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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. I love visiting Thailand and seeing my Thai family each year or so but their isn't enough baht in the world that would get me to live there. Even my wife who is Thai doesn't care much about going back anymore. As beautiful as certain places are its still a third world country by even the most liberal standards and the weather is awful! I can understand people seeing it as an affordable retirement alternative but no thanks! I'll take my quiet and peaceful central PA small town life any day. The grass isn't any greener for me anywhere else!

  2. Haven't experienced this. My wife has pretty much had it with her family to the point she doesn't want to return to Thailand and certainly never sends them money. She has several thai girlfriends here in the US who say they will never go back again and have disowned their families over their money grabbing demands and are entirely devoted to their husbands as my wife is. I never feel like I am not her number 1. Maybe I'm just lucky!

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  3. From what I have seen Thais are notoriously bad with money. They are impulsive and are easily sold on just about anything. My wife was also this way and her family still is. Only after years of living in the US and learning the concept of a budget and the ramifications of exceeding it did my wife come around. Now she is very responsible and understands the value of a buck. Her family now frustrates her to no end on how they handle their own finances.

  4. My wife has done that for years and never had a problem. She is getting better at putting stuff in the fridge but it's a process. As with any change you want a thai woman to make you need to make it more a gentle nudge. I started by just putting the stuff away myself and she started to pick up on it over time.

  5. My wife is a Bangkok girl born and bred but she was the one I fell in love with and she happened to be Thai. Plenty of beautiful and great women all over the globe and I'm not any more partial to Thai women than to any other. She just happened to be the one. Don't see the need for all these silly generalizations and comparisons. If you fell in love with a country girl and she feels the same what more of an explanation is needed?

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  6. If you are truly wealthy by western standards and not Thai or otherwise working on an expat contract for your company and need to be there, why would you want to live in Thailand? I ask this as a question to hear opinions. Love visiting occasionally as BK is a great city and lots of great tourist spots around Thailand but would never give up my lifestyle in the US for anything Thailand has to offer as a permanent residence. Even my wife who is Thai doesn't like going back anymore for anything other than an occasional visit to see her family in Bangkok. I can see it as an affordable retirement option if budget is an issue or you just want to live a simple and slower lifestyle, but if you really got money why Thailand? Am I missing something?

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