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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. My wife has found a few things she enjoys since moving to the U.S. She is very fond of peroggis and tortellini. She also eats baked potatoes with nothing on them! Other than that it's Thai all day every day. No milk or bread at all. I'm not complaining. Love Thai food!

  2. I agree with this mostly. I disagree that Western women are any different. It's just a difference of degree and opportunity. I've met plenty of gold diggers in the US and not too many US girls grow up wanting to marry a poor guy even if they have their own money. As money is also cited as the biggest reason for our high divorce rate it could be argued money is even a bigger factor in the long run for western women who feel so entitled these days. I do think most Thai women have cause to worry more about security than western women because of lack of resources and cultural obligations imposed on them not imposed on western women. I do agree though that most have good hearts as does mine. But in my view women are all wired the same everywhere.

  3. Never made any effort to learn Thai, never will and my wife is happy I don't. It's never been a disadvantage when in LOS and I could care less what Thais say or think about me. Other than the fact that the woman I love has Thai blood I'm not into the Thai thing at all and she prefers it that way so it's all good.

  4. Great place to visit and travel around but not a great long term prospect for a young fellow. Spend some time, get it out of your system, find a beautiful Thai lady to settle down with then go home. The long term option is more suited to those who are older and have a pension or other passive income, and even a large amount of those guys are leaving these days. I for one would never live in Thailand though I do love to visit with my wife.

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