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Junta Gets Fat-cat Allowances

Jai Dee

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Junta gets fat-cat allowances

CNS, state-body wages are six times that of 1991 leaders

The Cabinet has approved salary payments totalling Bt38 million a month for leaders of the military government and appointed bodies.

[See the allowance chart]

A decree passed yesterday stipulated salaries for members of five junta agencies, including the ruling Council for National Security (CNS).

According to Prime Minister's Office Minister Khunying Dhip-avadee Meksawan, the decree covers the CNS along with the National Legislative Assembly, the Assets Examination Committee, the Constitution Drafting Assembly and the Constitution Tribunal.

CNS chairman and coup leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin gets a salary of Bt119,220 per month.

His deputy Air Chief Marshal Chalit Phukphasuk will receive Bt113,640 and the other CNS members Bt109,560.

The salary for National Legislative Assembly chairman Meechai Ruchuphan is Bt115,920, while his two deputies take home Bt110,390. The other 97 members' get Bt104,330.

Assets Examination Committee boss Nam Yimyaem receives Bt108,500 a month and his 10 committee members Bt104,500 each.

When appointed, the chairman of the 100-member Constitution Drafting Assembly can expect Bt110,390 and his two deputies Bt106,390. Members will receive Bt104,330.

The Constitution Tribunal president will earn Bt114,000 and the vice president Bt109,500. Other judges will receive Bt104,500.

The decree becomes effective after publication in the Royal Gazette.

Dhipavadee revealed that the Cabinet did not consider claims that CNS members should not be paid.

Putting the payments into perspective, members of the National Peace-keeping Council - which grabbed power in the 1991 coup - were paid Bt20,000 a month, according to its spokesman General Chamlang Ouchukomol. He received Bt12,000 a month.

He said the relatively high salaries demanded junta leaders and their administrators have to work hard to justify such taxpayer expenditure.

Supreme Commander General Boonsrang Niumpradit, a CNS member, had not expected a monthly salary. However, CNS members acknowledged the money as part of government regulations, he said.

Source: The Nation - 8 November 2006

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Junta gets fat-cat allowances

CNS, state-body wages are six times that of 1991 leaders

Supreme Commander General Boonsrang Niumpradit, a CNS member, had not expected a monthly salary. However, CNS members acknowledged the money as part of government regulations, he said.

Source: The Nation - 8 November 2006

Would be more interesting to see the comparison with the ousted lot's paychecks. :o

If the Supreme Commander did not expect a monthly salary but it is government regulations maybe he could ease his conciense and donate the surplus to charities. :D

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They should be paid top dollars. If they are paid peanuts they have to get into corruption.

Singapore are paying their government top dollars, comparable to top executive salaries. They also have the lowest rate of corruption.

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They should be paid top dollars. If they are paid peanuts they have to get into corruption.

Singapore are paying their government top dollars, comparable to top executive salaries. They also have the lowest rate of corruption.

agreed, high salaries along with stiff penalties for corruption.

and I don't think 100k is excessive. Although it'd be nice to know what their monthly expenses are.

Whatever it is it'll be considerably less than the last cabinet.

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How about that guy who sits on boards of 19 state companies and draws 4 million a month for attending meetings?

120k a month for the most powerful position in the country. These people are extremely modest. Any VP in any Thai company takes home double that.

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I think this decision is pretty stupid. Obviously it's not a lot, but many Thai people will see it as huge and will think that generals did not do it for the sake of the country as they claim, but for the money.

After all, nobody asked them to make the coup...

Members of the CNS should have kept their salaries as generals, and not getting more for becoming coup leaders.

Concerning members of the NLA and other bodies, their salaries seem pretty standard.

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Thats a realistic salary for government. :D No complaints from me at all. Why do you think the Police Force is so rotten?

When you add it to their top of the Military pay scale salary, these guys are making a killing. If, as they state, they are so dedicated to democracy, Thailand and the King, you would think they would work for free. Na... Guess not it's Thailand, everything has it's price.. :o

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These folks all likely made well in excess of those amounts before the coup anyway. The reason you always hear "if our family can be of service, just let us know" at the weddings of the children of any general of any importance is because a good number (by no means a majority, but more than enough) people already pay benefits and tribute to these generals.


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When you add it to their top of the Military pay scale salary, these guys are making a killing.

Do you know for sure that these amounts are on top of their previous military salary? The story didn't state this, or use any words such as "increase", addendum", "stipend" etc. to convey this.

I read the story as being total salary.

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When you add it to their top of the Military pay scale salary, these guys are making a killing.

Do you know for sure that these amounts are on top of their previous military salary? The story didn't state this, or use any words such as "increase", addendum", "stipend" etc. to convey this.

I will try hard not to step over the forum guidelines here samran.

I do not believe I have seen a report that anyone in the NSC has resigned their military position.

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I beg to disagree that it's excessive in any way.

Realistically it's hard to pay for the house, car, and kids education on that kind of salary, and we are talking about country leaders.

Upcountry folks will surely get envious, they have no clue what kind of money people in Bangkok make.

We can start complaining when the develop excessive lifestyles.

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to be fair, and based on my own personal experience, these salaries are in line of what a senior civil servant, after 30 odd years of service, would earn. Compared with private sector salaries, it is peanuts.

I think if we are going to have a debate (which should be in another thread) on the issue of higher pay decreasing corruption, then you should remember that the starting salary for a junior civil servant, with a masters, is about 8,000 baht per month on average. The average mid ranking civil servant gets probably 20-30K per month, after 15 odd years of service. If you are going to look at one of the motivations for corruption, then I'd start there, rather than at the top end.

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Finance minister loses cool over coup maker and legislator salaries

BANGKOK, Nov 8 (TNA) - Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula on Wednesday appeared defensive and irritated over mounting criticism of the Cabinet's decision to remunerate members of the Council for National Security (CNS) and the National Legislative Assembly (NLA), saying it was made in line with government policy.

Interviewed on the Cabinet's approval for a draft royal decree on remuneration for CNS and NLA, he said the matter stemmed from the Assembly's proposal seeking higher monthly salaries--that the Cabinet lift their compensation to the same level as members of the previous Parliament had received.

Pridiyathorn said the cabinet saw it appropriate to do as NLA members have the duty to meet twice a week at Parliament just as earlier MPs had done.

The Cabinet also saw it necessary to grant salaries to CNS members because they have the duty to oversee national security. The salary the Cabinet offered the military council members is Bt 4,000 higher than that proposed to the legislators.

Asked whether the salary hike for CNS is appropriate because it could set a precedent for successful coup makers, granting rewards for bringing down governments, Pridiyathorn conceded such an action is unprecedented, but he asserted that is not inappropriate.

When journalists critical of the move asked if it would not go against the spirit of the sufficiency economy principle, he said the decision was made in compliance with His Majesty the King's philosophy because the salary scale is not too high.

"Don't ask me alone whether it is appropriate or not," said the finance minister."According to the government's policy, members of the CNS and the NLA must be given salaries."

"The premier and cabinet do not oppose it," Pridiyathorn said. "The Finance Ministry has a duty to check it with caution."

"I am handling the matter in accordance with the government's policy," he said. "What I do is to set similar salary scaled for the NLA and the CNS. Should there be any questions, please ask the premier."

Source: TNA - 8 November 2006

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:o Heavily underpaid salaries for people who have to run a country, for heaven's sake.

You can't even find a normal worker for that kind of salary in the West.

Oh yes, I know it's NOT the west, but still....

Highly qualified people, like the ones in the government, should be paid top-salaries.

Now, nobody can tell me here that you can find anyone in Bangkok, as a CEO or CFO for that kind of salary, willing to work for a large company, with the qualifications and record of the members of the government.....nobody !


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You want corruption to go away then you have to pay people so they at least have the opportunity to do what their concience says is right.

Mid level execs throughout Asia make more than this. You want good people you have to pay them.

Something the school systems should take to heart as well. You may not get what you pay for in all cases but to even have a chance you have to pony up and pay.

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