

They are extremely worried in coming back to Europe/USA because they know what they are leaving in Thailand and they imagine what they are going to face back home.


If your wife really loves you, she will never tell her girlfriend that you're a BULL in BED, that you are a lovely hubby: she doesn't want someone to steal her secret.

WOW such a romantic statement!!! :o

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Actually, not this one. I want to live with my husband, could care less where. Thailand is a nice place to live but if I weren't married to my husband I wouldn't be living here. So, perhaps you need to readjust your perception of people living in the country before you can understand them. I think you have to look at it from a different point of view. Sometimes it is nice to vent one's feelings to others who have similar experiences and can understand one's own feelings. And after living here for 15 years does this still make me a guest??? You aren't from the US obviously, does this make you also a guest and deny you the right to have an opinion about where you live?

Constant whinging is annoying, to be sure, but I believe we all have the right to form our own opinions, be it complaints or praise, regardless of whether or not we are a guest in this country.

Well, I sure both complain and moaning sometimes, but I think the statement above says it all, and probably do for many who have gone through the rosy days and now live a very regular life here.

:D Thailand is a fine place to live and have many good things that already have disappeared from the West. But even if I stay here more time annually than home, will I as a human being keep my right to be critical to things against normality. :o

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I have one or two thoughts for and about this thread,

Frist, from an old Thai saying,

How many Fahrang does it take to get something done?

Three, one to complain, another to analyize and detail the one's complaint and a third, to tell the other two how stupid and ignorant they are as he and he or she, alone has the true and only answer to the issue at hand.

Second, it is reason that reasons and It is an empty person who speaks with an empty head. :o


Please see credo for explanation of dishonorable remarks. :D

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I have one or two thoughts for and about this thread,

Frist, from an old Thai saying,

How many Fahrang does it take to get something done?

Three, one to complain, another to analyize and detail the one's complaint and a third, to tell the other two how stupid and ignorant they are as he and he or she, alone has the true and only answer to the issue at hand.

Second, it is reason that reasons and It is an empty person who speaks with an empty head. :o


Please see credo for explanation of dishonorable remarks. :D

That's deep man... :D

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:o Don't you all get it, people the world over love to complain, it creates conversation and when people agree with you, one feels so much better. Complaing is a sort of therapy. What about the weather. you are standing in a bus queue next to someone you don't know. To start a converstaion, you say," these buses are never on time." There you go, a conversation develops. It's the same with this forum. Someone complains and everyone joins in. How anyone can live in a cuckoo land of fantasy that everything is perfect, here or anywhere, is beyond me. Long live moaners. :D
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