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Beerlao Is Available In Pattaya Now.


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Simple and straight to inform beer lovers.

If you are in Pattaya and you want to try cold Beerlao, there's no more waiting. Beerlao is now available in Pattaya. There are a number of pubs and restuarants in main streets in Pattaya serve Beerlao.

Just look around and you will find it.

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Do me a favor, when you get a Beer Lao down there in Pattaya, chech the date on the front of the bottle and report that back here. That will be the date of production of the beer product. In Bangkok the beer has been shipped twice. The 1st shipper was fairly small and had a March 18 date on it. That product ran out in the end of July just as the product started tasting stale (lager beers start tasting bad after about 100 days). At that time a new huge shipper came in with fresh product date June 13. From the end of July till about the 3rd week of sept. this stuff tasted delicious and was all that my friends and I would drink. So we were drinking the stuff from about May thru sept and it was great. problem now is that the June 13 beer is still here! We all discontinued drinking the stuff in sept cause it tasted old and stale. Now we're back to Heine, Sing, Chang and Tiger because fresh bottles of that taste a lot better than stale Beer Laos. I've been waiting a month now to see fresh Lao come in cause I love the stuff but the old stuff is still here. I can assure that people trying this old Lao for the 1st time will conclude that Lao stinks. This is a shame really cause it is better than other beers when 100 days old or less. I hope the importers can ship product more frequently to keep product fresher otherwise Lao's demise in Thailand is assured

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Thank you for your feedback Beavis,

We also got your post http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...erlao&st=15. You feedbacks make a lot of sense. Some people we met in some bars in Bangkok also mentioned something similar. We has put this issue in importer meeting twice this month and the meeting will be held and focus on this issue again this week.

Any further info will be provided soon.


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Today we had a very serious meeting between the importer and agents. We addressed Beavis's comment in the meeting. We (the importer) also believe that what Beavis commented on the posts is true. We admit that Beerlao was stale and harsh like Beavis commented truely happen during the distribution between July to end of September and we don't know if it happens today.

Now we are investigating all possible causes of that (including ourselves). Also we had a discussion with head of Beerlao exportation officer of Lao Brewery Co., Ltd (Lao PDR) today (2.00 pm). He was very anxious about this issue and wants to know more detail about this and we're working hard trying to answer this question.

More meeting will be held again this Thursday. Complete detail abour this will be given to you after this Friday.

Meanwhille, if you find Beerlao that is stale or harsh, please keep the beer (along with one or two un-opened bottles that have the same mfg date) inform the bar and contact us immidiately. We will promtly check it.


Badname, Beerlao importer.

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Today we had a very serious meeting between the importer and agents. We addressed Beavis's comment in the meeting. We (the importer) also believe that what Beavis commented on the posts is true. We admit that Beerlao was stale and harsh like Beavis commented truely happen during the distribution between July to end of September and we don't know if it happens today.

Now we are investigating all possible causes of that (including ourselves). Also we had a discussion with head of Beerlao exportation officer of Lao Brewery Co., Ltd (Lao PDR) today (2.00 pm). He was very anxious about this issue and wants to know more detail about this and we're working hard trying to answer this question.

More meeting will be held again this Thursday. Complete detail abour this will be given to you after this Friday.

Meanwhille, if you find Beerlao that is stale or harsh, please keep the beer (along with one or two un-opened bottles that have the same mfg date) inform the bar and contact us immidiately. We will promtly check it.


Badname, Beerlao importer.

I've got faith in you BN. Keep talking to these guys because as long as the product does not exceed 100 days from the date stamp on the label, it is a fine tasty product and #1 in Thailand in my opinion. So the key focus I believe is not overshipping product to avoid overstock of beer that can't be sold within that window of 100 days from the stamped date. I think it is a simple thing to rectify simply by shipping product every 1 or 2 months instead of every 3 or 4 months. You'll keep it fresh and sell a whole lot more and everyone will love the tasty product. I've been going to the subway sandwich shops checking the dates the past month and it remains June 13. I stopped drinking those around mid sept after consuming an average of 4 per day! I'm not happy drinking these Heines the past month, trust me on that. The second those new dates arrive, I'll be hog wild on the Lao bandwagon once again. I'm even happy to pay 60 baht ea. at subway for those fresh Laos rather than a 35 baht 3 day old heine at Foodland. That fresh Lao is worth the extra 25 baht per to me and that's a lot of extra cash shellout. Do the math, that's 3K baht more/month I pay for the fresh Lao and happy to do it.

speaking of the subway, I'm gonna head right over there now and gaze at those June 13 bottles and cruise the family mart for the Heineken. I'm sure they got a big overload still of those Laos and gotta flush em out. They'll get rid of em eventually to make room for the new. Beer freshness cannot be overstated. The other night I grabbed a Heineken from a store from the back of the fridge and forgot to check the date; I took one sip and almost heaved it up. I looked on the bottle and it said April 4! I tossed it into the nearest trash receptacle

Edited by Beavis and Butthead
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It's a crisp tasty lager w/o bitter aftertaste. Don't really know what to compare it to but tastes far better than any Thai brewed offerings when fresh. Tried out of a can in Cambo and tasted somewhat nasty. In the bottle from BKK it tasted quite fresh and very good upon arrival. But I will say this, a week old Heine, Tiger, Leo, Sing or chang will taste far superior than a 4 month old Lao.

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Never tried it.

Whats it similar to?


Just go and try it by yourself. Lenny's Bar Soi Diamond is the nearest Place to your Bar selling it; as far as I know. They happily will serve you on for just 95 Baht. :D

If you like it, maybe you will offer it in the Blues Factory to? :o

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Never tried it.

Whats it similar to?


Just go and try it by yourself. Lenny's Bar Soi Diamond is the nearest Place to your Bar selling it; as far as I know. They happily will serve you on for just 95 Baht. :D

If you like it, maybe you will offer it in the Blues Factory to? :o

Maybe ??? :D

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Anyone knows how much is the 0,5 laobeer at the shop?

Cannot buy the Lao in shops sadly. The big Thai brewers no doubt use pressure to ensure this does not happen. If it did, kiss Thai beer sales increases goodbye. Lao sells at a very reasonable same as Heineken price in BKK bars. Any bar owner with a half a brain in BKK carries the product as they know demand is there. All the big bars have it like Gulliver's, Absolute, Hilary bar etc. Once the Lao import people maintain fresh product, the big 4 Thai beers are in trouble at least in the bars. I hope the Subway shops in Pattaya carry it as they do in BKK. Maybe badname can try and make that happen. Beer Lao in the subway shops sells for 59 baht or same as all other beers. cheers and drink down a Lao, you'll be glad you did

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The importer, distrbuter and some agents of Beerlao just finished meeting regarding Beerlao distribution in Thailand. As I mentioned last week, I will report the issue on 4-month-old Beerlao that remain in bar's stock.

We foucus on this issue seriously. As Beavis and Butthead and others mention that old Beerlao which has mfg date of 13 June 06 taste bitter or harsh or not as delicious as it was between April - Sep 06. Last 2 weeks collect samples and did a lot of testing in Bangkok area. We all agree that Beavis and Butthead is right. Some of 13 June 06 do give bitter taste it's not as delicious as its first appearance during April - May.

We admit that we did not look at controling age of the beer well enough to maintain the its good quality. The taste of Beerlao in some lot has beem affected by external constraints. We belive that Beerlao is great but we admit we don't have sufficient competence to control all process of Beerlao distribution until it get to the customers. Also we admit that sometimes we don't know went wrong along the way before the reaches customers.

We will improve ourselves especially in controling the age of the beer in order to maintain quality product to customers. Now the importer just import Beerlao which has mfg date of 02 Oct 06.

OK...We will not make any execute for 13-June-06. Out remain stock is the 02-Oct-06 one. Hope you try it and give us some feedback.

Let me give your some fact about importing Beerloa to Thailand. Now it's our 4th shipment importing Beerlao.

1. First lot, 8 April 2006.

2. Second lot, 2 June 2006

3. Third lot, 21 July 2006

4. Fourth lot, 20 October 2006

Let me clairfy each of the shipment. The first lot was the hardest one. It take 1 week to clear with the customs at the border (not including 3 years running import procedure). If you remember all bottles in this lot has black tiger rubbed off, this is because a company already registered tiger head for its trademark. If there was tiger head on the bottle, it would be copyright infringement. So we had to rub it off. We sold to bars in Sukhumvit and Khaosan rond and almost everybody agreed that the beer was delicious. The beer from this lot was gone from our stock around 28 June 06. Before that we knew we had to order more beer. So the oldest beer in first stock was in our stock for nearly 100 days plus another serveral weeks in the market.

The second lot was 2 June 06. This importation was also very tough as hel_l. It took us 8 days to complete the procedures at the border the beer arrive in Bkk on 2 June 06. The beer from this lot lasted about 50 days and the last case left out stock around 30 July 06. Before that we import the 3rd lot.

The third import was 21 July 06. This lot has mfg date of 13 June 2006 (the one that drinkers said the taste

was not delicious). The last case left out stock around 28 September 06. This lot lasted about 65 days plus serveral weeks in the market.

The forth import was 20 October 06. This lot has mfg date of 02 Oct 06. It is sent to Phuket and Samui and Bangkok. And next destination, Pattaya.

The 13 June 06 bottle came from 3rd lot. What is the cause? Beavis and Butthead is right and we agree with him, the beer that gives harsh taste is the one that is out of date. In theory, the age of Beerlao is 2 years (in right temperature). However most of the cases it can be drinkable in 12 months. Furthermore, the beer will remain fresh in first 4 months, say 100 days. So all beer should be sold before 100 days.

What the importer's reaction?

Before we send out the first order for each lot, we would hold the beer for 1 day and we will take about 4-5 cases to taste the beer. All of the test were ok.

Last week, to clear with all member who involve in importing the beer, I invited all member to taste the beer infront of one another.

1. The managing director (of the company that imports the beer) taste several bottle of the beer. He agreed that the taste of 13 June 06 is not as good as 02 Oct 06, the last lot. And he want to know why, it stay in the market that long and why there was no problem with the first lot. We guess that the answer is nobody said negative feedback for first lot, so we didn't know the negative feedback that time.

2. I let all other sharehold to test the beer. Everybody agreed the same. We we should encorrage all bars not to keep the beer to too long.

So we agree that we will try our best to keep the beer in the stock less than 30 days or if it has to stay longer it should not exeed 45 days. We'll improve the number as we go along. The managing director stated that the the duration that the last bottle of Beerlao should passed to consumers within 2 months (60 days) and in worst cases it can stay in environment no longer than 110 days before it passed to consumbers . And from now we will push the bars to pay more attention age of Beerlao. They should serve fresh Beerlao only. The beer older than 120 days should be reported back to us.

All drinkers are encourraged to inform the bars, or directly to us if they feel that Beerlao they has doesn't have taste that they expected.

Ok...a bit late..Many more detail to report but I think I have to go to have some rest. I'll come back and talk more about what we found later...


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Great job there BN, I applaud you and the Beer Lao people. If you guys implement that plan outlined, you will be a smashing success with that delicious Beer Lao brew. There is no doubt in my mind that when done fresh the Beer Lao beer is far and away the best beer in the not so extensive Thailand beer market. I look forward to getting ahold of those Oct 2 Laos. Educate those bar owners on rotation. Just one thing though Maestro, I messaged that Sel dude who distributes the brew here in BKK and he has stock dated Sept 4 right now he says. Meanwhile here at the Sukhumvit subway shops they still have June 13 stuff. They probably got cases in the back room they need to get rid of. It will get worked thru I'm sure

Edited by Beavis and Butthead
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Simple and straight to inform beer lovers.

If you are in Pattaya and you want to try cold Beerlao, there's no more waiting. Beerlao is now available in Pattaya. There are a number of pubs and restuarants in main streets in Pattaya serve Beerlao.

Just look around and you will find it.


can't wait to check it out,

although it can't be better than San Mig Lite, when that is ice cold !!!! aaaaahhhh !!! its better than a hot woman !!!

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  • 1 month later...

As I explained some while ago, we do know that Beerlao taste is fresh and delicious in first 3-4 months. Our last import was October and it's almost gone. Now fresh Beerlao is on the way to Bongkok. It should be available from next week.

Hope you will enjoy new fresh Beerlao.


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I tried a sample and it seemed to give me a headache, It reminded me of german beer from the brew house.

I'm not sure whether i'd stock it to be honest as i don't think it would sell quickly and as it sells for more than Heineken form the importer i think i'd have to sell it at to a high price.

What price do bars sell it for incidently? :o

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As I explained some while ago, we do know that Beerlao taste is fresh and delicious in first 3-4 months. Our last import was October and it's almost gone. Now fresh Beerlao is on the way to Bongkok. It should be available from next week.

Hope you will enjoy new fresh Beerlao.


Great topic guys,Badname any idea where in Pattaya one can get hold of

Beerlao-seen that Lennys-soi diamond,has it in stock,anywhere else?

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I tried a sample and it seemed to give me a headache, It reminded me of german beer from the brew house.

I'm not sure whether i'd stock it to be honest as i don't think it would sell quickly and as it sells for more than Heineken form the importer i think i'd have to sell it at to a high price.

What price do bars sell it for incidently? :o

In BKK, all the big high volume bars carry it: Gulliver, Absolute, Hilary etc. ALL of these bars charge the same price as Heineken so if someone goes and charges more than that, the customer will realize that he is getting a shaft job. Beer Lao is very well known among seasoned beer drinkers as being far superior to the tired 5 brands that all taste lousy and are brewed in Thailand. For some reason those 5 brands all taste like shit and are hopelessly bitter and taste horrible. Real beer drinkers are delighted to see an offering of a tasty and world reknowned product like Beer Lao. As I stated in prior posts however, this product cannot be 4+ months old or it tastes worse than the Thai stuff. So if a bar is going to carry it and it's gonna sit on the shelf and get old then it aint worth carrying. Old outdated Beer Lao product will lead to it's demise or vice verse. The Subway shops in BKK still have the June 13 junk on their shelves. That stuff is undrinkable so when someone tries it, they assume Beer Lao is undrinkable. This is a big problem

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:o Havn't seen it anywhere!!! Wasn'y looking but drink plenty of beer daily.. It is a strong beer like chang but different taste than chang. Anyone know any places opening up for the holidays like a beer garden. There always use to be several places open around xmax until feb and a great place to meet up everynight for a few pints?
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I tried a sample and it seemed to give me a headache, It reminded me of german beer from the brew house.

I'm not sure whether i'd stock it to be honest as i don't think it would sell quickly and as it sells for more than Heineken form the importer i think i'd have to sell it at to a high price.

What price do bars sell it for incidently? :D

Lennys and Secrets ask around 90 to 95 Baht. Now, if you would kindly tell us if you stock this stuff now, I would consider to risc to be deaf and visit your place again. You may even change your Advertisement to The Best Live Music and the best Beer in Pattaya :D

By the way, it doesen't matter if you get a headache from it (I don't), you should sell the Stuff, not drink it by yourself. :o

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