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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. Sounds like fun . Don't be surprised if they push the dinning table aside put some newspapers down and eat altogether on the floor . If that happens get a few bottles of beer in and sit down with your guests and enjoy the experience . If there are bairns make a little den for them out of chairs with blankets hung over them . Extraordinary times call for extraordinary preparations . Good on ye Barry .

  2. welldonefurresurectingthispishthread cozahhuvbeenneedinatourettecozayeallthepressureamunderatworknatyahfuc_kingbeautymontheticgetitrightupyeezyabunchabawbagsscotland-that'llbeafuc_kintropicalparadisebeforeamdeed.

    goatmaweegaffinlunanbayfirtheysummersbititsafuc_kinlongwayafftaeikinretireken ?


  3. I like replying to questions with glib comments formed from my observations or more questions . I have been joining in on TV for only a short time but every now and then I wonder if it is real and are there thousands of posters or is it just a robot with a computer brain that is slowly indoctrinating unsuspecting innocents and creating a mindset . A TV mind set .

    Does anyone know where I can buy penny dainty caramels ?

  4. Sad video with no one helping a child.

    This opens up a whole range of issues. One is the Chinese have less morals or ethics than others. We must remember this is essentially a non religious society raised under Communism for a long period of time. Although I am not religious myself it can instill some degree of morality or humanity in an individual and at worst guilt. Many Chinese only chase the dollar with no regard to repercussions (lead paint in children's toys, etc.). We must ask ourselves why are we wanting to do so much business with the Chinese in America. There can be little or no gain for the average American. It is short term gain for long term pain and is coming back to haunt America. In short America has been sold out by its politicians in favor of corporate America realizing short term profits. Sad story all of it.

    Do you know any Chinese people ?

    Are you implying that USA citizens don't murder or hit and run because they are morally superior to Chinese and China is somehow resposible for capitalism's failngs .

    I am saying that the historic transformation through the Communist period has kept many away from Buddhism or religion and this has affected their morality to an extent. And yes I have done business with a number of Chinese companies and seen how they treat their employees, their attitudes and their way of doing business and it is appalling to say the least. And what do Americans have to do with my point?

    I would say that Americans have, with religion , gone through their historic transformations with as much murder and cruelty as just about anyone else .

  5. I used to get a sour dough loaf from Wrongway Bar on Paedeng worth a try if they have them .

    I also used to get sourdough bread from Richard. Really tasty stuff. Not sure if he is still baking them. If so I will definately be get back into them when I get back to Ubon soon.

    Let us raise a toast .

  6. Sad video with no one helping a child.

    This opens up a whole range of issues. One is the Chinese have less morals or ethics than others. We must remember this is essentially a non religious society raised under Communism for a long period of time. Although I am not religious myself it can instill some degree of morality or humanity in an individual and at worst guilt. Many Chinese only chase the dollar with no regard to repercussions (lead paint in children's toys, etc.). We must ask ourselves why are we wanting to do so much business with the Chinese in America. There can be little or no gain for the average American. It is short term gain for long term pain and is coming back to haunt America. In short America has been sold out by its politicians in favor of corporate America realizing short term profits. Sad story all of it.

    Do you know any Chinese people ?

    Are you implying that USA citizens don't murder or hit and run because they are morally superior to Chinese and China is somehow resposible for capitalism's failngs .

  7. I assume English is not your first language, and do not mean to insult you, but I had some difficulty following what you wrote here. If your Thai is not even as good as that, are you sure they even understand what you say, much less agree with it?

    Sorry, but there are 45 posts prior to yours. To whom were you addressing your reply?

    Yes for all the readers no this could be about herds of speaking foriegners replying to nothing .

    OP , don't worry about it too much ,

  8. This is what happens when you arm a bunch of religous zealots and give them the wests support for a violent revolution . Does anyone believe that the rebels will change their behaviour now ? Have nato allowed an Islamic extremist organisation to gain control of Libya ? Gadaffi was killed like a dog on television . Who is next ?

  9. Since this isssss Thailand. I would invest in some million, billion watt speakers and she how she reacts. Maybe she likes you ?

    I have no doubts about that! When you challenge someone who is listening to hard rock and club music, you have to challenge him with something agressive! by listening to Celine Dion, she showed me that she is maybe heartbroken or just sad about some events happenning in her life. Today, I will do like the Thai Visa mate told me earlier and put on some Prodigy. will see with what she challenge me and knock to her door for a diner. Would be nice not having to go to Route 66 to get a lady (I get the GIRL NEXT DOOR this time!!)

    Yeah , Prodigy do doctor love ! Get a really daft haircut and stick a few safety pins in your nose before you go calling , you might astonish her into a date . :lol:

  10. Some folks are only happy when the music is so loud that the speakers are vibrating away and the sound is distorted and fuzzy . There is an answer to this phononomem , get a safety pin and puncture the little disc at the center of the speaker diaphragm , and lo the speakers start to distort at 3 instead of 8 and the player is happy because they are playing their tunes at alto distorto level and the neighbours are happy because all they can hear is a low farting noise from next door .

  11. If I was given a choice between bottles of Carlseburg and bottles of Tsing Tao , equaly cold , I would drink the bottles of Tsing Tao . If you haven't tried any , give it a go . Go on have a drink .

    Carlsberg is miles ahead.

    Agree, I've never liked Tsingtao, and find it slightly sweet. I think its success comes mainly from effective marketing and international distribution, drinking a 'Chinese' beer became trendy as China opened up in the '80s, and remains so.

    Tsing Tao have an offshoot brew called Qui Quian ,or something close, and it is piss indeed . It comes in a green can . All hail the green can ! The Tsing Tao Stout is no bad either . The fact is they brew a variety and that can only be good for beer drinkers in Thailand . That's me finished up for today and i'm going across the road to the market for a long Kneck bottle of Tsing Tao before I head up the road .:D

  12. The Chinese are no more evil or callous than anyone else.

    I realize this might be a delicate area. It's a matter of culture and yes I suppose laws can come into it. However, going back to Thailand, we know hit and run accidents are A LOT more common here than in the west. I think the hit and run issue is related to this now famous incident in China. It's hard to place any value judgment on such things that aren't very negative.

    The compensation issue is related to the one child policy as the number of family members who contribute financialy is controlled .

  13. My workmate has mentioned that in this case the guy driving the van stated that he drove over the girl the second time deliberatley for the reason that if the girl survived the hit he would have to pay a lot more compensation to her family than if she died from the hit . These are the rules in China , dictating his behaviour , or his excuse .

    I wonder what the driver was doing not to have seen the girl in the first place .

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