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Usa Is Reviewing Its Aid To Thailand

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The US plans to abandon the free trade agreement in the works with Thailand and establish tariffs on all Thai imports to the US.

"The US is currently advising its residents to avoid investing in Thailand until the current situation is resolved. Several large corporations are already planning to move their Thai operations to more stable neighboring countries - including Singapore and Malaysia. Thailand is expected to lose US$50 Billion from American investors over the next 6 months."


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The US plans to abandon the free trade agreement in the works with Thailand and establish tariffs on all Thai imports to the US.

"The US is currently advising its residents to avoid investing in Thailand until the current situation is resolved. Several large corporations are already planning to move their Thai operations to more stable neighboring countries - including Singapore and Malaysia. Thailand is expected to lose US$50 Billion from American investors over the next 6 months."


I'd like to know what "large corporations" are planning on moving... I doubt Ford et. al. would just up and move out of Rayong especially after investing so much...

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Brilliant title for a thread ..... WRONG ... but brilliant.

NEW YORK (AFP) - The United States is reviewing its aid to Thailand following the military coup which toppled the government of prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a senior US official said.


Edit .... that is better!

Edited by jdinasia
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W has to talk LOUD about democracy .... he just HAS to ....

I doubt ANY US Company is moving out of Thailand over the events of the past 2 days ....They MIGHT have made a decision based on the last 9 months of democracy in action though!

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Well if I recall one of yanks politicians said they hoped/expected Thailand to live up to its agreements - ie the free trade pact. I think this is Yanks only concern.

Agreement was I believe with the "Regime Ancien".....wait and see :o

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The US plans to abandon the free trade agreement in the works with Thailand and establish tariffs on all Thai imports to the US.

"The US is currently advising its residents to avoid investing in Thailand until the current situation is resolved. Several large corporations are already planning to move their Thai operations to more stable neighboring countries - including Singapore and Malaysia. Thailand is expected to lose US$50 Billion from American investors over the next 6 months."



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Sounds like standard procedure to me.

If the US can give aid to the Taliban, they can sure give aid to Thailand.


The Taliban did not come into power until the collapse of the soviet puppet governement. Then foreign groups came in and that became the taliban. The u.s. did supprt the northern alliance which was in existance then. Study your history before you bash my country, you dolt.

Edited by gbt71fa
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Well if I recall one of yanks politicians said they hoped/expected Thailand to live up to its agreements - ie the free trade pact. I think this is Yanks only concern.

The u.s. is not allowed to trade or give military aid to a an institution that overthrows a democratically elected government. When they appoint a new civiliam PM and call for general elections, then everything will be back to normal. That is all this means. Just wait a few weeks until the new PM is named.

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Sounds like standard procedure to me.

If the US can give aid to the Taliban, they can sure give aid to Thailand.


The Taliban did not come into power until the collapse of the soviet puppet governement. Then foreign groups came in and that became the taliban. The u.s. did supprt the northern alliance which was in existance then. Study your history before you bash my country, you dolt.

I didn't see him bash any country. He made a political comparison between Taliban and a government of any other country that the US supports.

Unless you are Taliban which I think you're not I can't see any insult.

The US in the better interest will not stop Aid to Thailand and all the big US companies would be out of their minds to move to Singapore ( non manfacturing) and Malaysia ( even worst political association).

Cute little MLRS you have. :o

Wanna see mine?


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Sounds like standard procedure to me.

If the US can give aid to the Taliban, they can sure give aid to Thailand.


The Taliban did not come into power until the collapse of the soviet puppet governement. Then foreign groups came in and that became the taliban. The u.s. did supprt the northern alliance which was in existance then. Study your history before you bash my country, you dolt.

I didn't see him bash any country. He made a political comparison between Taliban and a government of any other country that the US supports.

Unless you are Taliban which I think you're not I can't see any insult.

The US in the better interest will not stop Aid to Thailand and all the big US companies would be out of their minds to move to Singapore ( non manfacturing) and Malaysia ( even worst political association).

Cute little MLRS you have. :o

Wanna see mine?


He commented that the U.S. gave the taliban money (which would have been durring the Soviet Afghan War). The Taliban came in after the war was over mostly with saudi money. That is a M270A1, able to lay on target, expend 12 rockets (or 2 missles) taking out an entire grid square and sciddadle out of there in fifteen seconds. Steel Rain.

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Thats interesting, I didn't think that Thailand accepted Foreign Aid since the end of 2003.

Or is it a case of the USA being out of touch with the real worls again ?

What is YOUR real world? The European Union? The U.N.? The League of non-aligned nations? Yes, they have done so much to make the world better. The U.S. still gives military aid and assistance...where do you think the M48A3 tanks you saw in the streets came from? Or the kevlar helmets that some of the soldiers were wearing, or the few cobra gunships that fly around thailand? This will discontinue until a civilian government in power. I know you want us to be like France, or the rest of E.U. but we just don't sit on are arse and wait...oh yes, wait for the U.S. to do something...

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Well if I recall one of yanks politicians said they hoped/expected Thailand to live up to its agreements - ie the free trade pact. I think this is Yanks only concern.

The u.s. is not allowed to trade or give military aid to a an institution that overthrows a democratically elected government. When they appoint a new civiliam PM and call for general elections, then everything will be back to normal. That is all this means. Just wait a few weeks until the new PM is named.

You obviously know little of US activities in the world over the last 30 years ......

but please feel free to keep dreaming! It gives me yet another reason to giggle and be greatful I moved to Thailand!

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just to clarify, the Thai military hardware from America was bought and was not given free as direct assistance.

Yes, it was bought...as in a trade agreement. That will not continue until a civilian government is in place...how hard of a concept is this to understand...The M48A3s, though, were not bought-it is known as surplus trade...that is why Israel has a lot of M60 tanks...

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Well if I recall one of yanks politicians said they hoped/expected Thailand to live up to its agreements - ie the free trade pact. I think this is Yanks only concern.

The u.s. is not allowed to trade or give military aid to a an institution that overthrows a democratically elected government. When they appoint a new civiliam PM and call for general elections, then everything will be back to normal. That is all this means. Just wait a few weeks until the new PM is named.

You obviously know little of US activities in the world over the last 30 years ......

but please feel free to keep dreaming! It gives me yet another reason to giggle and be greatful I moved to Thailand!

shall we compare our knowledge of world affairs? The U.S. will not trade with any government that is put into power through a military junta...this was made a law under the bush administration. The u.s. has already said it will resume all trade agreements when a civilian government is back in power in thailand. it is okay to hate us yanks but we will be there to help you when you need it. By the way, who do you think would show up if anything happened in Thailand, i.e., the tsunami...who gave the most aid, the most food, the most support. There is a reason the u.s. military runs military excercises with the thai army once a year-to show military support for thailand and to warn any nations that would threaten her. You can still hate us, but we will still protect you. You always can hope the E.U. will back you up...did you actually say giggle...man, i think my ex-wife said that once...

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Well if I recall one of yanks politicians said they hoped/expected Thailand to live up to its agreements - ie the free trade pact. I think this is Yanks only concern.

The u.s. is not allowed to trade or give military aid to a an institution that overthrows a democratically elected government. When they appoint a new civiliam PM and call for general elections, then everything will be back to normal. That is all this means. Just wait a few weeks until the new PM is named.

You obviously know little of US activities in the world over the last 30 years ......

but please feel free to keep dreaming! It gives me yet another reason to giggle and be greatful I moved to Thailand!

I understand if you feel ashamed of whatever country you are from. More than likely, they have rarely stood for what they believed is right. The U.S. and thailand are and will be close allies. Once a civilian government is put into place everything will be back to normal. I can't believe you said giggle...

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I am a yank :o and your knowledge over the last 30-40 years is sadly lacking ..... not to mention current affairs .... not to mention SE Asia .... and finally not to mention why the US would be involved here ever ...

But you do make me giggle :D

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I am a yank :o and your knowledge over the last 30-40 years is sadly lacking ..... not to mention current affairs .... not to mention SE Asia .... and finally not to mention why the US would be involved here ever ...

But you do make me giggle :D

Sorry, you are not a yank. If you were once, you aren't anymore. Sort of sad. But yes, the U.S. is evil, blah, blah, blah. But at least I protected your right to hate yourself, right?

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Well if I recall one of yanks politicians said they hoped/expected Thailand to live up to its agreements - ie the free trade pact. I think this is Yanks only concern.

The u.s. is not allowed to trade or give military aid to a an institution that overthrows a democratically elected government. When they appoint a new civiliam PM and call for general elections, then everything will be back to normal. That is all this means. Just wait a few weeks until the new PM is named.

You obviously know little of US activities in the world over the last 30 years ......

but please feel free to keep dreaming! It gives me yet another reason to giggle and be greatful I moved to Thailand!

I understand if you feel ashamed of whatever country you are from. More than likely, they have rarely stood for what they believed is right. The U.S. and thailand are and will be close allies. Once a civilian government is put into place everything will be back to normal. I can't believe you said giggle...

I am a yank :o and your knowledge over the last 30-40 years is sadly lacking ..... not to mention current affairs .... not to mention SE Asia .... and finally not to mention why the US would be involved here ever ...

But you do make me giggle :D

Sorry, you are not a yank. If you were once, you aren't anymore. Sort of sad. But yes, the U.S. is evil, blah, blah, blah. But at least I protected your right to hate yourself, right?

"are and will be close allies" -------

"Sorry, you are not a yank"----

"hate yourself"----

You are just absolutely BRILLIANT :D

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I am a yank :o and your knowledge over the last 30-40 years is sadly lacking ..... not to mention current affairs .... not to mention SE Asia .... and finally not to mention why the US would be involved here ever ...

But you do make me giggle :D

We have been "involved" here before the vietnam war...you know that we had military bases here right?..you know that the u.s. has an alliance pact with thailand that should a hostile country ever threaten thailand that the u.s. would intervene right?...you know that u.s. special forces have been training thai special forces for several years now, right?...You know that the crown prince trained extensively in the u.s. for combat training right?...you know that the largest amount of aid for natural disasters in this part of the world comes from the U.S., right? You know the the King is an ardant anti-communist and without him, there is a good chance that northern thailand could have been bled into with the Burmas, right?...You know that Thailand is a bastion in this part of the world for the promise of a democracy and the u.s. will do whatever it can to support this even it means discontinuing trade until a civilian government is in powers. IN A ELECTED GOVERNMENT, THE MILITARY HAS NO AUTHORITY IN THE CHOOSING OR IMPLEMENTATION OF A TYPE OF GOVERNMENT. ONLY THE CIVILIAN POPULATION, THROUGH THEIR REPRESENTATIVES, HAS THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE THEIR LEADERS. If thailand wants to truly be a democracy then they must understand this. If you don't like your governemtn than go to the polls or through the judicial branch if you don't agree with their policies. What happens the next time the military doesn't like the sitting government? The people should be outraged that their government failed them and that they failed themselves. The military, in a democracy, has no say in a civilian government's decisions...but yes, you knew this already...

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I am a yank :o and your knowledge over the last 30-40 years is sadly lacking ..... not to mention current affairs .... not to mention SE Asia .... and finally not to mention why the US would be involved here ever ...

But you do make me giggle :D

We have been "involved" here before the vietnam war...you know that we had military bases here right?..you know that the u.s. has an alliance pact with thailand that should a hostile country ever threaten thailand that the u.s. would intervene right?...you know that u.s. special forces have been training thai special forces for several years now, right?...You know that the crown prince trained extensively in the u.s. for combat training right?...you know that the largest amount of aid for natural disasters in this part of the world comes from the U.S., right? You know the the King is an ardant anti-communist and without him, there is a good chance that northern thailand could have been bled into with the Burmas, right?...You know that Thailand is a bastion in this part of the world for the promise of a democracy and the u.s. will do whatever it can to support this even it means discontinuing trade until a civilian government is in powers. IN A ELECTED GOVERNMENT, THE MILITARY HAS NO AUTHORITY IN THE CHOOSING OR IMPLEMENTATION OF A TYPE OF GOVERNMENT. ONLY THE CIVILIAN POPULATION, THROUGH THEIR REPRESENTATIVES, HAS THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE THEIR LEADERS. If thailand wants to truly be a democracy then they must understand this. If you don't like your governemtn than go to the polls or through the judicial branch if you don't agree with their policies. What happens the next time the military doesn't like the sitting government? The people should be outraged that their government failed them and that they failed themselves. The military, in a democracy, has no say in a civilian government's decisions...but yes, you knew this already...


You still have me giggling :D

Do you read what you type? If so do you think about what it means in relation to the other things you type?

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You still have me giggling :o

Do you read what you type? If so do you think about what it means in relation to the other things you type?

No, I make too much money to be an english teacher, to me this is an informal setting and not the classroom-that was finished for me a long time ago and my degree were in the hard sciences...I just hope you are not a bhuddist...please tell me you're an atheist and you just like the picture you use for your avatar? Hey, but good comeback...not giving any information to counter mine...I understand...you are always welcome to visit the U.S., even if you hate it because you have that freedom here. You can even insult our leaders...can you do that in thailand-can you say that about the king or the military leaders? I actually like the king and think he did the best he could in this situation. Most thai people are very pro u.s., and I think it is sad that there are so many there who seemed to ashamed of the connection to the West. There is a lot evil in the world and countries like the U.S. and Great Britain have done much to stem the tide. I have seen some of that evil up close in the dark holes of this world, the horrors that man commits against his fellow man for nothing more than a difference in philosophy or religion. Why don't you see some of those horrors for yourself and, if you do, I still hope you can keep your faith. Have to go to bed now...am flying up to New York to catch a game...

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Could the Americans please kiss and make up, or at least giggle together? As the American Rodney King asked, "Can't we just get along?"

I think I remember the first verse of "Kumbayah" and "We Shall Overcome".....the first time I really remember singing "We Shall Overcome" was August 6, 1985, the day that Ronald RayGun authorized the Contra illegalities, the 40th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. We were singing that song in a mosquito-infested bar ditch at an ambient temp of about 105 degrees, waiting to go down the road to the final nuclear assembly plant, to listen to Daniel Ellsberg, Ed Asner, the the penitent chaplain who blessed the bomb on the Enola Gay, begging forgiveness to the survivors who were permanently damaged by that bomb.

God bless America, but please God, not America's bloodthirsty warmongering.

Now, where are we? Oh, we're in Thailand. Sawadee, crap!

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