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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Does it matter what song or type of music is playing? Had he just chosen isaan music…
  2. Willful negligence by the community, those who constructed it and the gov for failing inspection and repair checks… ignorant people…
  3. The objective is if he is ready for travel and the family has lined up medical travel, then should go asap…. He should not be held hostage for bill payment…that is not medical care…
  4. Red flag when not allowed to print a ticket online after purchase… any type of travel or admission event gives you both a receipt and a printable ticket with bar code or allowed to save it 100% scam job…
  5. Safer in condo than walking on the street given the hour… who pays for her medical treatment? Not just a theft but assault with injuries
  6. Was the BF her pimp or just a normal relationship in the poverty world of thailand?
  7. cardinalblue

    Thai beef

    Answer this question - if Thai beef was high quality at a good price, why would they need to import high quality beef?
  8. Sounds like they don’t have Medi evac helicopters here?
  9. Air pollution started in late Dec… answer - January
  10. My guess is most of those Asian tourists don’t know how to swim…hence grest idea to where life vests but non swimmers shouldn’t be in the water period…
  11. You should do it the first time do you have the receipt in your PP… in CM, one doesn’t need to report when you leave the province or even the country as long as you return to same address and nothing changes i heard each province handles requirement differently re reporting
  12. Lack of taxi meter enforcement adds to an already long list
  13. It’s pattaya…..was the Aussie disappointed that the bottle was empty? Enjoy
  14. Move….select a moo baan that doesn’t allow soi dogs…..and I ain’t telling you where I live
  15. This is on big ag business for animal feed and the gov turns a blind eye as it has been reported CP and others make political contributions across all parties to silence them… worst yet, China #1 buyer of Thai animal feed…so no benefit to thailand in general but huge adverse consequences (economic and health)
  16. Wow what terrible english…better to say nothing if one can’t put a proper english sentence together
  17. Being Turk, maybe he thought they were trying to waterboard him and he was standing his ground - self defense
  18. I guess this is fire hotspot #216 in CM yesterday…. Will all the arsonists face the same charges?
  19. Some of these anti American comments should I say are from other western blokes who have either never been there or just jealous that they can’t pass through the Darien Gap to reach there…
  20. When your leaders have this level of cognitive abilities, it is no wonder why problem solving and vision are completely lacking…
  21. Lack of wearing helmets and seat belts doesn’t cause accidents… driving behavior does which is caused by aggressive attitude, disrespect for regulations and lack of proper training on how to drive
  22. You are exactly who immigration is trying to catch of people who abuse the marriage visa… We have to jump thru all these silly hoops b/c of your actions that gives immigration to create overbearing and unnecessary protocol A fine, deportation but not b/f an extended destination stay with nightly visits from Somchai…
  23. Maybe he shouldn’t drive through a fire burning on both sides of the road… driving side to side generates more wind whipping the flames to other bales….brilliant maybe next time he gets an upgrade to a gas tanker….
  24. Does bright helmet eliminate the need to have working taillights?
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