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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Yes my experience is with large international companies in Bangkok and I have very little experience with the countryside Thais and have no reason to have such associations. Maybe that is the way it is in the countryside but I also think that most of you who live and work in Thailand and are associated with or are married to country girls or live in the countryside have no idea of an entirely different side of Thai culture and business from inside large companies. There are plenty of very hard working, smart and educated Thai men and women working in these large companies. Ive worked with Thai lawyers, engineers, executives, bankers and scientists over the years, both men and women. Plenty of Thai go getters if you look in the right places. Now that said I do believe the Thais do lack a sense of innovation and have a difficult time thinking outside the box but that's a far cry from being lazy.

  2. Agree with your wife. Let her deal with all that stuff. As a Farang you must know by now living there you are a walking target for both friends and foes. My best advice would be don't live in Thailand. Neither my wife nor I ever would. But assuming you will continue to live there keep a low profile with the locals and leave it to your wife to handle conflicts. She sounds pretty good at it by your account!

  3. I just dont think the Thais pay too much attention to content. It's about the look and they probably have no idea what JD even is. On a visit to BK once my wife and I were eating at a restaurant next to a trendy fitness center and saw a lovely hi-so walk in wearing a shirt that said " I F___ on the First Date." I kid you not! She clearly had no idea what it actually said, but it had lots of pretty colors! Lol

  4. Mother in law and father in law are both wonderful people. I'd welcome them both in my home anytime as they have welcomed me in theirs for many years now. Unfortunately they have no interest in leaving Thailand and visiting the US despite my standing offer to bring them over anytime.

  5. Painting with a pretty broad brush here! Every country has lazy people and every country has it's go getters, including Thailand. I've personally worked with many such men and women of the latter over the years as a lawyer handling large business transactions over there. If what you are seeing is lazy and unproductive people then you likely need to find a better class of friends to associate with.

  6. When we visit my wife's family it's always fun being one of the few farang around. I'm always treated very well by the locals - at least to my face. What they do or think otherwise is of no consequence to me either way. I come for my wife and have no interest in staying past a visit or forming life-long bonds with anyone outside the family.

  7. Having lived and worked in Thailand off and on over the years, and given that I can afford to live a very comfortable life in Thailand or my home in the US, I choose the US every time. Not even close. That said, I do enjoy my visits to Thailand and there is always something new to see or do, but I'd never choose to live there full time, and my wife who is Thai concurs. She has no desire to go back to live there anymore.

  8. Yeah my experience with that whole phrase has taught me over the years that it's her polite way of saying I don't want to do that. Thai women won't offend your manhood by taking the decision away from you like farang women, but they know what they want and what they want you to do. This is there way of gently nudging you in the right direction! That said, sounds like you have deeper issues here! Think long and hard before you jump in with both feet!

  9. Yeah my wife has an uncle like that. Funny story - we are visiting for 2 weeks so we walk to the market to get a few things and my wife buys some Thai whiskey for the Uncle. I rebuke her and say why do you encourage him by buying him whiskey - but him some milk or something healthy. She looks at me as serious as a heart attack and says "what's wrong with you? Drunk people not drink milk!"

    I almost wet myself I was laughing so hard!

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