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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Those expats would be getting much less sex but would be doing more bowling alone… going to movies alone would not change….lots of expats go to movies alone here….simple explanation…partners here usually don’t understand/appreciate western movies
  2. Another reason why criminals come to thailand - opportunity to flourish
  3. Another reason why criminals come to thailand - opportunity to flourish
  4. Weed? It was the Damn street vendor’s cooking…arrest her another non story diverting from real issues here
  5. Here is the problem with your statement….thailand is known that the pedestrian (reality) does not have the right a way and Thais/westerners know vehicles don’t stop for pedestrians….so tell me again why any sane person would not look and not move quickly crossing the road…people know this is NOT the west where pedestrians are on top of the driving food chain you make it sound like Thai drivers comply with the 3-4 seconds of distance in the tailgating rule
  6. Why do people demand the driver takes responsibility? rules of the road/enforcement determines responsibility when driving/traffic non compliance occurs… responsibility is assigned whether the driver admits it or not…
  7. That’s why you put sexy women into costumes and not sissy men who can’t handle a firm handshake…. don’t believe he briefly lost consciousness and couldn’t get up w/o help and then says he couldn’t chase after him in some silly outfit And what was he going to do if he caught him? The guy would have floored him again
  8. It sounds like she killed the boy out of revenge for the husband’s attack and living condition she has been put in due to him being locked up… someone is dead…forget pleading mental insanity…I hate that defense
  9. Another deflection farang story from the real crime in thailand the moral of the story is to learn how to ride a bike
  10. The tourist is wrong but what a lovely hotel owner….shows her low life character did she need to have verbal diarrhea? What did it accomplish other than show her true colors….
  11. Johnson is ranked as one of US best presidents….it’s better you just skip along
  12. It’s how thailand works…w/o enforcement some Thais are more crooked than others…some just prey on naive tourists pushing the envelope to the highest fare and they find suckers others are more reasonable in their fares but it’s a crap shoot and one is lucky or unlucky on whom they meet
  13. Stupid is what stupid does…nothing to do with stubbornness nature always bats last….some day man will be extinct on the earth so I will have it all to myself
  14. You guys are completely missing the point…he’s been free for the last 30 years in thailand - the land of pedi… He is 80 now sohe will have the comforts of computers and TV in jail…healthcare, food and shelter what is disgraceful is UK and thailand could not work together to apprehend him during a 30 year period repeat 30 year period…hard to believe allowing him 30 years of freedom in thailand w/o accountability - failure of 2 governments additional 30 charges (who cares?) is like the US making a big deal of one small gun control success when semi auto weapons are owned/carried freely (and bump stocks now allowed)
  15. Guy was living in a tent…a real threat or just low hanging fruit?
  16. Need to do a toxicology report on the rider….if he just wasn’t on the pavement to start with, street lights wouldn’t be an excuse…. never the fault of the behaviors of the drivers…always on external factors….driving behavior or their decision making is never faulted/accountable
  17. Any difference between a motorcyclist w/o lights and a buffalo?
  18. What has thailand have to do with it other than this is where they were residing? I guess this business operation was happening right under their noses and knew nothing about it this legal case is being handled in the west…the biggest question is how thailand handle extraditing them back to England to stand trail? Don’t they have to be found guilty first in a court of law silly for thailand to get involved legally…wash their hands of them as quickly as possible would be their best strategy
  19. I bet his association with fighting clubs much more correlated with his aggressive behavior than ganja use….100% part of that MMA tough guy mentality
  20. At least in the US Navy they are taught swimming along with better decision making if it was truly a red flag day, WTH is he taking his young child into the water?
  21. Legit places require you to wear cloth judo pants and top one risks indecent exposure charges which is a fine and/or deportation depending on beach whale types
  22. death by hanging and be sure the crematorium has the proper end of the pipe exhaust filters... The need to stress breathing clean air is a right and no longer a privilege Life is unfair deal with it...
  23. And their customers are pedes but plea they didn’t know they were underaged …doesn’t matter, they are still pedes
  24. So now the cops are enforcing helmet wearing and driver license ownership this begs the question - what were they doing before? history is a great predictor - they will do it for a month and then return to their standard practice of do nothing what you get in a status quo traditional lazy society where minimal effort is expected and on display it is why standards are so low in thailand and never show signs of incremental improvement bring on the air pollution season….i have nice itinerary scheduled
  25. Dogs have mentality of a 3 year old….coincidence due to being threatened in their space….nothing to do with intended intervention to defuse… let’s try another false narrative
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