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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Having been coming and going from here for many years, our trips are getting less frequent and honestly, I used to feel as you did. Not so much anymore. I do enjoy the country while we are here but when it's time to go home I'm ready to go. We live in central PA now and wouldn't live anywhere else! Good luck to you. Thailand will always be there when the spirit moves you.

  2. My wife and I live in the US full time. Occasionally we go to Thailand for a visit but these visits are getting less frequent. My wife has adapted well to the US and has integrated nicely into my family who adore her.i encourage her to stay connected to her Thai roots, take her to temple when she wants and make sure she is always stacked up with Thai food. I myself don't get involved in the whole Thai thing as I am American and like it that way, and so does she. This change has been gradual for her, but as she has traveled extensively and taken advantage of opportunities America has to offer, Thailand has basically become a very small and confining place for her. I notice the same sentiment from many of her Thai friends in the US who have had similar opportunities. Some have no desire to return to Thailand at all and are fed up with all the petty stuff that goes on between their friends and family in Thailand. I know it doesn't always work out so well for some, and like I say, the change has been a gradual one and not always easy for her. But believe me when I tell you that given a supportive and loving environment these women can and do adapt quite nicely without you ever needing to push them to change.

  3. We were sitting on the steps on Pattaya Beach admiring the full moon. The large cement structure with steps that jut out onto the beach. I moved down a couple steps, got on one knee, showed her the ring and asked her if she wanted to marry me. She cried, said yes. Now 4 years later, we are still acting like newlyweds. Best decision I ever made. She treats me like a king. We shop at flea markets, not the malls. She grows amazing veggies and cooks like a pro. She does our laundry and cleans every day. She just got her CA massage license, and she is looking for a job at a high end spa. Y'all can bash marriage and Thai women all you want, but I am a happy boy! wai.gif I'll post another update in a few years for all you who say it can't work.

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  4. After many years of a wonderful marriage to my wife who happens to be a Thai, we both still love pawing each other and yes....holding hands in public. It's called love and affection. Of course we live in the US where such silliness is still acceptable and may explain the rather healthy and happy population of Thai/American couples over here. But I can see the cultural point you are making! Abusing and beating the crap out of your wives while being drunk all day while they work to keep your lazy asses in Thai whiskey, and then cheating on them with 12 year olds at night is another way to go I guess!

  5. Thailand needs to work out their own problems in their own way. The West has enough of it's own problems to deal with. Everyday in America I watch my own country going down the toilet because of incompetent, traitorous leaders and a bloated, corrupt and useless government. We are in no position to tell a country like Thailand what to do or how to do it. While they have no idea what a democracy is, it's up to them to figure it out and decide if that's what they want.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  6. What a brain dead, ignorant bimbo this one is! And you wonder why Thailand's so called elite are such idiots and have driven their country into 3rd world status. Your not fat young lady but you are dumb as a rock! And by the way, your sisters up country are far more attractive than you bleached-skinned wanna be's who have no idea what real wealth is!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  7. Haha the democratic process??? What does Thailand know about such things. Can't be done in a normal way??? What an absurd comment! Just admit it people of Thailand. You don't have the fortitude to fight for a democracy. It took us in America a revolution, a civil war and two world wars to get and maintain our freedoms! What will you do for the same right? Protest in front of Terminal 21 wearing masks! Hahaha! Your version of democracy is just window dressing for a military dictatorship.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  8. A number of academics at our university are posting this frequent Thai-type of response to the outside world.

    Amongst several messages, one of which is included in the message below, is the same as I'm hearing from my Thai colleagues and friends, that is, "the outside world just cannot understand the depth of the Thai mind and culture to be able to understand our situation; therefore they have no right to comment on it."

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1400839294.644500.jpg

    Well the one thing I glean about Thai culture from this comment is they don't understand freedom if speech! No right? Hahaha! Yeah democracy is right around the corner! Just ask your military dictators!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  9. It's only just begun the baht will nose dive the economy will be in crisis the tourists will go elsewhere what a sad day for Thailand .

    The Army promised not to get involved another broken promise my heart goes out to those who thought they had voted for a Government to bring stability to there country sadly were back to where we started in 2006 with the Army taking control . One step forward 10 steps back same same nothing changes !!

    Have you ever though that last time they thought the could trust the PTP and Thaskin

    This time they have been show they can not, so reform must be put in place to stop this happening again

    Please explain to me how can a government be truely democtratic when all the people who are charged with treason become members of parliment

    How can a governemt been democratic when all a criminal needs to do is be on the government benches and the law can not touch him as long as parliment is sitting

    I will wait for you answers with interest

    What in Thailand's long history would ever lead anyone to believe that democracy will work in Thailand? You get the government you deserve!

  10. Me and the Mrs. did part of our honeymoon there a few years back. We did a helicopter ride and really enjoyed that, though a bit pricey. Also took an adventure tour which included a visit to a balinese home, the terraced rice fields, some shopping and lunch looking out over the volcano. Of course you have to try the Leewak coffee and see how its "processed!" Great surfing there too if you're into that. Have fun!

  11. When my wife wanted to improve her English I actually found a private instructor who was Thai but grew up and was educated in the US, had a US degree in Education and taught English to employees of Thai companies. Having an instructor who could speak Thai was tremendously helpful to her. Unfortunately she moved back to the US to continue her education but a private option worked best for us. Looked at a few English schools including the ones mentioned on this board and was not impressed! Just look around and see who the teachers are! 4 weeks of training and they're teachers? Plus many aren't even native english speakers! Yikes!

  12. This one really makes me sick to the gut and angry. Drug dealing scum often operate at gutter level, but this is even lower . Some girls stupid and willingly participate, but the ones that are decieved because they want a better life for themselves and their families do not deserve this.

    Are you saying prostitutes are better than drug couriers?

    Like someone said - these girls are in it for the money,

    Yeah those Nigerian guys are a real catch - especially the ones that own a cow or 2!

  13. Australian Universities are extremely good, and the quality of their graduates is very high. Australia always ranked very highly in comparison to the US, and much of the time was considered better - certainly several orders of magnitude safer than the US as well. I am surprised at these results, and a little skeptical.

    Even Canada beat you! Better than the US? Please!!!!!

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