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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Hey, at least it ain't China! You haven't seen the video of the two year old girl getting run over twice and ignored by 17 passers-by.

    I've been in Thailand for roughly the same amount of time as the OP and yet I have quite a contrasting view. Bikers, sidecars, rickshaws - they never wear helmets, protective clothing, never obey road rules, scratch my car on occasion 'filtering' through the traffic - let's just say I've lost sympathy and when I see an accident the first phrase to spring to mind is 'What's good the for goose is good for the gander'

    yes but that is the chinese for you . i have no time for those people at all . look the olympic games .they just sat there like dummies in the venues .and clapped when they were told. and the cycling events, people were not allowed to watch it . the streets were cleared of foreigners in case they bumped into chinese and wanted to talk . with no minders around . please dont get me going . james

    The woman's road race was a classic eh ? I was watching that in a boozer in Macau and I was greeting ,great stuff .

  2. I was a poor specimen , they called mr "Srotloi" . I brewed my own tea and threw out thee old fishlines from the rocks and fish caught were gutted and eaten ,what a supper time ! I strummed my banjo and lo ...... " Come fill the cup and .garment of replentence fling ."

    another "late night" post there p'raps onion old boy?

    any chance of a translation of that one?

    The folks at Taraporn called me scotroi after the durable brillo pad . I had a pot and built little camp fires on which I brewed my tea and bbq 'd fish . I was reading the rubiyat at the time and played my banjo ,never went back .

    I prefer my drunkin posts :lol: .

  3. I was flying down the road one eve and I saw a bump ahead , kids flying in he air, I stopped up at about 30 meters and went to help the boys afflicted . It was halllo helpand so on , I helped one guy dragg a bike out of a ditctch and i was thnking , <snip> this gota go , so I ran away amd lefy five guys blootered on the road.

    and now in English, please?

    I was returning home on my bike one evening when I witnesed a road accident involving two motorbikes and about 5 young lads . The bikes had collided and thrown the drivers and passengers up into the air and all over the road . I pulled up a bout 30m away and went over to see if they were ok . One guy was already up on his feet and together we dragged a lad off the road , we then pulled one of the motor bikes oot of a ditch . By this time the rest were getting up on their feet and I was aware of their drunken leary posturings and I was quite scared . So having learned the law of the jungle in a previous existance I ran back to my bike and rode out of the scene .

  4. I was flying down the road one eve and I saw a bump ahead , kids flying in he air, I stopped up at about 30 meters and went to help the boys afflicted . It was halllo helpand so on , I helped one guy dragg a bike out of a ditctch and i was thnking , <snip> this gota go , so I ran away amd lefy five guys blootered on the road.

  5. I was a poor specimen , they called mr "Srotloi" . I brewed my own tea and threw out thee old fishlines from the rocks and fish caught were gutted and eaten ,what a supper time ! I strummed my banjo and lo ...... " Come fill the cup and .garment of replentence fling ."

  6. Excuse my overindulgence ,

    We just had a laugh about one misunderstanding we all had when my father stayed with us in Macau .

    Father; Do you want anything from the shop Pu ?

    Wife ; Ye thanks can I have some wai wai .

    Father to son (who was quietly minding his own business with a book) What's wai wai ?

    Son to father ; oh that's when you show respect to someone older wih a clasp of the hands (gesture).

    Father ; Aye but can ye get it at the shops ?

    Council; Father ; awright white wine . Certainly .

  7. welldonefurresurectingthispishthread cozahhuvbeenneedinatourettecozayeallthepressureamunderatworknatyahfuc_kingbeautymontheticgetitrightupyeezyabunchabawbagsscotland-that'llbeafuc_kintropicalparadisebeforeamdeed.

    goatmaweegaffinlunanbayfirtheysummersbititsafuc_kinlongwayafftaeikinretireken ?


    Dinnaementionthatlottaemeatleastthep2psitewissoslowicouldnaewatchitken? Anywaysheresamusicalinterludefiryerenjoybentthemusicstartsat2.16enjoy.....

    nointaeclubssmokersbutrapatterlivesanidlebanterismasustinenceawbutbeinacelicssuppotaisacolouorfulgiganthankfuc_kwehavnaegotanycontaminationfaegloatybasturtsthisthreadken up the celic

  8. I liked this one - When visiting Glasgow we were at a house party with a rowdy dance floor and loud music( family tradition) so folks were speakin loud and I heard my wife bawling in this girls ear "ah know ah know , it must be hart for you too not speaking English " .

    edit ; Relative .

  9. I first came to Thailand as a tourist in1993 ,I was a youngster , I ended up on that Ko Tao ,Taraporn ,and was happy to be offered a sort of odd job position with the guest house people - " you play your banjo and drive my boat for me during the organised trips to shark island and i will let you stay for free" , I was a happy lad indeed . However , I was a poor lad and had heard tale of construction work in Hong Kong , so off i went intending to come back to Thailand with a bit of dough .

    I met my wife in HK and we started a family and we come and go a fair bit , I kinda like the diffrence .

  10. T if you go for a backhoe and truck method you may get a better deal and faster progress if you start after the rice harvest when the labour is available and the ground drier , the dry earth is lighter and the trucks don't get bogged in and so on .

  11. If the farangs I am likely to run into are anything like 90% of TV members on this forum I would steer wide clear.

    Further to that, a while back I encountered a farang in our market, in an area with very few farangs. Gent slightly older than yours truly. Struck up a conversation and invited to have lunch in Bangkok later. Day comes, we grab a cab, and ten minute later I realize that I am with someone who is certifiably insane, out and out crazy. That was a long lunch. If I spot him now I dodge behind a telephone pole or wall. Sad thing is, most of the Thais that run into him are going to think that is normal farang behavior, forming their impression accordingly.

    I said hello to the blonde woman who won the Paris Dakar bike thingy a few years back . That was outside Det Udom Tesco . She was with a fella and they had really neat bikes with water tanks and all that on the sides . I was on my honda 125 . I admit I felt like a bit lonesome nutter but I managed to not offer them directions . I went across the road to my favourite beer shack after that to while away the day . I guess they were on a bike tour and possibly heading to Laos .

    edit I said hello not hell

  12. I had a really nice chilli dish in a small bar in Santiago de Compostella . It was called " Pimento's de Padron " It consisted of mild to hot 2 inch long conicle shaped green peppers fried in olive oil with plenty of rock salt . It was served like that in an earhen ware plate . I had it with Chirizo al cidre and a pint of wine .

    Any one know if they have similar peppers in thailand and what do they call them ?

    Sound like jalapinos to me.

    Mmm , I would say I have only ever had jalapinos pickled . I have bought chillis that have looked similar over the years but have never been able to reproduce that dish . Maybe I just remembered it diffrent .

    {oops got the quotes mixed up}

  13. I had a really nice chilli dish in a small bar in Santiago de Compostella . It was called " Pimento's de Padron " It consisted of mild to hot 2 inch long conicle shaped green peppers fried in olive oil with plenty of rock salt . It was served like that in an earhen ware plate . I had it with Chirizo al cidre and a pint of wine .

    Any one know if they have similar peppers in thailand and what do they call them ?

  14. when people ask for advice it often becomes a way for the respondents to change the subject and rant and rave about their own life.

    example: "where is a good place to get married in nong khai?"

    answer: "all thai women are gold differs. my ex-wife stole my fake teeth. i pay by the hour now"

    Yeah, that's the classic ThaiVisa format. Along with the 'suspicious poster' who usually pops up around four or five posts in - "I smell a troll" or "there's more to this story than the OP is letting on..."... guaranteed to be followed by his good friend "TIT" who has nothing to add beyond "This is Thailand..." to every topic... laugh.gif

    I like the "run" , "move on " , type replies, the best advise I ever heard was , " Get off your horse and drink your milk " although that might have been a direct order .

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