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Motorcycle Taxi Drivers At The End Of The Soi

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i live on a quiet upscale soi and will often be walking home late at night and I don't know what to do when I pass these guys. Should I acknowledge that I see them and nod my head? What would a Thai do in this situation? If it is not proper to nod my head at them, they might think I am mocking them because I am rich and live on this soi and they are working at a different life pace. If I pretend that I never see them, then they might think I am some kind of snob or they might think that I think I am better then them. The street is quiet enough so that whenever anyone walks by it attracts their attention.


Is every post you make a badly veiled excuse to mention that you have some money?

There are many TV members with alot more cash than you, but they don't talk about it in every post as they realise it is rather vulgar.

i live on a quiet upscale soi and will often be walking home late at night and I don't know what to do when I pass these guys. Should I acknowledge that I see them and nod my head? What would a Thai do in this situation? If it is not proper to nod my head at them, they might think I am mocking them because I am rich and live on this soi and they are working at a different life pace. If I pretend that I never see them, then they might think I am some kind of snob or they might think that I think I am better then them. The street is quiet enough so that whenever anyone walks by it attracts their attention.

A friendly greeting is in order here. Try "Khon Thai baa". That should get an appropriate reaction. Let us know how you get on.

I don't see the point of nodding to anyone you don't know in some personal way or haven't had a conversation with...

A nod is as good as a wink to a blind man, just keep on trucking, no need to do any more than that. :o

i live on a quiet upscale soi and will often be walking home late at night and I don't know what to do when I pass these guys. Should I acknowledge that I see them and nod my head? What would a Thai do in this situation? If it is not proper to nod my head at them, they might think I am mocking them because I am rich and live on this soi and they are working at a different life pace. If I pretend that I never see them, then they might think I am some kind of snob or they might think that I think I am better then them. The street is quiet enough so that whenever anyone walks by it attracts their attention.
just a smile and a sawasdee kaap is what i do, .never had a problem and always get a return gesture,.i worked that out all on my own,.!

They couldnt give a flying f--- and would probably pee themsleves laughing if they found this thread, highly unlikely of course. Did you nod at strangers back home?

i live on a quiet upscale soi and will often be walking home late at night and I don't know what to do when I pass these guys. Should I acknowledge that I see them and nod my head? What would a Thai do in this situation? If it is not proper to nod my head at them, they might think I am mocking them because I am rich and live on this soi and they are working at a different life pace. If I pretend that I never see them, then they might think I am some kind of snob or they might think that I think I am better then them. The street is quiet enough so that whenever anyone walks by it attracts their attention.

If you pass the same people on a regular basis and begin to recognize the individuals then why not nod or say hello or ask how things are going? It might help with the therapy of getting off that high horse of yours.

Of course many Bangkok Thais who are deluded enough to think of themselves as "rich" would of course not be walking but would be driving or, more likely, chauffeured past someone like yourself and they would hope that you would appreciate that they consider themselves better than you and that you, as a lower economic life form, would know your proper station in life as they most pretentiously ignore your existence on this planet.


OlRedEyes - you got a loud chortle out of me. U R right tho', it is innit.

Mike, yeah I did too, and was quite proud of myself before I read your post.

Gawd Tony, I wish I had the your dough. Does it feel good? I've always wanted to be upscale, but alas..

Fellow posters, we should have more respect for our upscalers, their shining light does reflect on us you know.

Seriously though Tony, the lowers orders are not unappreciative of our acknowledgment of their existence. If they are looking at you they are acknowledging yours yes? Although, I should add that occasionally my betters have had the temerity to stare right through me when I nodded. I'm sure that you don't stare though.


Twathead time huh? I learnt a lot from your post, although I'm only 85% certain of this. Could you elucidate, and maybe multiply your contribution by pi? Then perhaps we can get a 100% fix, latitudinally-longitudinally-wise. You do sound awfully smart.


you guys are so angry. i recommend yoga. or maybe, i dunno, i would never bother with this because i am a positive person, but since you guys are negative, you might want to try and write down 3 things that make you happy and then whenever you are sad like there are more kids in your class to teach english than expected or your wife's mother needs an operation, you can just go back and read all the good things you wrote down out loud to yourself. i read about this in an advanced book on psychology.


I think the majority of TV members just don't like people trying to use the forum to massage their ego. I viewed your profile, and on just about every post you mention that you are rich - why? Also generally slagging off all expats as being lazy/ old/ stupid/ pervs etc doesn't really help your cause

I seem to remember on one of your previous posts you mentioned that you are 22? If that's the case I sincerely hope you learn some social skills when you grow up, until then you will not be very welcome here.


I also seem to remember OP claiming to be 49 or something in another post. But anyway, let us not be so unfriendly. It's a reasonable question.

My view is the taxi guys know you are a Westerner and therefore from another planet. So don't feel you have to behave like a Thai. Just do what you feel comfortable with. For example, whatever country I am in the world, I always say "excuse me" in Italian and "thank you" in French. I don't know why, it just comes out, it feels right. So a nod, a hello, shake them all by the hand, whatever. They know you are from a distant galaxy so nothing will shock them.

i am only 22 years old and very attractive will they allow me to study or will be a distraction to the female students? and what am i allowed to wear while doing yoga?

thank you



Yorkman........tooo funny, nailed it

And still they post after you Jeffrey.... :o I don't even want to look at the Yoga thread now , the usual "fish" will be there

i recommend yoga...

So do I. The strawberry flavoured one from Tesco has got big chunks of strawberries in and the mixed fruit one isn't bad either.

i recommend yoga...

So do I. The strawberry flavoured one from Tesco has got big chunks of strawberries in and the mixed fruit one isn't bad either.

No No, you need the full live vegetarian yoga, no added animal fat, no additives that will add to global warming, so as not to cause offence.

Tesco yoga's give bottom burps, ohhhhh emissions, bad boy

i live on a quiet upscale soi and will often be walking home late at night and I don't know what to do when I pass these guys. Should I acknowledge that I see them and nod my head? What would a Thai do in this situation? If it is not proper to nod my head at them, they might think I am mocking them because I am rich and live on this soi and they are working at a different life pace. If I pretend that I never see them, then they might think I am some kind of snob or they might think that I think I am better then them. The street is quiet enough so that whenever anyone walks by it attracts their attention.

Just smile at them!


Ok, I smiled at them tonight and they started cussing at me and threw a bottle. I think they were liquored up so I started running as fast as I could down the upscale soi but then a soi dog started chasing me and then finally it caught up with me and it started to attack my leg until I was forced with a choice: my khao pat gi dinner or my life, so i choose my life. anyways, thanks for the horrible advice of smiling at them.

Ok, I smiled at them tonight and they started cussing at me and threw a bottle. I think they were liquored up so I started running as fast as I could down the upscale soi but then a soi dog started chasing me and then finally it caught up with me and it started to attack my leg until I was forced with a choice: my khao pat gi dinner or my life, so i choose my life. anyways, thanks for the horrible advice of smiling at them.


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