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Residence Certificate


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I went to Chiang Mai Immigration last week to get a Residence Certificate for an International Drivers License.

Have done this in the past two years for Thai motorcycle and car licenses, motorbike registration and something else, I'm sure.

Was informed the policy had changed and they no longer gave out the certificates, please contact your embassy for an overpriced letter.

Anyone else encountered this?

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Chiang Mai used to issue free certificate of residence if you had a visa over 12 months, ie retirement, marriage, work etc.

I notice my condo management have issued a couple of certificates of residence, do these work for licences etc?

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I was in there a couple of weeks ago for the same reason. Was told the letter is only available for holders of a 12 month visa (mine is 3 months). Was also slipped a piece of paper with a mobile number, which when I called it, seemed to be a friend of the Immigration Officer who could get the letter for a fee. In the event I decided against, and paid through the nose at the Consulate, so still don't know what the fee would have been for a dodgy letter.

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I thought you now need a letter from the owner of the property you rent in order to get this?

Or did this really change and did they stop issueing these? That would be a first, for immigration to stop something they can make money on. :o

They stopped as of February 1st - see my post.

Staff shortages and budget issues caused them to stop giving out this now essential bit of paper and the Chiang Mai Expats' Club has told the powers that be that it's more than just a minor inconvenience, especially to those without a consular representative in CM. If they charged two or three hundred baht they'd be in business (in fact, I'd do it for that) but time will tell.

BTW, I understand 500 bht was required to make this problem go away when a friend of mine was in this predicament last month - pricey, but a saving of more than 1500 bht on the cost of a British Consul Letter.

Edited by Greenside
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BTW, I understand 500 bht was required to make this problem go away when a friend of mine was in this predicament last month - pricey, but a saving of more than 1500 bht on the cost of a British Consul Letter.

I wish someone at the immigration office would have given me that option. I was sent to my Canadian Honorary Consulate (which by the way has no Canadian working there), had to fork out 1600 Baht and fill out the form. Was told to come back when she calls me, as the Honorary Council won't be around for a few days to sign it.

Then proceeded to my Amphor in my hometown here and tried to get a Yellow Tabien Baan...first them wanted to sent me back to Thai Immigration to get proof of residence, but after I told the guy that they don't do it anymore, he phoned Thai immigration in Chiang Mai and confirmed this. Then he also told me that I have to get it from my money grabbing consulate...along with another twist... it has to be translated into Thai and then signed by the Consulate again, before bringing it back.

I would have glady given the 1600 Baht for tea money to the people in the Amphurs office, but they were just nice, honest people :-( Honesty can really get in the way of efficiency sometimes :-(

So now, I have to drive back to Chiang Mai to pick up my 1600 baht piece of paper in a few days and then see how much they will gouch me to translate it into Thai and to sign it.

One thing I want to say, is that the Thai government has much better and more efficient ways than the Canadian government and it is usually also a lot cheaper to deal with the Thai government.

I can't stand Chiang Mai (pollution, heat, etc.) and am really not looking forward to going back there.

Since it looks like I have to, does anyone have an idea of where to get things cheaply and quickly translated into Thai in Chiang Mai?



Mon and Kurt

Chiang Dao

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anyways i have a multi entry non-o visa and recently i went khon kaen to make my marriage certificate. they told me to put my name in home registry of wife i need to have a proof residency from the immigration.. reading the above posts it makes me feel that i should have one year visa? so if its a multi entry also will it work?

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