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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. I do think the movie theaters are nicer in BK than in the US, and there are certainly many more malls per square foot in BK, which provide a nice break from the heat. However I don't find good value in the BK malls and would never do any high-end shopping here as I don't trust the authenticity of the merchandise, even at the brand name shops. Further, Thai women (as beautiful as they are) and microphones do not make a pleasant combination to say the least! "Shrill" does not even begin to describe the noise that eminates from these dainty mouths when touting the latest phony white cream or boob enhancer! I do agree the lady watching in the BK malls is far better than in the States. I have noticed as well over the years that the overall butt size of the American woman has increased to monumental proportions to go along with their anti-male attitudes. Food is far better in the BK malls.

  2. The concept of graft (not to mention the lack of the plain ability to think) is so engrained in the psyche of Thai politicians that they can't even speak outside the language of corruption. This is a perfect example of why we as Americans have no interest in what the Thai government says, thinks or does, and we never will. They are simply irrelevant to the rest of the world and not to be taken seriously. Unfortunately their idiocy is going to cost lives as they bungle their way through the recent terrorist issues despite being warned by those who know better.

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  3. How hypocritical. They have outdoor concerts here in Isaan with an eighty foot stage. The last one I went to did me in. Not going back. At what you might call half time all the dancing girls and all the band except the drummer left the stage. Then two katoeys came out on stage carring a six foot long large penis. They went on and on with their jokes playing with the penis. The crowd was full of small children. I asked my wife did people see anything wrong with this being done in front of their children. Her answer was no they see it at many concerts and everyone likes it.

    So that's where I left it!

  4. I fly them alot (Paragon Member) and I actually like the airline. I have gotten many free upgrades and have never had an issue with the service. The business class on this plane is quite comfortable and the food is not bad. The lounge at BKK is comfortable enough and there is a nice spread of snacks. It is usually the best value to and from BKK from LA if you book at their site. Good value IMHO.

  5. Been there twice. Was there the weekend it first opened and it was awful because some of the better rides were not open. Went a year later and it was better. But I agree with theblether. If you are used to US parks you will indeed be dissappointed. Its similar to Hong Kong Disney as compared to its US counterpart. Nice rollercoaster and the Mummy is good but the park is very small. We stayed at the Festive Hotel at the park. Nice place if you have kids and within walking distance of everything. If you want to go on the cheap then staying on Sentosa is not the way to go. Food is incredibly expensive and not particularly good. We paid over $100 US for a lunch for my wife and I and her two young siblings at the Hard Rock Cafe that would have cost under $50 in the US. We did enjoy staying on Sentosa and visiting other attractions there. The sky cable car is very cool but again a bit expensive. I think you can have a good time there if you have younger kids but its certainly not a great entertainment value IMHO.

  6. "She say bad words to me!" Always amazes me how this aspect of Thai culture is the number one event to upset Thais. Using bad words seems THE number one priority if someone speaks to or about another Thai in a bad way, this can cause all hell to break lose.

    The list of national problems such as jet ski or tourist scams, corruption, prostitution, mafia, southern insurgency and so on pales into insignificance if, Oh My God... someone says bad words! Expect to be sued or "disappear" if you should dare make this mistake in the Land of Superficial Smiles".

    Oh sorry did I cause someone to lose their face somewhere? So Sorry jap.gif Just biggrin.png !

    Found it buried between the legs of a 14 year old boy in a Thai government only brothel!

  7. Given that the Thai police actually found a terrorist with a house load of bomb making material despite their denials of terrorists beforehand gives just a tad of credence to the US warning and, well, discredits an already dubious self-serving and clearly inept and overtly corrupt Thai government. It's funny to hear the Thai government try to chastise the US. Like anyone, especially Americans, cares what the Thai government has to say about anything! Don't get me wrong. I love Thailand and the people are wonderful, but I am definitely not a fan of their government on certain issues, just as I am not a fan of my own on many occassions. But having lost friends in the 9/11 disaster, I can say with a critical eye that the US is much better at this kind of thing than the Thai government can ever hope to be, and if our government thinks there is a threat to its citizens, then I'm paying attention. If we learned anything here, its better to be safe than sorry, because sorry can be pretty damned bad! I hope Thailand never has to learn that lesson firsthand.

  8. If she can figure out the answers on her own...marry her.

    Haha! If she can figure it out on her own run for the hills! If so she's alot smarter than you and a Thai hooker to boot so you have no chance! Heads up dude - Soi Cowboy! Sort of says it all!

  9. According to the survey, the director-general added that some foreigners also wish to see a smile from immigration bureau officers, more public toilets at tourist attractions and hope that Thailand will maintain its traditional culture forever.

    Aw! bit of a "CATCH 22" here...... Illegal tour operators and taxi drivers, scams, no toilets, no smiles, etc,.. ARE Thai culture! LOL :lol:

    OMG that is hilarious! And so true. What does it say about a country when we even have to talk about scams with taxis and jet skis! Really - jet skis????? Big timers!

  10. Perfect! Let's take a bunch of students who already lack focus and attention and give them another distraction. E-books? Are you kidding me? Games, social media and internet surfing during class is all this is going to promote. What an idiotic idea, but what do you expect from products of the Thai education system!

  11. I watched the uncensored video and it is still out there.

    This is extremely bad for the country's image around the world.

    It has the semblance of the Brits loutish behaviour in the Spanish holiday resorts.

    It is simply done in bad taste and should be kept in the bars. In fact these girls have brought the bar culture out onto the streets in full view of children and for the world to see.

    A 500 baht fine is a joke for lowering Thailand's image to rock bottom.

    I guess that the pillocks who uploaded the video onto the Internet are shiteing their pants right now and the girls claim to fame has backfired on them.

    Obviously no one here has been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans!!!!!! Who cares! Thailand's image is already that of a morally corrupt society that abuses and exploits there own woman and children, especially all the crooked politicians and police. How can it get any worse?

  12. My wife and I are moving back to the States in about 3 weeks. I want my wife to be able to video chat with her mom here in Thailand. If I get them both iphone 4s, wilth her mom's service here (no wifi) and my wife's service in the US (wifi available), will they be able to use the video chat feature to talk to each other?

    I should also add that her mom does not have access to an internet connection in her home

    so phone internet is her only option.

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