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Immigration Arrested Mr.scott With Illegal Drug


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Immigration Police officers at the Aranyaprathet border checkpoint arrested Mr. Scott with illegal drug pills (yaba)

On March 19, 2005, at about 5 PM, Immigration Police officers at the Aranyaprathet border checkpoint arrested the UK citizen Mr. William Hurford Scott, age 30 years, and confiscated the following pieces of evidence:

1. 238 orange coloured illegal drug pills (yaba) with the characters WY

2. 2 green illegal drug pills (yaba) with the characters WY

3. One small light blue plastic bag to carry illegal drugs (yaba).

These objects were hidden in the underwear of the accused. The accusation was made for importing and possessing illegal drugs of class 1 (yaba) in order to distribute.

Mr. Scott was arrested at the Thai Immigration building at Khlongluek, Aranyaprathet, Srakaew Province.

During the interrogation Mr. Scott confessed to having procured the 240 pills at Poipet town in Cambodia from a Cambodian middleman at 40 Baht each.

He planned to resell the pills to tourists at Phatthaya, where he had been living for a long time. Mr. Scott was sent to Khlongluek Police Station for further investigation.




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I hate that Aran border crossing and will never go there again. I had to go through there the first time I came to Thailand to get a new stamp, and it was one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever had. The mobs of street children demanding spare change and the unrelenting assault of husksters, hawkers and touts was just too much (in addition to the blistering heat and dust).

Plus if my friend hadn't been walking behind me, I would have missed the kid trying to pickpocket my CD player out of my bag. This, of course, happening in plain sight in front of all the guards at the checkpoint. So either the kids are so desparate that they would brazeningly pickpocket someone even in front of the police, or the police don't care/get a kick-back.

Either way, that border crossing is HORRIBLE, and to be avoided at all costs. Yes, it is probably the cheapest and quickest border-run available (just a quick bus ride and an over-and-back and you can be stamped in less than a day), but that doesn't compensate for the hassle and genuine peril you face.

A nice overnight run to Laos really didn't cost me that much more than a Cambodia run, and it was FAR more pleasant. A nice, relaxing stay in quiet Laos beats a hectic, unsafe pass into Cambodia.

That said, this guy looks like a complete moron, so he probably thought that running drugs was an "easy" way to make a little extra cash. How much is 240 pills at 40 baht a piece? Nearly 10,000 baht? Geesh, that's pathetic. Risking death and imprisonment over a few thousand baht, what a doofus!!

Obviously drug addicts are not exactly adept at doing risk/reward analysis on possible business ventures. If so, this idiot might have noticed that death/prison is a very, very big risk. In business, risk costs money and is considered an expense, and so the "death/prison risk-cost" would have factored into the other costs of the trip (travel, procurement of product, etc...). Given the piddling amount of drugs this guy was transporting in his little "business adventure" there is NO WAY he could possibly hope to profit from it.

In other words, he's just plain stupid.

Let's hope the Thai authorities put him out of his misery quickly. Sometimes the death penalty isn't really a penalty at all, it's more like a mercy killing.

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Obviously drug addicts are not exactly adept at doing risk/reward analysis on possible business ventures.  If so, this idiot might have noticed that death/prison is a very, very big risk.  In business, risk costs money and is considered an expense, and so the "death/prison risk-cost" would have factored into the other costs of the trip (travel, procurement of product, etc...).  Given the piddling amount of drugs this guy was transporting in his little "business adventure" there is NO WAY he could possibly hope to profit from it.

In other words, he's just plain stupid.

Well said Pudgi. :o

I wonder what the expected profit was... anyone know what the street value in "Phatthaya" is for these pills?

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Very sad.

Although we can all say what an idiot, we should show some compassion.

When addicted to this drug, one can do very silly things. Maybe he was addicted, I don't know, but if he were, the customs guys are trained to notice. Maybe he wasn't set up. How many times had he done this trip before?

Maybe he is a plain idiot, but I don't think anyone can be that stupid.

Drugs kill, in many different ways.

Are all drug addicts stupid??

I know that when addicted to drugs, one would do ANYTHING to keep a supply.

Maybe he wasn't trying to sell them for a profit.

Edited by Neeranam
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Bloody idiot :o

how can you be that stupid.

Either way, that border crossing is HORRIBLE, and to be avoided at all costs. Yes, it is probably the cheapest and quickest border-run available (just a quick bus ride and an over-and-back and you can be stamped in less than a day), but that doesn't compensate for the hassle and genuine peril you face.

It's not all that bad on the cambodian side.

The border below Trat is very quiet and relaxed, friendly officers on both sides. almost no touts, no beggars at all.

A litlle further from patty but worth the trip with a car though.

Thanks aranimmigration

for the nice pics :D

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He could probably get between THB200 and THB350 each if he was selling to farang.This is an evil,evil drug.Maybe they were just for him?

Do the maths... 240 tablets at say 300 baht each equals 72,000 baht.

Hardly a lottery windfall is it?

I'd guess personal usage only.

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He could probably get between THB200 and THB350 each if he was selling to farang.This is an evil,evil drug.Maybe they were just for him?

Do the maths... 240 tablets at say 300 baht each equals 72,000 baht.

Hardly a lottery windfall is it?

I'd guess personal usage only.

If hes doing boarder runs every month its a dam sight more than teachers have to live on :o

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He could probably get between THB200 and THB350 each if he was selling to farang.This is an evil,evil drug.Maybe they were just for him?

Why is this drug yaba so evil??

In my youth back in the UK we would sniff or eat speed regularly,everyone seemed to be doing it on friday and saturday night.Made me dance like a bellend and also had an unquenchable thirst for beer.It was good fun and no damage done.Yaba and amphetamine are one and the same right?

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If 20 years:

72000/20 = 3600 baht/year

3600/12 = 300 baht/month or 1 yaba pill/month

What he's done must be sinking in now

It's still a heck of a punishment when compared to rape or murder

I feel for him, stupid or not.

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He could probably get between THB200 and THB350 each if he was selling to farang.This is an evil,evil drug.Maybe they were just for him?

Why is this drug yaba so evil??

In my youth back in the UK we would sniff or eat speed regularly,everyone seemed to be doing it on friday and saturday night.Made me dance like a bellend and also had an unquenchable thirst for beer.It was good fun and no damage done.Yaba and amphetamine are one and the same right?

Yaba is totally different to your normal speed.The come down and mood swings during and after use of this drug can be dramatic.It is responsible for many murders and violent crimes here in LOS.I don't know how they "cook" it, but some of the chemicals involved can not be good at all. It is also extreamly addictive to most people.

That's why the government renamed the drug from yama (Horse drug) to Yaba (crazy drug)

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The Yaba is a far worse drug than Speed in the UK, I have never seen people turn into a.ssholes and start losing the plot so easily as after they have got hooked on the yaba and I knew a lot of people into all sorts at home. It take's people very quick as well and is very addictive. Add to this the effects of paranoia and need for a drug and being in a foreign country it really twists some farang minds. At least with doing Speed in England you can still keep touch with reality when you come down because in your home surroundings - friends, family about etc.

I'd have to say the guy was probably addicted to it, and done the run as an 'idea' from one of the dealers he bought off to earn some extra cash, and might have not been a set up at all, if he went through immigration high as a kite it would have easily been noticeable by police and warranted a search.

Gotta feel sorry for he guy really if this was the case, as in no frame of mind to make a rational decision, but of course they will not take this into consideration when sentencing to 20 yrs. :o

I think it's easy for everybody to say he deserved it etc. but perhaps a little sympathy for a drug addict in a bad sitaution may be called for if that was indeed the case.

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Why is this drug yaba so evil??

In my youth back in the UK we would sniff or eat speed regularly,everyone seemed to be doing it on friday and saturday night.Made me dance like a bellend and also had an unquenchable thirst for beer.It was good fun and no damage done.Yaba and amphetamine are one and the same right?

Yabba is to Speed as Crack is to Cocaine, totally different.

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Possesion of that amount (has to be 15 +)is considered trafficking..Which carries a mandatory death sentence. Should with appeals etc etc be reduced to life = 99 years.

Had he been American or Australian he might have been able to serve 8-12 years (minimum) before he was eligble for transfer to his own country to serve out a limited time. English..forget it. Best he can hope for besides a commute of the death sentence will be further reductions (maybe)50 years improsonment. Kings pardon...Rare these days.

Sorry but his life is all but over.

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What the h3ll do people need drugs for here? A tropical climate, friendly people, cheap living - what more do you want? Feel sorry for him? I don't want to feel anything for him, don't want to think about him. <deleted>.

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People use drug as an escape RDN, or an to increase pleasure even in a pleasant enviroment, that's why they use drugs, including drink.

It's foolish to wonder why people use drugs given the reasons your've stated if you yourself enjoy a beer, just work out why you drink the beer and there's your answer.

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