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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. And Thailand wonders why its not a player on a global scale at any level and garners no respect from developed and civilized nations! Nobody wants to deal with these petty little crooks they call PMs and MPs. The only time Thailand enjoys the illusion of respect is when they pretend to be something in their own movies!

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  2. Seems it took them a week to find a way to do it....

    And nothing is said about needing passwords or anything of the technique involved.

    Ah, but was it the same photo?

    And was HE sent a photo at the same time thinking it innocent,

    and then opens it to find someone is right behind him to take a picture.

    The whole business smells rancid to the core.

    an mp caught looking at naughty pics on his phone on the same day that a naughty pic just happened to be displayed on the screen... yeah, has to be a set up.

    what evil genius thought of this plan i wonder?

    maybe thaksin is laughing maniacally while he strokes a cat.

    "that's the democrats finished with...muahahahaha"

    The key phrase being "caught" looking at porn. How many other MP's were looking at porn and were not caught? I think I would rather have an MP having a quick scan of a bit of porn during a debate, than an MP debating on crucial matters while he is pissed.

    Or just plain asleep!

    • Like 1
  3. Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

  4. Typical Thai government behavior of focusing on nonsense. This looks like a pretty lame and transparent setup to me, which is typical of their depth of thinking. Even if it isn't, the childish behavior of the accused and accusers tell you all you need to know about the Lilliputions in charge. What a shame such a beautiful country is run by a band of low class village idiots!

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  5. I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

    For the same reason milions have done the same! It's the US! Best country in the world, even with all it's issues, and he wants to go there and not Aussie, Brit or the two other *(inflammatory remark edited out)* you named!

  6. Check out a condo at The Address Chidlom on Som Kid. Chidlom BTS a block away, Central Market for food, completely equipped gym and beautiful pool where you can sit and watch alot of the beautiful Thai soap stars who live there come and go. Also has a free tuk tuk service. I've had a place there for a few years and you can get a very verynice furnished condo well within your budget!

  7. I'd like to see her visit Washington and see how the Obama white house treats here. Maybe they can fit her in between a dog walking photo op and the National Toothache Day ribbon cutting ...coffee1.gif

    In any case, not only wouldn't she get a state dinner, there would be no hamburger lunch outing with Obama either.

    I don't know, if I was Obama I would go out of my way to meet here on the steps of the White House (steps outside only) and shake her hand and say 'Overcome to the USA'. wink.png

    Hey look any time Obama has a chance to piss away taxpayer money on something frivilous for himself and his buddies, like a nice state dinner, he'd be up for it. Plus she's alot nicer to look at than the other bulbous headed leaders that visit! Maybe they could even shoot some hoops together!

  8. Oh , come on lets be fair, this is a crucial visit, she has to be there as the P.M. would never go anywhere unless it's important, She will be a helicopter ride away (with nightsight) from Dubai --it's near isn;t it ??? this is far more important than being in P.M. question time, Will the P.M. be spending any time in Thailand over the next 6 months ???

    Where there are more Gucci shops per square inch than any other place? Hey cut her a break. She's Thai. She can't help herself!

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  9. I applaud the effort but the author is a bit naive! How can they get the guns? Really? If you haven't noticed, Thailand is already a lawless society, not because of the acts of violence mentioned, that's human nature and happens everywhere and is why you need laws in the first place. No, Thailand is a lawless society because its justice system is discrminatory and corrupt in applying the laws it already has in place and aggressively pursing justice for victims. The police force is entirely corrupt and easily bribed to look the other way on any matter, and are basically lazy. Members of government get away with stealing from the people every day with no fear of repercussions from law enforcement because they are all in it together here with no checks and balances. Just yesterday my father-in-law was pulled over for speeding which he was not and told he had to go to the police station to pay the fine, but a 100 baht note to the officer took care of it and we were on our way. We all know this. We all know about the mafia-style shakedowns that happen to small businesses by the police and the blatant discrimination against foreigners in applying the law or seeking justice when they are harmed. All you need to do to see the problem in Thailand is look to see who has the most extravegant facilities for their own personal enjoyment and you will see it's the military and the police. They are totally unchecked by any rule of law in this country and there is no holding them responsible for their lawless behavior. Until that changes, and let's face it, that will never happen, Thailand is and will continue to be just another lawless third world country unworthy of the respect of the developed nations of the world. The people of this country will only deserve better when they gain their self-respect and demand better. I don't ever see it happening.

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  10. There Rule of Law and Prosecutions on people that make pirated soffware, doesn't mean too much in Thailand. History makes the rules there, as it does and has everywhere in the world since human existance began including unresolved issues in the U.S. as well.

    The U.S. is beating a dead horse or pissing in the wind.

    If the U.S. want to put Thailand on a Watch List that should be issues concerning age discrimination of women in the Job sector, Human Rights issues, the criminal prosecution of Thai men who like to make babies but don't want to financially support them.

    The old saying holds true...When You Point A Finger @ Others, You Have 3 Fingers Looking Straight Back At Your Very Ownself.

    Jing Jingcoffee1.gif

    None of the issues you mention have anything to do with the US. The copyright infringement that goes on here is a direct theft of property from the Americans and others that create it. This issue is about the US protecting its own citizens from the theft of their rightfully owned property as it should from the little greedy trolls that populate these third world countries like Thailand and their corrupt governments that talk but do nothing.

  11. The government has more pressing issues than clamping down on illegal knock-offs of any kind not to mention the negative effect it would have on tourism!

    You're right! The Thailand government has never made addressing theivery of any kind a priority. Of course there are more pressing issues like stealing legally owned land and property owned by the spouses of foreigners. Much more pressing and in line with the government's important and well established policy of corruption and self gain at the expense of anyone else but them.

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