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Thai Cabby Hangs Himself In Coup Protest

Jai Dee

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Thai cabby hangs himself in coup protest

BANGKOK - A Thai taxi driver, who crashed his car into a tank to protest against the Sept. 19 coup and survived, hanged himself outside the country’s biggest newspaper, police said on Wednesday.

Nuamthong Praiwan, 60, was found hanging from a pedestrian bridge in front of the Thai Rath building late on Tuesday after being seen dragging a tow rope towards the bridge, a month after his tank protest.

‘We found a letter and a large poster protesting against the coup, but I can’t remember the contents,’ a senior policeman involved in the investigation told Reuters.

The apparent suicide was one of the few serious protests against the bloodless coup which ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The coup was welcomed broadly because it ended months of political gridlock and the few protests against it have been ill attended.

Source: Reuters - 1 November 2006

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Taxi driver who slammed his vehicle into tank found hung

The taxi driver who protested against the coup by slamming his taxi into a tank at the Royal Plaza was found hung late Tuesday night in what appeared to be a suicide, police said.

Pol Col Phaisarn Kojasup, commander of Bang Sue police station, said Nuamthong Praiwal, 60, was found hung from a rail of the pedestrian flyover on Vibhavadi-Rangsit Highway in front of Thai Rath newspaper head office.

A passer-by spotted the body and informed police at 20 minutes past midnight.

A handwritten note was found near the body, saying the death was to protest against a spokesman of the Council for National Security for saying he had no ideology in his earlier protest against the coup.

Phaisarn said the surrounding evidences indicated that the man hang himself.

Nuamthong made headlines on September 30 when he slammed his taxi into a tank at the Royal Plaza at 6 am. He said he wanted to protest against the coup which damaged the country. He suffered broken ribs at that time.

Source: The Nation - 1 November 2006

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Surayud believes there will be no copycat of suicide taxi driver

Prime Minister Surayud Chualanont Wednesday expressed confidence that there would be no copycats of taxi drivers who hang himself to protest against the coup.

The taxi driver was found dead at a pedestrian flyover late Tuesday night.

Surayud said anyone who is dissatisfied with the interim government should come to talk to the government and he would try to provide explanations over the situation.

Source: The Nation - 1 November 2006

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In the note he stated that he had originally intended to hang himself in front of Bangkok's Democracy Monument, but there were too many people there.

"Instead I found a quieter place to hang myself so as not to frighten people, since this is Halloween," said the note, which was signed, "A Former Taxi Driver who Sacrificed Himself for Democracy."

More from the Bangkok Post here.

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PM no fear of imitating behaviour in taxi driver hanging himself

The Prime Minister, Gen. Surayud Chulanont, indicated that he is not apprehensive about the recent case where a taxi chauffeur hanged himself to death. The premier believes that people would not try to imitate such act.

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gave his view on the case where a taxi driver drove his car into an army tank when the Council for Democratic Reform performed the coup. Later, he committed suicide by hanging himself in front of Thairath Newspaper Office in Vibhavadi Rangsit.

Gen. Surayud said once there is a problem, one must then find a solution to it. He also believes that the solving process will be easier if it based on facts. Therefore, he has no fear of imitating behaviour.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 01 November 2006

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In the note he stated that he had originally intended to hang himself in front of Bangkok's Democracy Monument, but there were too many people there.

"Instead I found a quieter place to hang myself so as not to frighten people, since this is Halloween," said the note, which was signed, "A Former Taxi Driver who Sacrificed Himself for Democracy."

More from the Bangkok Post here.

Psh! :o

That should read:

"A Former Taxi Driver who Sacrificed Himself for Autocracy."


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from The Nation website:


Suicide is treated with sensitivity by officials

Taxi driver Nuamthong Phaiwan's suicide in a lone protest against the September 19 coup has become one of the most sensitive political events since the overthrow six weeks ago.

A score of senior police showed up at his funeral at Wat Bua Kwan in Nonthaburi yesterday to "keep the peace" while pro-democracy groups sent representatives and flower wreaths to honour his "heroic" death.

The van carrying his body to the Oct 14, 1973 Memorial on Rajdam-noen Avenue for bathing rituals had to turn around after the chief police officer at Nonthaburi stopped it from going onto the expressway.

"For the sake of keeping the peace, please have his funeral at a temple," Pol Gen Wasant told Nuamthong's wife and pro-democracy activists accompanying the body.

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said he was saddened by the news but doubted there would be copycat suicide bids.

"We can talk to find ways to solve our problem and explain reasons for the coup," he told reporters.

But former senator and democracy fighter Prateep Ungsongtham Hata believed otherwise.

"Uncle Nuamthong has made the biggest sacrifice for democracy," Prateep declared. "I fought for democracy all my life but don't have the courage to do as much as he did.

"Let me tell you, Nuamthong will inspire a lot more people to fight for the right thing, for the country. He is a tip of the iceberg, of people who are discontented with the coup. They may find their ways to express themselves too if the coup group continue to underestimate the power of the people."

Army spokesman Gen Akara Tipparoj apologised yesterday for the comment he made a month ago that "nobody would hurt themselves for political ideology" after Nuamthong rammed his taxi into a tank at the Royal Plaza on September 30 in protest against the coup.

Nuamthong wrote in his farewell letter that he found Akara's remark an insult and wanted to prove the military general wrong.

"I'll attend his funeral and make merit in his name. What happened was that he might have been too rigid in his ideological belief and did not get a sufficient explanation [about the good side of the coup]," Akara said.

The Young People for Democracy Movement (YPD) yesterday condemned Akara's view as ignorant of the power of people in fighting for democracy.

"His remark is an insult, as Thailand has a long history of people dying to defend democracy from dictatorship," a YPD statement said.

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Poor guy. He sounded like a real eccentric, but was probably mentally ill. :o R.I.P.

On 16th January 1969 Jan Palach died of burns, his suicide being a protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces, and the installation of a military puppet government.Although stooges, cronies and the usual foreign lickspittles of the illegal government attributed his action to mental illness, this was clearly not the case and today he is regarded by the Czech people as a national hero.

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Poor guy. He sounded like a real eccentric, but was probably mentally ill. :o R.I.P.

On 16th January 1969 Jan Palach died of burns, his suicide being a protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces, and the installation of a military puppet government.Although stooges, cronies and the usual foreign lickspittles of the illegal government attributed his action to mental illness, this was clearly not the case and today he is regarded by the Czech people as a national hero.

"Lickspittle" is my word for the day today! :D

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Suicide is treated with sensitivity by officials

Under Thaksin, a PAD supporter doing the same would have immediately been branded as a terrosrist and later on as insane.

Yes the current government have been a lot more accomodating to opponents than the previous one. Quite strange considering how they came to power.

Sad that someone has to take their life, however.

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Poor guy. He sounded like a real eccentric, but was probably mentally ill. :D R.I.P.

On 16th January 1969 Jan Palach died of burns, his suicide being a protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces, and the installation of a military puppet government.Although stooges, cronies and the usual foreign lickspittles of the illegal government attributed his action to mental illness, this was clearly not the case and today he is regarded by the Czech people as a national hero.

There have been many cases around the world of suicide for a cause. Not due to mental illness, but simply because there are people who are passionate about that cause, see what is happening as the not-so-thin edge of the wedge and feel they have to make a statement that will be noticed by others in the hope that the resistance to the events unfolding will grow because of their sacrifice.

Unfortunately, the world is filled with morons who judge events and people on absolutely no evidence or knowledge. They fail to see that their very judgements casts an embarrasing spotlight on their own restricted mental abilities.

Kmart, I am sorry, but your comments about the mental health and character of this particular individual is sickening. :o

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Unfortunately, the world is filled with morons who judge events and people on absolutely no evidence or knowledge. They fail to see that their very judgements casts an embarrasing spotlight on their own restricted mental abilities.

Kmart, I am sorry, but your comments about the mental health and character of this particular individual is sickening. :D

Oh, boo-hoo! Bwaah! I think I'm going to cwy my wittew eyes out! :o

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Gen. Sonthi calls for time to monitor the situation following a suicide by protesting taxi driver

Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratkalin (สนธิ บุญรัตกลิน), the Army commander-in-chief, has asked for time to check the information after a taxi driver committed a suicide to protest against the military coup. He admitted that the issue is worrying.

Following the suicide by Mr. Nuamthong Praiwan (นวมทอง ไพรวัลย์), Gen. Sonthi said that authorities are following up the situation for fears that it might lead to further negative movements.

He reiterated that officials have been ordered to closely monitor the situation. Gen. Sonthi said that he wants peace to take place in the country.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 November 2006

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Unfortunately, the world is filled with morons who judge events and people on absolutely no evidence or knowledge. They fail to see that their very judgements casts an embarrasing spotlight on their own restricted mental abilities.

Kmart, I am sorry, but your comments about the mental health and character of this particular individual is sickening. :D

Oh, boo-hoo! Bwaah! I think I'm going to cwy my wittew eyes out! :o

Anyone who drives a car into a tank has medical issues.

It is sad that he commited suicide, but there it is and what has it achieved?.


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Yes the current government have been a lot more accomodating to opponents than the previous one. Quite strange considering how they came to power.

Sad that someone has to take their life, however.

Don't be so sure about that. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes that the general public is not yet aware of.

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Taxi driver who slammed his vehicle into tank found hung

A handwritten note was found near the body, saying the death was to protest against a spokesman of the Council for National Security for saying he had no ideology in his earlier protest against the coup.

Phaisarn said the surrounding evidences indicated that the man hang himself.

His intent was to teach them a lesson, the abridged version.

Nuamthong made headlines on September 30 when he slammed his taxi into a tank at the Royal Plaza at 6 am. He said he wanted to protest against the coup which damaged the country. He suffered broken ribs at that time.

If at first you dont succeed.............................

Source: The Nation - 1 November 2006

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Well, as long as no one shoots themselves, it'll remain a bloodless coup... :o

Is this meant to be a humorous comment?

The guy is Thai. So yes I think this is meant to be a humorous comment.

Anyone making two serious attempts on their life within a few weeks for whatever reason (and this can include clinical depression) is obviously in need of immediate psychiatric care and counselling...which in this case was too late in coming.

What has the guy's nationality got to do with all of this?

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Anyone making two serious attempts on their life within a few weeks for whatever reason (and this can include clinical depression) is obviously in need of immediate psychiatric care and counselling...which in this case was too late in coming.

What has the guy's nationality got to do with all of this?

Well, bizzare as it might look, he has though achieved what he set out to do. His death is the most sensitive issue presently in Thailand, and has led to a near crises situation already for the government. And it is far from over yet.

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iTV rapped for report on driver's final words

Soldiers sent to broadcaster's newsroom; reporter queried

Fearing the highly publicised suicide of taxi driver Nuamthong Phaiwan could trigger a pro-democracy revolt against the September 19 coup-makers, the military yesterday reprimanded iTV for reporting the final message of the man who killed himself to protest against the coup.

An additional 20 soldiers were dispatched to the station after a phone call from a high-ranking military officer to iTV's managing director, Songsak Premsuk, and news editors to warn them that the Council for National Security (CNS) was disturbed by the station's reporting on the suicide.

A source from iTV's newsroom said the CNS intervention might have been prompted by fear iTV was trying to help deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Another officer from the CNS secretariat called iTV reporter Jom Petchpradab to ask why he conducted an interview with Nuam-thong two weeks prior to his suicide.

Jom got an exclusive interview with Nuamthong on October 14, while he was attending commemorations of the 33rd anniversary of the 1973 pro-democracy uprising. Nuamthong had just recovered from injuries caused by his first suicide attempt on September 30, in which he rammed his taxi into a tank at the Royal Plaza.

The station did not air the interview initially because of martial law restrictions, but decided to release it after Nuamthong's suicide.

Jom said he told the officer, whose name he could not remember, that he did the interview because of Nuamthong's strong faith and willingness to sacrifice for democracy.

"I reassured the officer that I was not involved in any conspiracy against the CNS, nor am I a part of the 'undercurrent'," Jom told The Nation, referring to the CNS' term for an alleged pro-Thaksin movement. "I also told him that I would feel sorry if the interview tape were used to serve ill intentions."

The Army's Civil Affairs Department yesterday reportedly sent a letter to the six public TV channels summoning their news editors for instruction today on "constructive reporting for peace of the nation".

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont met with Nuamthong's wife, Boonchu yesterday to express his condolences and gave her Bt20,000. Surayud also asked Nonthaburi Governor Pranai Suwannarat to oversee and assist the funeral arrangements.

About 200 people attended the second night of Nuamthong's funeral at Wat Bua Kwan yesterday. Among them were military and police officers, politicians from the Thai Rak Thai Party and National Human-Rights Commissioner Jaran Dithapichai.

Wreaths sent by the coup group, including Surayud and CNS chairman General Sonthi Boonyatrat-glin, were placed side-by-side with those sent by anti-coup and pro-democracy groups.

Boonchu read out Nuamthong's farewell letter found beside his body on Tuesday night.

Dr Sant Hathirat, representing pro-democracy organisations, read a statement declaring Nuamthong a "democracy martyr".

Funeral rites for Nuamthong will continue at Wat Bua Kwan today and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The cremation will be held on Thursday.

Subhatra Bhumiprabhas

The Nation

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I will take Mr. Nuamthong's sacrifice at face value until there is solid reason to do otherwise. Undoubtedly he was not directing his gesture at foreign sycophants, who could not comprehend such a gesture. I must say Gen. Chulanont has excellent media advisors. Maybe he will pin a medal on Mr. Nuamthong posthumously.

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