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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Thai humour is so sophisticated that without prompting from a penny whistle or a cymbal crash people will forget to laugh.

    I feel like I'm watching an old episode of the Flintstones every time I hear those damned noises! I wonder what the UCLA Film School has to say about that incredibly overused and trite technique?

  2. Thailand has 7 million air conditioners and if all of them are cleaned, it will save 2 billion units of electricity or Bt6 billion and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1 million tonnes per year.

    Is that taken in account those aircon that will not function anymore an need to be replaced after all those unexperienced children had their time with the aircons?

    Oops,got it..................broken aircons don't use any electricity at all.

    Better keep the ones they got working or they'll be paying a hefty tax on the new ones!

  3. I agree that the reasons behind learning English should have nothing to do with these archaic colonization arguments. It is about globalization, and English is the language that is most used in this new world. It is astounding that the Thai leadership doesn't get this - third world thinking is their problem. I also agree that most of the foreign English teachers in this country are not well qualified, nor are the local teachers. The problem is that well qualified teachers of English have no interest in working for 40 or 50 thousand baht a month in Asia. Most of the expat teachers here become teachers because they can't do anything else to make a living here but still want to enjoy the cheap lifestyle of Thailand. Thus you get the hillbillies and the lower levels of foreign society getting passed off as teachers. (Note: Texas doesn't have many hills nor hillbillies). Also Thai students are not the most motivated nor easy to teach students in the world and it takes a true professional who knows how to both teach and motivate. I just saw my young brother-in-law's english lesson plan from his school and it's pathetic. Half the sentences are grammatically incorrect, and numerous words are not even spelled correctly.

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  4. mother of daughter married to farang,sister who's sister is married to farang,every farang has plenty of money,there's your answer.

    Of course. Farang have the market cornered on magical money trees. Well understood fact.wai.gif

    You could have him taken out for half that! Send a message!

  5. Check to see if Southwest Airlines has an internet special from NY to LA. It may pay you to take a SW flight back to LA to catch a China Airlines flight to BKK. I generally find China Airlines to have the best prices if you don't mind a stop over in Taipei. I just got a flight from Phoenix to Philadelphia on SW for $208 US for next month when we go back to the states.

  6. Do some research. The consensus of enlightened opinion is; do not buy land, leases, condos, or any real property in the Kingdom, under any circumstance. The only exception would be your wife's own property, inherited in a chain of custody - as evidenced by her home registration book.

    Again; no exceptions.

    Not sure about "enlightened opinion". I bought a condo in 2004, lived in it for eight years, and just sold it for double what I paid. Oh, and the baht is also 25% stronger in that time -- another gain since I brought in USD to make the purchase.

    If I had listened to "enlightened opinion", I'd just be out eight years of rent at this point.

    So would you buy now in this market? 2004 was a different time.

  7. It was not her idea to buy a house either, it was mine as I am sick and tired of wasting money renting every month.

    I'd think very seriously about buying a home here. I, like you, have a very good marriage to a Thai lady who I also prefer not work. I would never ever consider buying a home here. If things do go tits up (and never say never here - I sure don't) then you are totally screwed and you will have pissed away your investment. Also, real estate IMHO is not a good investment here.

  8. I continue to rent a very nice condo in BK for when my wife and I are here and would NEVER consider buying anything in Thailand - period! Too much supply in the condo market and too much uncertainty in the government. Also condos are just plain tough to resell. Take advantage of the over-supply and cut a great long term rental deal.

  9. Incredibly worthless article that makes some pretty crazy statements - like a village celebrating the loss of a girl's virginity to the bar scene! In my wife's village there are plenty of girls who chose that route and its far from celebrated. They are talked about behind their back and the family is stigmitized by other villagers - far from a celebration. The ladyboy story is just simply stupid. Never heard of a single incident of such a thing. This is what happens when you let ignorant religious morons display their stupidity in the form of a news story when its nothing but more holy roller propaganda and BS! I expect more from ThaiVisa - not much more mind you, but more!

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